
Yunyang Town, Nanzhao County: Strengthen political guidance and give full play to the guarantee of the rule of law

author:Times Report Network

Since the launch of the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" law popularization work, Yunyang Town has adhered to the integration of general governance and simultaneous development of popular governance, implemented precise policies in legal popularization and publicity, adhered to the people-centered, adhered to the fundamental idea of serving the people under the rule of law, integrated rule of law publicity and education into the town's "safe rule of law star" creation work, and continuously promoted the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity, so that the light of the rule of law illuminates life and integrates into everyone's heart.

Strive to build a rule of law position. In order to promote the construction of the rule of law in Yunyang and continue to deepen the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" law popularization, Yunyang Town has made great efforts to build theme parks with unique legal culture characteristics such as Yulan Garden, Xiguan Community, and Yungang Community in accordance with the principle of "the position has a scale, the rule of law culture has a long corridor, the cultural wall has a bright spot, and the village (community) has a rule of law culture propaganda column, and has made efforts to build theme parks with unique rule of law culture characteristics, such as Yulan Garden, Xiguan Community, and Yungang Community, so that the sense of security, happiness, and satisfaction index of the people in the jurisdiction has been significantly improved.

Yunyang Town, Nanzhao County: Strengthen political guidance and give full play to the guarantee of the rule of law

The rule of law gathers and revitalizes forces. The work of popularizing the law is not to mechanically interpret the connotation of the law to the citizens, but to take the hot and difficult issues that the masses are concerned about as the 'bull's-eye', speak words that the masses can understand, and express them in a form that the masses like to see, so that the belief in the rule of law can take root and sprout in the hearts of the masses. Since the beginning of this year, three phases of training have been carried out for people who understand the law, and 148 teams of "people who understand the law" from 26 villages (communities) are active in their respective jurisdictions, and they give full play to the advantages of being rooted in the grassroots level of "familiar people, places, and things", and become "explainers" of the Constitution and laws and regulations, "resolvers" of contradictions and disputes, and "collectors" of social conditions and public opinions, so as to guide the masses to enhance their awareness of the law, the concept of the rule of law and the consciousness of doing things according to law, so as to ensure that contradictions and disputes are resolved in the bud, and contribute to the construction of a safe Yunyang. At the same time, the town's "people who understand the law" and the safety office, police station, judicial office, petition office, women's federation and other parties linked, and used the "superintendent's visit +" to organize and coordinate the resolution of 11 contradictions and disputes, and resolutely achieved that "small things do not go out of the village, big things do not go out of the town, and contradictions do not turn in".

Yunyang Town, Nanzhao County: Strengthen political guidance and give full play to the guarantee of the rule of law

Improve mechanisms for governing schools in accordance with the law. Establish the concept of "starting from the baby" in popular legal education, and all 17 primary and secondary schools in the town are equipped with vice principals of the legal system, and employment certificates are issued. Through holding spring and autumn lectures on legal knowledge, using cases to explain the law on campus, and other legal popularization publicity and education practice activities, guide the majority of teachers and students in the town to actively participate in publicity and education on the rule of law, do a good job of protecting minors, sow the sunshine of the rule of law for young people, and make every effort to escort the healthy physical and mental growth of minors.

Yunyang Town, Nanzhao County: Strengthen political guidance and give full play to the guarantee of the rule of law

At present, it is a critical period for the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" to connect the past and the next, and Yunyang Town will take the creation of the "Ping An Rule of Law Star" as an opportunity to implement precise policies and target efforts, promote high-quality development with high-quality legal publicity and education, and create a good legal environment for striving to write a new chapter in Chinese-style modernization. (Correspondent Liu Lu)

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