
The U.S.-Israeli coalition has carried out large-scale retaliatory actions against Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria

author:Lingnan swordsman

On November 9, RIA Novosti reported that after the United States bases in Syria and Iraq were attacked by drones and missiles, the Pentagon announced that Biden ordered F15 fighters to bomb the weapons depots of Iran and its groups in eastern Syria, and then the Syrian army and Iranian groups broke out into fierce fighting against the US military and Syrian democratic forces, and the casualty data has not yet been officially reported. After about 10 hours, the US military and the Israeli Air Force launched another retaliatory operation, massively bombing Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria.

The U.S.-Israeli coalition has carried out large-scale retaliatory actions against Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria

According to the latest data, missile and bomb strikes were carried out on the strategic logistics center of Al-Quds controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, in the area of Damascus and Abu Kemal's air ports, focusing on the destruction of the Bavar-373 air defense system of Iranian production and the Buk-M2 of the Syrian armed forces. To achieve maximum efficiency, the US-Israeli coalition uses modern precision weapons, including glide-guided aerial bombs JDAM-ER and GBU-39/B, as well as anti-radar missiles from the AGM-88E AARGM. Despite the fact that the missiles were partially intercepted, the strikes were effective and caused significant damage to the military infrastructure.

The U.S.-Israeli coalition has carried out large-scale retaliatory actions against Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria

The report pointed out that because the Palestinian-Israeli conflict ignited the war in the Middle East, the United States and Iran and Syria have a new hatred and old hatred, and in the face of the confrontation that continues to break out at any time, the US Air Force dispatched a strategic bomber B-1B to help, this fighter can use the AGM-158B JASSM-ER long-range cruise missile, which is stealthy and capable of overcoming air defense systems at a considerable distance. The presence of these warplanes in the region strengthens the US military presence and warns of a possible new strike.

The U.S.-Israeli coalition has carried out large-scale retaliatory actions against Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria

In addition, according to Reuters, Allah forces have acquired P-800 Yahonte anti-ship supersonic cruise missiles from Syria, which pose a serious threat to the US fleet in the Middle East. The United States has repeatedly declared that it does not advocate opening another front with Iran, but will retaliate for attacks on its military bases and for Iran's intervention in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Iran, covertly and covertly, does not let the US military feel better, providing more advanced weapons to the Houthis, Iraqi forces, Allah forces, etc., to strike at Israel and the US military. The most important goal at present is to stop the massacre of the people of Gaza by the United States and Israel.

The U.S.-Israeli coalition has carried out large-scale retaliatory actions against Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria

It has to be said that the large-scale bombing of Iranian and Syrian military targets by the US-Israeli coalition will inevitably trigger a new round of more intense retaliatory actions against the United States and Israel. As Trump said: The incompetent Biden administration is leading the United States closer than ever to World War III! #Military##Syria##U.S. military dynamics##Israel##Iran##Iran#

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