
The battle between Lebanon and Israel is tense! Iran said it wanted to intervene, and Israel destroyed Iranian military bases overnight

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Today, let's talk about the unprecedented crisis facing Israel, including the confrontation with Hamas, Allah forces, and the complex situation of Iran's involvement.

The Israeli military's move of troops northward and air strikes on Iranian military bases have also made the situation even more confusing. It's an interesting series of developments that makes one want to know more details.

The battle between Lebanon and Israel is tense! Iran said it wanted to intervene, and Israel destroyed Iranian military bases overnight

Israel faces an unprecedented crisis

The situation in Israel can be described as a wave of unsettled waves in recent days, first the Hamas armed group launched a military operation codenamed "Al-Aqsa flood", which led to tensions in the Gaza Strip, and then the Lebanese Allah armed forces emerged again, Israel seems to be facing two fronts at the same time, and the pressure can be imagined.

There is still room for maneuver in the conflict with Hamas, but the Allah forces have never been fuel-efficient lamps, and they insist that Israel withdraw its troops from the gold farms, otherwise it will use all means to regain the "lost territory".

The battle between Lebanon and Israel is tense! Iran said it wanted to intervene, and Israel destroyed Iranian military bases overnight

To make matters worse, Hamas no longer seems to be alone, and according to the information that has been revealed, Iran has expressed its full support for the various armed fronts resisting Israel, which means that Israel is likely to face armed forces from several countries.

This is something that Israel has never encountered since its birth, and even in the early days of independence, it was only a confrontation with the surrounding Arab countries, and this time, the opponent will directly target Israel itself.

The Israeli army has not yet fully grasped control of Gaza, the Lebanese Allah forces have popped up again, and the Hamas forces have launched the "Al-Aqsa flood" military operation, and Israel is really unprecedentedly dangerous.

The battle between Lebanon and Israel is tense! Iran said it wanted to intervene, and Israel destroyed Iranian military bases overnight

Some public opinion in China believe that if this crisis is not handled well, it is very likely to turn into a war of attrition, and Israel's resources and national strength cannot be compared with the other side.

What's more, Iran's involvement has made the war bigger than anyone could have imagined, and if Israel makes a mistake, it is very likely to trigger a war in the Middle East.

Israel moved troops north

In the face of such a situation, the Israeli military certainly does not dare to be careless, especially since the conflict against Hamas has escalated to the point of martial law, and it is time not to take action.

But how to end up after the attack is also a very tricky question, the strength of the Israeli army is undoubted, but Israel, which is small, sparsely populated and lacks resources, simply does not have any ability to fight a war of attrition.

The battle between Lebanon and Israel is tense! Iran said it wanted to intervene, and Israel destroyed Iranian military bases overnight

Once the war drags on, the consequences are unimaginable, so the Israeli military must win the war in the shortest possible time.

This will require a full occupation of Gaza, a move to the northern border, and an all-out assault on Allah forces.

According to the intelligence exposed, the Israeli army has begun to move troops on the northern border, and it is clear that this time their target is directly aimed at Allah Lebanon.

Israeli airstrikes on Iranian military bases

In addition to strengthening its homegrown deployment, Israel has taken a very aggressive step by launching airstrikes on Iranian military bases in Syria.

This information has never been officially acknowledged by Israel, but conclusions can be drawn on the basis of multiple evidences.

So why is Israel doing this?

The battle between Lebanon and Israel is tense! Iran said it wanted to intervene, and Israel destroyed Iranian military bases overnight

Some analysts believe that this is a deliberate provocation by Israel to provoke Iran in an attempt to provoke the latter to fight back.

If Iran does attack Israel, Israel will have every reason to side with the United States, which is likely to be drawn into a Middle East war.

In this way, the conflict between Israel and Iran shifts to the conflict with the United States, and the risk of an attack on Israel itself is greatly reduced.

Iran warns of a counterattack once Allah is hit

But Iran is clearly not fooled, on the contrary, they have made it clear that they will support Allah's armed resistance to the end.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said directly in an interview that if Israel continues to fight Allah, they will launch a larger retaliation.

A more immediate threat came from Iran's ambassador to the United Nations, Bagaihai, who "will fully support a counterattack if Israel declares war on Allah." ”

The battle between Lebanon and Israel is tense! Iran said it wanted to intervene, and Israel destroyed Iranian military bases overnight

Obviously, the scope of this counterattack will not be limited to Lebanese territory, and if war does break out, Israel is likely to face the threat of a direct invasion by Iranian forces.

The United States fears being drawn into a war in the Middle East

In the face of tensions between Israel and Iran, the United States, of course, also waited for a long time and found an exit in despair.

Although Trump has always been strong in guarding Israel's mausoleum, the United States, as a global superpower, has always been his most important international responsibility to maintain stability in the Middle East.

In the event of a full-scale war between Israel and Iran, the United States could be unavoidably drawn into it.

The battle between Lebanon and Israel is tense! Iran said it wanted to intervene, and Israel destroyed Iranian military bases overnight

What worries the United States even more is that, in the eyes of some, Israel has deliberately provoked Iran with its air strikes in an attempt to transmit the flames of war to the United States.

Although there has not been any open conflict or contradiction between the two countries, it is reasonable for the United States, as a party to the Iranian nuclear issue, to be the target of Israel's attack.

Interactive sessions

The crisis facing Israel is unprecedented, the situation is complex, and Iran's involvement has made it even worse. The United States is also worried about being drawn into a war in the Middle East, and the whole situation is on the verge of eruption. What are your thoughts on the tensions in the region? Come and leave a message to discuss!

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