
I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

author:Curious Barry 4P7O

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I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

My name is Li Nan, I am 48 years old and I am a middle school Chinese teacher. My daughter Xiaoqian is 26 years old and has just married her boyfriend Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming is also 26 years old, a programmer, handsome, stable at work, and very good to Xiao Qian. After getting married, the two rented a house to live in, and I lived alone, and Xiaoqian often came to visit me.

A few days ago, Xiaoqian suddenly proposed: "Mom, you live alone, I am always worried about your daily life." Why don't you move in with us, so we can take care of each other and I can be by your side often. ”

I smiled and said, "That's a good idea, I'm a bit lonely by myself, so I can move in with you." But does that bother you young people?"

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

Xiao Ming immediately said: "Aunt Li, you are laughing, we are very happy that you came to live with us." I will definitely take good care of you. ”

It's been a month since I moved in with them. Xiao Ming respects me very much, often calls me Aunt Li, and will take the initiative to help me with housework, which makes me very happy as a mother.

For example, once, as soon as I put my clothes in the washing machine, Xiao Ming volunteered and said, "Aunt Li, have you put the laundry detergent in it?" Let me add it for you." Another time, when he saw that I was going to the supermarket to buy groceries, he immediately said, "I just happened to go to the neighborhood to run some errands, so let me help you move back." ”

When Xiao Qian went to work during the day, Xiao Ming also worked remotely from home. He is very serious and focused, he will order takeout at noon, and he will ask me considerately: "Aunt Li, what do you want to eat, I will order one for you." ”

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

In the evening, Xiaoqian went home, we ate and chatted together, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Xiao Ming often makes our mother and daughter happy.

At noon that day, Xiao Ming said to me while eating, "Aunt Li, the food you cook is really delicious! It is much better than the restaurant outside." ”

I smiled and said, "Xiao Ming, you kid, your mouth is still so sweet." ”

He smiled coyly as well.

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

On this day, Xiao Qian was going on a business trip, and Xiao Ming and I were at home. After dinner, Xiao Ming cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks as usual, and then went back to the room to continue working. I was alone in the living room watching TV, watching and falling asleep.

I was startled by Xiao Ming's strange eyes and gasped. Xiao Ming also seemed to realize that his actions were inappropriate, so he quickly looked away and stammered, "I'm sorry Aunt Li, I just got distracted and scared you." ”

I smiled reluctantly, nodded and said it didn't matter, then turned back to my room. As I passed by Xiao Ming's side, I smelled a faint smell of alcohol.

Closing the door, I sat on the edge of the bed. Maybe I'm overthinking, Xiao Ming is usually so good to me, how can he be crooked about me? I decided to sleep and come back tomorrow to see the situation.

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

But I tossed and turned, and I couldn't sleep. Thinking back to the look Xiao Ming looked at me just now, it was clearly not a normal gaze. I began to worry if moving in with them was the wrong decision.

Xiao Ming said politely: "Aunt Li is early, I am working from home today, so I don't have to go out." Come, you have breakfast first, I made soy milk and steamed buns. ”

He was wearing a white shirt and home pants today and looked in good spirits. I reminded myself that last night might have been just a small episode, and maybe I thought too much about it and didn't have to dig deeper.

After breakfast, Xiao Ming returned to his room to work, and I was reading a book in the living room alone. At noon, Xiao Ming greeted me for dinner after cooking, and we talked and laughed again as usual.

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

After eating, I went back to my room for a lunch break, and in a daze, I felt someone sitting gently on the edge of my bed. I opened my eyes in horror and saw Xiao Ming sitting next to me, looking at me with eager eyes!

One of my spirits sat up from the bed and asked him, "Xiao Ming, what are you doing in my room?"

Xiao Ming's face turned red, and he said hesitantly: "Aunt Li, I, I just passed by here, seeing that you are sleeping uncomfortably, and I just want to help you tuck the quilt." ”

I was shocked and said, "Xiao Ming, I appreciate your kindness, but please don't enter my room again." ”

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

Xiao Ming said yes again and again, and left apologetically. But I couldn't calm down all afternoon.

