
Iran's presidential election has been postponed, and the candidates will compete again on July 5, and Khamenei did not expect it

author:The name is too long

With Iran's presidential election on June 28 over, the top two candidates in the round, Pezeshkian and Jalili, will enter the second round on July 5 as none of the four candidates received more than half of the vote.

The Iranian presidential election is really full of twists and turns, Ahmadinejad, who is highly vocal, did not enter the six-member squad, and on the day before the general election on the 28th, two candidates withdrew from the final race, and the final voting deadline was postponed several times on the day of the general election on the 28th......

But in the end, there was a loneliness.

Iran's presidential election has been postponed, and the candidates will compete again on July 5, and Khamenei did not expect it

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been involved in the presidential election and has high expectations, but throughout the election process, the spiritual leader, who has actually been in power in Iran for 35 years, did not expect.

For one, the turnout was so low that it was far higher than expected.

In this Iranian election, the number of people who are eligible to vote is indeed quite large, more than 61 million, but how many people voted in the end?

According to statistics, there are only 24535185 votes, and the vote rate is only 40%, which is lower than the low 48% of the previous term.

Iran's presidential election has been postponed, and the candidates will compete again on July 5, and Khamenei did not expect it

Second, the pragmatic conservative Kalibaf fared far worse than in the pre-election polls.

The conservatives are strong in the six-member group of four in the general election, and with the withdrawal of Hashemi and Zaqagni, the votes are concentrated in Kalibaf and Jalili.

I never thought that Kalibav would receive only 3383343 of the vote, with only 13.8 per cent of the vote, far below Jalili's 38.6 per cent and the reformist Pezeshkian's 42.5 per cent.

This is at odds with the polls that preceded the election, when Kalibav was favored by voters and was ahead of other candidates in various polls.

Iran's presidential election has been postponed, and the candidates will compete again on July 5, and Khamenei did not expect it

What do you think of these two situations that are far from expectations?

Ahead of the official vote, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Ali Khamenei called on the public to actively participate in the vote, stressing that high turnout was "absolutely necessary", but in reality the voter turnout was much lower than expected.

This shows that the words of Iran's supreme leader, who have been in charge for 35 years, are not working well, and that voters, who are predominantly young, are tired of political and social realities.

As one voter Amir said, "I don't expect much from these elections because the president is not the key decision-maker at the level of government here."

Iran's presidential election has been postponed, and the candidates will compete again on July 5, and Khamenei did not expect it

If no one is the one who can ultimately determine national policy, why do you have to participate in such boring elections many times?

This may reflect the true inner voice of some Iranians.

In addition, in the game between conservatives and reformers, Pezeshkian's performance in this election was impressive at 42.5%, which shows that the public is dissatisfied with conservative forces, whether pragmatic or tough, and has turned to the expectation of change.

Realistically speaking, if the conservative votes are concentrated again, the winner must be a member of Kalibav and Jalili, according to this logic, the game on July 5, the hard-line conservative Jalili will definitely be elected.

Iran's presidential election has been postponed, and the candidates will compete again on July 5, and Khamenei did not expect it

But there is uncertainty in everything, just like this election, when it comes to July 5th, who will win in the end is really not certain?

I just don't know who Supreme Leader Khamenei supports in his heart and who he hopes to win?


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