
Attention every family!

author:Jiangsu Fire Protection
Attention every family!

Summer temperatures are rising

The weather is unpredictable

Electricity and gas consumption have increased dramatically

Faulty electrical wiring, overload of electricity

Use mosquito repellent supplies

Smoking in bed, using fire to leave people


These details of life

Don't pay attention to it

It is easy to cause fires and disasters

Prevent home fires

Be alert to these fire hazards


Hidden dangers: improper use of mosquito repellent supplies

On April 26, 2024, a fire broke out in a residential area in Hengyang City, Hunan Province, and it was confirmed by investigation that the fire site was located in the bedroom of the residence.

Attention every family!

Hidden danger: Kitchen fire away from people

On May 14, 2024, a fire broke out in a resident's home in Hailing District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, and upon inquiry, it was learned that the householder was cooking in the kitchen and forgot to turn off the kitchen stove when he went out.

Attention every family!

Hidden dangers: smoking in bed, littering cigarette butts

On May 21, 2024, a fire broke out on the 27th floor of a high-rise residential building in Fengtai District, Beijing, and after investigators checked the surveillance, it was found that the residents on the 28th floor before the fire threw unextinguished cigarette butts out of the window, and the cigarette butts hit the wall and rebounded to the balcony of the residents on the 27th floor, and then ignited the debris on the balcony, resulting in a fire.

Attention every family!

Hidden danger: electrical line failure

In June 2024, a fire broke out in a residential building in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong, and after preliminary investigation, it was found that the fire was mainly caused by the external unit of the air conditioner, and the cause of the fire was the fault caused by the aging of electrical equipment, which ignited the surrounding combustibles and caused the fire.

Attention every family!

The family is the smallest unit of society

Fire safety cannot be overlooked


Keep in mind

"Three clearances and three clearances"

Clean the kitchen, clear the balcony, clear the walkway

Turn off the air source, turn off the power, and close the doors and windows

[Summer family fire safety knowledge] must be kept in mind↓↓↓

Attention every family!
Attention every family!
Attention every family!
Attention every family!
Attention every family!
Attention every family!
Attention every family!
Attention every family!
Attention every family!

Material: Jiangsu Fire Protection, Wuxi Fire Protection, Taizhou Fire ProtectionEditor: Xiong Guojun, Lu Xin Review: Teng Hui Producer: Ding Wei

发布:江苏消防全媒体工作中心投稿:[email protected]      
Attention every family!

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