
Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation
Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

The bank of Suhe Bay is separated from Miaoling in Zhuangxiang Township by more than 2,000 kilometers, but the cooperation and friendship have crossed the mountains and seas, and it has continued for 27 years.

Since 1996, the Jing'an District Party Committee and the District Government have attached great importance to the cooperation between Shanghai and Yunnan, promoted it at a high level, helped each other with sincerity, worked hard and worked together, and promoted the rapid and high-quality economic and social development of Wenshan City, Yanshan County, Malipo County and Guangnan County.

In Guangnan County, a new batch of cadres and talents aiding Yunnan went deep into factory workshops, fields, community centers, and rural courtyards to investigate and study Xi, measure the land of the motherland with their feet, listen to the voices of the people with sincerity, and constantly explore the path and answer of rural revitalization.

The relevant person in charge of the Cooperation and Exchange Office of Jing'an District Government said that in the next step, Jing'an District will resolutely implement the requirements of "four no-picks" and "two maintenance and three strengthening", closely focus on the goals of high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable villages, and prosperous farmers, continue to give full play to Jing'an's advantages in capital, technology, market, etc., deepen innovation and cooperation, increase exchanges and exchanges, strengthen supply and demand linkage, production and marketing docking, strengthen skills training, improve the level of consumption assistance, promote the joint construction of the park, and constantly create resource sharing, complementary advantages, A new situation of win-win cooperation between the east and the west.

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

A "fairy grass" grows the "golden square" of the industry

-- Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation to solve the code of Guangnan Dendrobium to get rich

"Nineteen rooms were filled again. Wu Di, director of the reception office of the Liulang City Immortal Grass Secret Scenic Area, pointed to the starry sky B&B on the mountain and said. This year's summer vacation and the National Day holiday, the reception volume of the scenic spot hit a new high one after another, and the peak received more than 10,000 tourists a day, the secret of which is to seize the "fairy grass" of Dendrobium officinalis.

Liulangcheng is located in Yangliujing Township, Guangnan County, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. In the past, this Zhuang village, located deep in the mountains, was closed to traffic. The Quang Nam dendrobium, which has been cherished and guarded for generations, is also in the embarrassing situation of "hiding in the deep alleys and not being recognized".

Nowadays, Dendrobium officinale is attracting more and more attention - along the mountain upward, Dendrobium "nests" are arranged and combined to form various bonsai "phalanxes" at the top of the head. "Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation also helps the local construction of Guangnan Dendrobium seedling breeding and product research and development base, to achieve scientific, standardized and large-scale seedling breeding, and to promote Dendrobium products to the market. Zhao Qingyuan, a cadre of Shanghai's aid to Yunnan, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangnan County Party Committee and deputy county magistrate, said.

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

Let the mountains and mountains be rich with the United States, and the border cities and ancient villages will realize the integrated development of "three industries".

Follow the winding mountain road to Liulangcheng Village, where a wooden building-style gate is hidden in the green forest. The village is built on the mountain, the scenery is beautiful, the history and culture have a long history, and it is said that it was named after the camping place of Yang Liulang in the Song Dynasty.

Walking into the village, many houses are undergoing façade renovation. "There are a total of 53 houses in the village that need to be renovated, and it takes about 200,000 yuan to renovate one household, and the people themselves contribute 20%, and the rest of the government will bear it, and it will be completed this year. Yao Qihong, deputy head of Yangliujing Township, introduced that the people's enthusiasm for participation is very high, because this is the only place for tourists to go up the mountain to enter the scenic spot. The praise rate of the scenic spot reached 93%, and the small number of negative reviews were mainly concentrated at the bottom of the mountain. Shanghai's aid to Yunnan has been built as a demonstration site as a whole, so that the mountains and mountains can be prosperous with the United States. ”

In July last year, Zhao Qingyuan took over the baton in charge of the cooperation between the east and west of Guangnan. For more than a year, he led the team members to build a demonstration site for rural construction in Liulangcheng by relying on the advantages of a good foundation of plateau characteristic agricultural industry, profound historical and cultural heritage, and undamaged cultural and tourism resources. Municipal assistance funds, district-level funds and Guotai Junan assistance funds have been invested in a coordinated manner, and the construction of comprehensive public service houses for newly renovated villages, paving of activity venues, new harmless sanitary public toilets in AAA scenic spots, restoration of old stone roads, and installation of solar street lamps has been implemented. The overall appearance of the village has been improved.