At night, I was vigilant and locked the door before going to bed. In the middle of the night, I woke up and seemed to hear footsteps outside. I lay on the bed and didn't dare to move, and I was relieved until the footsteps were far away.

Xiao Ming's smile froze, but he still nodded and said, "Okay, Aunt Li, you say." ”

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

I took a deep breath and said as calmly as I could, "There were some things that happened yesterday that bothered me a little. I understand that young people have strong physiological needs, but I hope you don't act too far. After all, we are in the relationship between elders and juniors. ”

Xiao Ming blushed and denied: "Aunt Li, I only have respect for you, and I have no other thoughts, these two days are just a small misunderstanding." I assure you that you will not be embarrassed in the future. ”

I nodded, hoping that this was just a minor episode that could be avoided in the future. But just in case, I decided to keep the door locked tonight.

Sure enough, late that night, I was suddenly awakened by a noise outside the door. As I lay in bed and listened with bated breath, I heard the sound of unlocking and pacing outside the door, and then my door was opened from the outside!

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

I looked at the door in horror, only to see Xiao Ming walk in quickly and start undressing him!

I yelled for him to stop and leave my room. Xiao Ming ignored me and slammed me down on the bed. I struggled desperately, but he had too much strength.

I smiled and said to Xiao Ming, "It turns out that all this is a birthday surprise prepared by you! Your acting skills are really good, and you have successfully scared me." ”

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

Xiao Ming smiled shyly and said, "Thank you, Aunt Li, for the compliment." Actually, Xiaoqian and I want to apologize to you, our idea is too reckless, and it has caused you trouble and trouble. I'm really sorry!"

I quickly said, "Now that I understand what is going on, I understand your intentions, so I don't have to blame myself." On the contrary, I want to thank you for creating such a warm birthday surprise for Xiaoqian. I'm glad to see your dedication to Xiaoqian. ”

Xiao Ming said happily: "That's good, I also hope to shorten the distance between us through this joke." Aunt Li, you are just like my elders, you must tell me if you need anything in the future. ”

I nodded and said, "Okay, we'll be like a family from now on." This is also a lesson for me, not to be suspicious of people easily. ”

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

From that day on, my opinion of Xiao Ming changed completely. Through this little drama, I saw his delicate and considerate side. He will take care of his lover and learn to put himself in the shoes of others.

So, on Xiaoqian's birthday, I actively cooperated with them to complete this wonderful "birthday drama". When Xiao Qian excitedly praised our "acting skills", Xiao Ming and I couldn't help but laugh.

This birthday drama became a tacit joke in our family. Every year on Xiaoqian's birthday, we will take it out to remember. This has also become a secret between me and Xiao Ming, every time we think about it, we will secretly look at each other, and the corners of our mouths will rise.

I am very glad that I have established such a deep relationship with Xiao Ming. This little drama not only shortened the distance between us, but also made me realize that I should not look at a person with partial generalizations. In the future, I will look at the people around me with a more tolerant and kind attitude.

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

Trust between people takes time to cultivate. It is inevitable that there will be misunderstandings in getting along, but as long as we understand each other, we can resolve the estrangement and the relationship will be more harmonious. It was also a precious experience that taught me not to judge people lightly.

It became a turning point in my life.

Moreover, through this dramatic "confrontation", I found that Xiao Ming and I are still far away in many aspects. For example, he has the courage to express love and will take the trouble to prepare surprises, while I am more euphemistic and reserved. Understanding our differences, I began to learn to express myself rather than just observe them.

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

In the end, this little drama became a tacit joke in our family. Every year on Xiaoqian's birthday, we will also take it out to joke. This accumulation of memories strengthens our feelings. I feel like we're a family.

