
Trensu has a series of deterioration events! Mengniu is caught in a food safety storm again

author:Passionate little sugar candy

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The "Double 11" shopping carnival is in full swing, and people are rushing to buy all kinds of goods. However, Mengniu's super single product Trensu was suddenly shrouded in doubts due to deterioration. Recently, a number of consumers have reported that Mengniu Trensu milk has deteriorated during the shelf life, which has aroused widespread concern in the society. This kind of frequent quality problems has caused consumers to have doubts, and also caused people to pay attention and worry about food safety. So, what happened to Mengniu? What is the reason for the frequent quality problems of Trensu milk? How can consumers protect their rights? These are all questions worth exploring. According to reports, a number of consumers have recently experienced spoilage problems after drinking Mengniu Trensu milk, many of them with children, and allergic reactions have made consumers worried. On October 31, Mr. Hui from Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, purchased Terensu milk through regular channels and had a problem with spoilage within the shelf life, and the children at home were allergic to rashes after drinking it. This incident has aroused the attention of many consumers, and even led to more spoilage problems, and consumers have expressed their demand that Mengniu take more active measures to solve the problem. Mengniu, on the other hand, said it was willing to compensate for a carton of milk, but this compensation plan was not recognized by consumers.

Trensu has a series of deterioration events! Mengniu is caught in a food safety storm again

So, as consumers, how should we protect our rights and interests? What measures should consumers take to protect their rights and interests in response to such quality problems? Have you ever encountered that the food you buy does not meet safety standards, causing the food to spoil or develop an odor? If you encounter this kind of problem, do you know what your rights are? The Food Safety Law stipulates that if a consumer suffers damage due to food that does not meet food safety standards, he can claim compensation from the operator or producer, but in addition, more compensation can be obtained. So, how many people know their rights? And, are there more consumers experiencing similar situations to those in the above article? On October 24, a consumer filed a complaint on the Black Cat complaint platform, saying that he had placed an order for two cartons of pure milk at the Telunsu flagship store, but the milk tasted bitter and spoiled, and the packaging box was slightly black. Similar situations are not uncommon. Another complaint shows that the consumer purchased a carton of Trensu pure milk, but the milk within the expiration date was tofu lumps and watery, accompanied by a pungent odor. These circumstances must be of concern to us. Therefore, we need to ask ourselves some questions: why did these food products fail the safety check?

Are consumers fully aware of their rights? And, have the relevant authorities taken adequate measures to address these issues? According to Article 148 of the Food Safety Law, consumers can claim compensation from producers or operators, but if producers or operators produce or sell food that does not meet safety standards, consumers can also obtain more compensation in addition to claiming damages. However, we need to be wary of preventing the recurrence of these situations more than compensation. Therefore, we need to ask ourselves some questions: Are government departments increasing their regulation of food? Should consumers pay more attention to food safety? And, should food producers pay more attention to their social responsibility? We should be aware of the importance of these issues, not only to ensure our own rights and interests, but more importantly, to ensure the food safety of the whole society. Let's take action to focus on food safety issues and promote the development of the food industry. The quality of Trensu milk has attracted attention, and complaints about the spoilage of the product within the shelf life are increasing on the Black Cat complaint platform. This may be a harbinger of the recent refusal by the General Administration of Customs to import a batch of Trensu milk.

According to public information, the reason why this batch of Trensu milk was denied entry was because of the problem of filth and corruption. Contamination and spoilage may be due to the presence of suspicious non-raw material impurities in the food, or due to changes in the sensory state of the product due to damaged packaging, insufficient cold chain, etc. According to the regulations, this batch of Telunsu products will be returned or destroyed at the port in accordance with the law. The reporter sent a letter to Mengniu to verify whether the production line of Telunsu was traced back to the source, but did not receive a response as of press time. Trensu Milk is one of Mengniu's "pillars" and occupies an important position in its product line. According to Lu Min, president of the group, at the interim results meeting, the growth rate of Trensu milk reached 10% in the first half of the year, and the growth of ambient yogurt and white milk also returned to previous levels. However, the exposure of quality problems may bring growth difficulties to Mengniu. Consumers' concerns about product quality can affect their purchasing decisions, and sales of Trensu milk may be affected. In addition, Mengniu's response to the complaint has also attracted much attention. If they fail to address quality issues in a timely manner and regain consumer trust, Mengniu will struggle to get out of its growth woes. To solve this problem, Mengniu needs to take a series of measures.

First of all, they should conduct a comprehensive traceability of the production line of Trensu milk, find out the problem, and improve the production process. Second, they need to strengthen communication and supervision with supply chain partners to ensure the quality and safety of products. In addition, Mengniu should also increase the strict testing and monitoring of products to ensure that every bottle of Trensu milk meets quality standards. In general, Mengniu is facing a growth dilemma caused by the quality of Trensu milk. They need to take steps to address quality issues and strengthen the supervision and testing of products. Only in this way can consumer trust in Trensu milk be restored and the growth dilemma can be extricated. What is your opinion on the quality of Mengniu Trensu milk? Will you continue to buy Trensu milk? Mengniu's liquid milk business has always been an important part of the company's total revenue, but this dependence has also made Mengniu's overall anti-risk ability unbalanced. Recent data shows that the growth rate of Mengniu's liquid milk business has slowed down significantly, which has had a great impact on the company's overall performance. In order to get out of this crisis, Mengniu began to think about developing a second growth curve, how to achieve it? The ice cream business is one of the second growth curves that Mengniu wants to develop.

While the business grew 10 percent in the first half of the year, this result was below Mengniu's expectations of at least 20 percent. Mengniu is aware of this problem and plans to focus on traditional channels to boost the growth of the ice cream business. In addition to the ice cream business, Mengniu needs to look for growth in other areas. The milk powder and cheese business did not help the company much, so it needed to expand into other areas. However, this is not an easy task, and Mengniu needs to have a deep understanding of the market and accurately position itself in the direction of development. Overall, Mengniu faces some challenges, but at the same time, there are many opportunities. Companies need to study the market in depth, accurately position themselves in the direction of development, and strive to achieve the second growth curve. For Mengniu, the road ahead is full of twists and turns, but as long as we strengthen our confidence and conform to the market, we will be able to become a stronger enterprise. So, how do you think Mengniu should achieve the second growth curve? Mengniu's milk industry achieved a total revenue of 51.119 billion yuan in the first half of this year, an increase of 7.1% compared with the same period last year, but the milk powder and cheese business with declining revenue has put Mengniu in the dilemma of increasing revenue but not increasing profits. And the "double 100 billion" goal and the plan of "building a new Mengniu in five years" have not been achieved as scheduled.

Against the backdrop of weak consumption, how to break through the predicament and achieve growth?

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