While the infrastructure in the village is constantly improving, the characteristic industries have also ushered in vigorous development. With the support of Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation funds, Liulangcheng Village has built 219 acres of imitation wild Dendrobium officinalis base, 420 acres of imitation wild Dendrobium officinale planting and organic planting base, 45 acres of Dendrobium officinale seedling tissue culture and scientific research base, with an annual output of 1 million bottles of tissue culture seedlings, 15 million clusters of seedlings, and more than 70,000 catties of flowers and fresh strips. In the new tourist reception center Gonghu Garden, more than 50 special products such as dendrobium toothpaste, sachets, and facial masks, and even a dendrobium feast containing dendrobium dumplings, dendrobium wine, and dendrobium ice cream, can be enjoyed.

Du Huihua, a cadre of Shanghai Aid Yunnan and deputy director of the Guangnan County Rural Revitalization Bureau, said that by building a characteristic agricultural industry ecological chain, Liulangcheng Village has formed an industrial complex integrating the planting and processing of Dendrobium officinale in Guangnan, demonstration and observation, sightseeing and tourism, and leisure and health care, realizing the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, and "letting Dendrobium go out and let the world come in".

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

Realize your childhood long-cherished wish and grow together with the company, project and village

"My grandmother's house is in the village, I grew up there, and when I was sick, my grandmother burned 'black knotweed' (dendrobium) water for me to drink, which was very effective. However, 'Black Knotweed' is not well-known outside of Quang Nam, and I have always buried a dream in my heart to 'let 'Black Knotweed' go out'. Zhou Yichang, head of Lingya Native Dendrobium Technology Co., Ltd. in Guangnan County, said.

In 2014, Dendrobium officinale was listed as a national geographical indication protected product and was approved as a "national brand" brand. In the second year, Ling Ya began to develop the planting industry of Dendrobium officinale in Liulangcheng Village, and gradually expanded to intensive processing and cultural tourism industries. At the same time, Shanghai has helped the Dendrobium industry and the integration of three industries in Liulangcheng Village through the Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation project, which also brings more opportunities for the development of Lingya.

Walking up the stone road, the road is full of clouds and mist, and the water vapor is fluttering, as if you are in a fairyland. To achieve this effect, a large reservoir was built, which was built with the help of Shanghai.

The Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation fund also supported the construction of the Duoduo tissue culture factory, the first phase of the project construction of Guangnan Dendrobium seedling breeding and Dendrobium officinale scientific research base, the second phase of the project construction of the Dendrobium officinale products rough processing workshop, the development of a series of health products with Dendrobium officinale as the core.

"From the reservoir to the tissue culture factory, and then to the construction of the overall demonstration site, three consecutive batches of aid teams have brought great help to the development of Lingya's industrial chain. Zhou Yichang said that the characteristics of Shanghai's cadres in Yunnan are particularly pragmatic, and they often come to inspect the progress of the project without greeting, "Zhao County's biggest help to us is to open our minds." ”

In the past, Ling Ya operated the scenic spot alone, and the villagers stayed away from the operation, as long as they waited for the end of the year to receive dividends. However, this will limit the enthusiasm of the villagers to cooperate with the project. The idea of Shanghai's cadres to aid Yunnan is that enterprises mobilize the masses to participate in the operation together, "we must make good use of this opportunity." ”

"If you are rich, you are not rich, but if you are rich, you will be rich." The operation of Liulangcheng has been changed to the model of "party branch + cooperative + company + base + farmer", through the establishment of cooperatives and then the formation of group companies, the method of "turning parts into a whole" is adopted to promote the development of enterprises from "fighting alone" to "fighting in a group", so as to realize the "double advancement" of enterprise development and mass income increase.

The second change of thinking is to "go global", not only to go out of Guangnan through offline activities, but also to expand its influence through Internet platforms such as Ctrip, Xiaohongshu, and Donkey Mama. "At the suggestion of Zhao County, we opened a Xiaohongshu account to publish cultural tourism information. In terms of secondary production, through drainage, group leadership and consumption assistance, Dendrobium series products are sold to Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang and other places. Zhou Yichang really felt that in the past 8 years, with the continuous advancement of the Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation project, the company has grown with the project.

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

The per capita income of farmers in the agricultural belt increased by 20%, attracting young people to return to their hometowns for development

Through employment and dividends, the per capita income of Liulangcheng Village reached 14,000 yuan, an increase of 20% compared with two years ago, and the project accounted for more than 90% of the village's collective income. Yao Qihong said, "Since there is a way to get rich at home, there are obviously fewer people going out to work, and more and more young people are returning to their hometowns to work." ”

Wu Di, who was born in 1999, is one of them.

