
The dorm door is made of corn on the cob

author:Stand in the corner and gossip

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This story takes place in front of a quiet and ordinary dormitory door, which is by no means earth-shattering, but it can cause people to think deeply about the trivial beauty of life.

The dorm door is made of corn on the cob

The dorm doors are not made of ornate wood, nor are they paved with marble. Instead, it is a door that is elaborately crafted from corn on the cob. It sounds like a bit of a worry-free imagination, but it can't help but make people curious.

Everyone in the dormitory was full of curiosity about this door, and they all thought about this corn cob door: why did you choose such a seemingly ordinary material? What is the meaning behind it?

Among them, a roommate named Xiaojie stopped quietly in front of the door for a long time. He seems to break the silence of time and show us the heart of the dormitory door.

It is found that Xiaojie is always keen to grow various plants and use this as a medium to tell the story of life. He once recounted a solo journey through a valley where the mundane was mysteriously made by the wormweeds that grew on the rocks. He found that the more barren the soil, the more tenacious life can be born. Corn is such a tough soul.

As Xiaojie said, it is no accident that the dormitory door is made of corn cobs. Corn is a gift from the earth, and it carries the hard work of farmers. It is the spring flowers and autumn fruits of farming that make our bustling city life possible. The so-called corn cob door actually embodies a kind of expectation and awe for life.

The dorm door is made of corn on the cob

Corn on the cob is a common choice for dormitory residents because they all believe that the true meaning of life lies in the ordinary daily life. This door could not attract people's attention with its gorgeous appearance, but it touched everyone's heart with its unpretentious quality.

Now, when you walk through this door, you can feel a warmth. It's not domineering warmth, it's a comfort of the heart. This comfort comes from the perception of life, and it is also the tacit understanding formed in the dormitory.

In this seemingly ordinary dormitory, the day of giving corn cobs to each other became the most beautiful gift. Each person carves innocent emotions with their hearts and wooden sticks in their hands, embedding their blessings for their roommates into it.

You may sigh, this is just a door, why is it so admired? However, this door gives us the most profound inspiration with its simple existence: cherish the ordinary and pursue the beautiful.

The dormitory door is made of corn cob, and its existence is to tell the meaning of life. Let us discover with our eyes, think with our hearts, and feel the ordinary and beautiful things in life. Behind the dormitory door is like an open book, waiting for us to use wisdom to decipher.

Perhaps, along the way, you will meet other corn cob doors. Different materials, different shapes, but also contain a rich story. Let's learn to appreciate and feel, and pursue our unique dormitory door with an ordinary mind.

The dormitory door is made of corn on the cob, but that doesn't stop it from being an eye-catcher. When people walk through the streets and alleys, they can't help but stop and gaze and cheer.

The dorm door is made of corn on the cob

When you see the door made of corn cobs, you might as well approach and listen carefully to its soft tinkling story, feel every sincerity and warmth, and let your heart bloom in that warm memory.

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