
North Korea showdown, first nuclear strike target surfaced? South Korea retreated and was willing to engage in unconditional dialogue

author:Straightforward Apple Dp

The U.S. Air Force B-52H nuclear strategic bomber landed in South Korea for the first time, a move that provoked a strong reaction from North Korea and caused tensions in the region. The U.S. move was interpreted as a clear deterrent to North Korea and a sign of U.S. determination on the Korean Peninsula issue. But South Korea's attitude was unexpected, and they chose to back down and expressed their willingness to talk to North Korea without conditions. This makes people wonder whether the US strategic deployment on the Korean Peninsula can really achieve the desired results.

North Korea showdown, first nuclear strike target surfaced? South Korea retreated and was willing to engage in unconditional dialogue

North Korea, for its part, has been unusually tough, arguing that the actions of the United States and South Korea have seriously threatened North Korea's security, and even China and Russia have been affected. North Korea claims that the U.S. and South Korean military actions have crossed North Korea's red lines, and that they have the right to take preemptive measures to protect themselves. The DPRK constitution also clearly stipulates that in the event of a nuclear threat, the DPRK has the right to use nuclear weapons to retaliate.

North Korea showdown, first nuclear strike target surfaced? South Korea retreated and was willing to engage in unconditional dialogue

North Korea's confidence is not groundless, in addition to having nuclear weapons, they also have the support of Russia. Kim Jong-un visited Russia last month and held talks with President Putin, and the two countries reached a series of consensus on security issues and established a mechanism for regular negotiations. This has undoubtedly strengthened the DPRK's confidence in the confrontation with the United States and South Korea.

North Korea showdown, first nuclear strike target surfaced? South Korea retreated and was willing to engage in unconditional dialogue

In the end, the strategic deployment of the United States on the Korean Peninsula faces a major test. On the one hand, North Korea's nuclear weapons and Russia's support have forced the United States to reassess its military strategy in the region. On the other hand, South Korea's concession has also complicated the U.S. plan. If the United States fails to properly handle its relations with the DPRK, its deployment on the Korean Peninsula may fall short. As for China and Russia, they will never sit idly by and watch the United States stir up trouble at their own doorstep, and once the United States moves to threaten their security, China and Russia will not hesitate to take measures to protect their own interests. The United States needs to recognize this, otherwise its strategic deployment on the Korean Peninsula will end up being nothing more than a castle in the air.

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