
The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

author:Wood Tree Running Four Directions

The recess time for primary and secondary school students is an important time for their self-development, learning and social interaction. However, in the current school management, there is an undesirable phenomenon called "recess captivity", that is, some students are "captive" in or around the classroom, and they are not allowed to have recess and free activities. This phenomenon has a negative impact on students' physical and mental health and learning effectiveness, and needs to be paid attention to and precise management measures should be taken.

The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

First of all, the phenomenon of "recess captivity" is mainly caused by the mismanagement of students' recess time by teachers. Some teachers take a "one-size-fits-all" approach to facilitate management, prohibiting students from recess activities and instead confined them to the classroom. This practice is not only detrimental to students' physical and mental health, but also affects the development of students' social skills and teamwork skills.

The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

Secondly, the phenomenon of "captivity between classes" is also related to the current education management system and evaluation mechanism. At present, many schools adopt the evaluation mechanism of "grades are king", overemphasizing students' test scores and ignoring the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality and innovation ability. Under this evaluation mechanism, some teachers may adopt some overly strict management methods, such as "recess captivity", in order to maintain their own teaching effectiveness and management results.

The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

In order to solve the phenomenon of "captivity between classes", we need to take the following measures:

The first is to improve the recess system and allow students to carry out recess activities. Schools can make the most of the recess time and promote students' physical and mental health and all-round development by establishing a recess schedule that clarifies what activities students can do during recess, such as outdoor activities, extracurricular reading, group discussions, etc.

The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

The second is to strengthen teacher education and training, and improve the level of education and management of teachers. Schools can carry out teacher education and training activities to improve teachers' education management level, enhance teachers' sense of responsibility and management, so as to reduce the occurrence of "captivity".

The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

The third is to establish a scientific educational evaluation mechanism to emphasize the all-round development of students. Schools should establish a scientific educational evaluation mechanism, focusing on the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality and innovation ability, rather than just focusing on students' test scores. Teachers should encourage students to actively participate in discussions, group activities, etc., in the classroom. The scientific educational evaluation mechanism is of great significance to solve the phenomenon of "captivity between classes". The following are the specific measures to establish a scientific education evaluation mechanism:

1. Pay attention to the evaluation of students' comprehensive quality. Schools should conduct comprehensive evaluations based on students' subject knowledge, comprehensive quality, and innovation ability, rather than only focusing on students' test scores. Schools can comprehensively evaluate students' learning outcomes and comprehensive quality by formulating diversified evaluation methods, such as examinations, classroom performance, practical activities, etc.

The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

2. Pay attention to the cultivation of students' self-directed learning and inquiry ability. In the process of teaching, schools should pay attention to cultivating students' self-directed learning and inquiry ability, encourage students to actively participate in class discussions and group activities, and promote the improvement of students' thinking development and innovation ability.

The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

3. Establish a personalized evaluation mechanism. Schools should establish a personalized evaluation mechanism according to the characteristics and needs of different students, so that each student can receive a fair and reasonable evaluation. At the same time, schools should also provide diversified educational resources and learning environments to provide more support and guarantee for students' development.

The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

4. Pay attention to the professional development and training of teachers. Teachers are the executors of the educational evaluation mechanism and the guides of students' learning. Therefore, schools should pay attention to the professional development and training of teachers, improve the education management level and evaluation ability of teachers, and allow teachers to better guide and guide the development of students.

The phenomenon of "recess captivity" in primary and secondary schools urgently needs to be accurately controlled

To sum up, the establishment of a scientific educational evaluation mechanism is of great significance to solve the phenomenon of "inter-class captivity". Only by paying attention to the all-round development of students, attaching importance to the cultivation of students' independent learning and inquiry ability, establishing a personalized evaluation mechanism, and improving the educational management level and evaluation ability of teachers, can we effectively solve the phenomenon of "captivity between classes" and promote the physical and mental health and all-round development of students.


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