Now, I will share more of my own things with Xiao Ming and listen to his thoughts. We will discuss family matters together. Xiao Ming also began to treat me as if he were his own, caring about my health and daily life. I also no longer lock the door, and I feel completely comfortable handing myself over to this new "family".

The most precious treasure in life is family and friendship. I'm glad that that scene made me and Xiao Ming so sincere. It increases our understanding and brings us closer. Every time I think of this, I smile gratefully, and the trust between people must be accumulated over time.

This "birthday drama" not only brought me closer to Xiao Ming, but also brought me a deep reflection on my outlook on life.

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

In the past, I was always Xi being wary of others, for fear of being hurt. This experience taught me that true trust comes from understanding and tolerance of others. I can't prejudice all people because of some negative experiences in the past.

Xiao Ming's kindness has always existed, but I myself reject it and don't believe it. The reason why people can understand each other is to take the initiative to give each other a chance to show themselves. If I am always hostile to Xiao Ming, his kindness will be difficult to convey.

It also reminds me that the meaning of life encounters is that they can change our hearts. After this "confrontation", I am no longer the self I used to be too deeply defensive. I began to learn to take the initiative to understand each individual and not be limited by my own biases.

In addition, this experience also made me realize the beauty of life. The creativity and enthusiasm shown by Xiao Ming are the precious things of life. I want to be thankful for these wonderful moments in life. In the past, I was always looking for the big meaning, ignoring that life itself is a huge art.

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

Now I am no longer just Xiao Qian's mother, but also Xiao Ming's friend. We will respect and understand each other. I began to enjoy this family-like warmth and was no longer defensive. I know that the most precious treasure in life comes from inner fulfillment and happiness.

It also made me realize that relationships need to be nurtured by both parties. It takes time to build trust and affection. It requires peace, not defensiveness. After this time, I finally saw that life can only be better if we understand every life with our hearts.

Overall, this "accident" has made me grow a lot. It has enhanced my understanding of others and enriched my inner world. I began to take the initiative to discover the beauty in life and enjoy the happiness of my family. Every encounter in life will actually become an opportunity for us to grow ourselves. Thank you for these wonderful episodes in life that have made me wiser and more fulfilling.

This seemingly absurd "birthday drama" has achieved a sincere relationship and made me see another possibility of life.

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home

At first, my impression of Xiao Ming was only that of a polite son-in-law. But this "accident" gave me a glimpse of his multi-faceted and three-dimensional personality. He has the courage to express love, is full of romantic feelings, and knows how to plan surprises. This is a bit different from what I used to know about him, and I thought he was a traditional and reserved man.

As a result, I began to examine whether I was overgeneralizing. There can be many different aspects to a person, and I shouldn't jump to conclusions based on limited exposure alone. To understand a person objectively, you need to let go of your preconceptions and discover different aspects of him with a proactive mindset.

I also realized that there is another possibility in life. In the past, I was Xi to be conservative and cautious, but Xiaoming's enthusiastic actions showed me that life can also be more open and creative. I don't always have to care about "whether it's good or not", as long as I have good intentions, I can boldly try all kinds of possibilities. It gives me the motivation to have a lot of untasted tastes in life.

Now, I will tell Xiao Ming more of my thoughts and listen to his opinions. We will discuss the big things in the family together, especially about Xiaoqian's arrangements. I'm also starting to regain some of the light-hearted optimism I had as a son-in-law. Xiao Ming often amused me, and our atmosphere became as light and comfortable as friends.

This play has undoubtedly brought us closer. It broke the framework of my son-in-law's identity, and I saw Xiao Ming's vivid personality. Now we are more like a family, and I no longer deliberately maintain a sense of distance. Life is enriched by the trust between us.

It takes time to build a relationship, but the key is to understand each other with a peaceful and kind heart. This experience made me realize that there must be many surprises waiting in life as long as we are willing to discover. Thank you for this episode that made us feel sincere, and it made me see another possibility of life.

I live with my 26-year-old son-in-law, who is polite, but unruly when my daughter is not at home