In the face of the arrival of guests, she is confident and enthusiastic, and she talks eloquently about the development and changes of her hometown in recent years, and her pride is overflowing. Just three years ago, after graduating from Yunnan University of Technology and Business with a degree in flight attendant, she was still working for a well-known airline, and like many young people, Wu Di dreamed of seeking a place in the big city. Wu Di said with a smile: "I chose to return to my hometown to work because I heard that the government and enterprises are helping the villagers get rid of poverty and become rich, and create a big industry through a fairy grass, which is something I am willing to do from the bottom of my heart." ”

In 2022, the scenic spot will open its doors to welcome guests, and Wu Di will be sent here by the company. Her main role is to receive visitors, handle complaints, manage the reception staff, etc. She climbs up and down every day, casually walking 10,000 steps a day.

From flight attendants to white-collar workers to receptionists, the "regression" in the eyes of others is the "growth" that Wu Di himself feels. Wu Di said that participating in the construction of Liulangcheng Village and witnessing the changes in the village, especially the changes in the local villagers, made her feel a great sense of accomplishment. "When tourists first came in, the villagers didn't greet customers when they sold mineral water in front of their homes. Later, more and more villagers joined the tourism industry, and everyone influenced each other, and now as long as there are tourists, anyone in the village will welcome them warmly. ”

The integration of the three industries of tourism has really increased the income of the villagers. "Even if you sell mineral water, you can sell it for a few hundred yuan a day in the peak season. Wu Di introduced that about 70% of all employees engaged in tourism in Liulangcheng Village are from the village, and the average monthly salary is about 4,000 yuan.

As a middle-level of the company, Wu Di's monthly income has risen to 8,000 yuan, and part of her income is invested in the company, which can be distributed at the end of the year, "I can buy a car right away!"

Nowadays, the attraction of this "thousand-year-old strong township, border city ancient village" is getting stronger and stronger, and the wanderers are returning to their hometowns, and Shanghai and Yunnan are working together to build Liulang. In this way, in the secret realm of fairy grass, the industrial wealth code of Dendrobium officinale gradually became clear. Mountains and seas work together to create a new picture of livable, workable and beautiful villages.

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

Deepen the "what Guangnan needs, Jing'an can do", and put industrial revitalization and people's income increase in a prominent position

——Dialogue with the cadre team of Shanghai Aiding Guangnan

The cooperation between the east and the west, the combination of the four has led to the comprehensive revitalization of Quang Nam villages

Question: What kind of "first impression" did Guangnan leave on the Yunnan aid team, and what kind of "small goals" did you set in your mind?

Answer: After entering Yunnan in July last year, the most intuitive feeling is the local expectation: in the past, Guangnan, which is located in the rocky desertification area, has high mountains and steep slopes, thin land and poor people, and is called "wide and difficult". After poverty alleviation, Guangnan has also changed from a national-level deep poverty county to a key county for national rural revitalization, focusing on transformation and development from an industrial perspective, hoping to bring substantial income to the people and embark on the broad road of "the breadth of the sky and the south of the clouds". The local cadres are very simple, white and black 5+2 dedication and struggle, and the development of enterprises is also not easy, and everyone hopes to achieve a new look through their own efforts. These are a spur to our work.

Three years of aid to Yunnan, a lifetime of Guangnan love, this temporary experience will become one of the most valuable assets of our life. I hope to consistently practice the good practices of Jing'an cadres on temporary duty, and bring help to Guangnan from the perspective of rural revitalization.

Q: Focusing on "what Guangnan needs, what Jing'an can do", what fruitful explorations have the Yunnan aid team carried out?

A: First, the combination of Shanghai's capital and local resources. Based on the comparative advantages of Quang Nam's resources, we will strengthen project support and financial support through the east-west cooperation mechanism, cultivate and expand regional characteristic industries, and form a new regional brand. For example, we focus on the peak cattle industry, on the basis of investing funds in the early stage to build fattening factories, build seed source centers, and introduce expert workstations, we will set up a new beef cattle trading market this year to standardize transactions and ensure the income of farmers from the perspective of traceability. Another example is the fruit industry, we enhance the added value through the construction of cold storage, fruit factories, and deep processing plants. In addition, the Chinese herbal medicine industry has also invested in building tissue culture factories to improve product development capabilities and bring higher added value.

The second is the combination of the Shanghai headquarters and the local base. Introduce leading enterprises to formulate production management standards, promote brands, etc., and optimize and upgrade related industries. We introduced by Shanghai Xinrong Industrial Group Co., Ltd. accounted for 59.22% of the shares of Yu Ze (Wenshan) company, to drive the development of the original green silicon industry in Guangnan, the first phase of the project has started, the production capacity is mainly to do monocrystalline silicon rods and slices in the photovoltaic industry, the second phase of the project is expected to start next year. It is expected to achieve a fixed investment of 2 billion yuan.

The third is the combination of the Shanghai market and local products. Quang Nam is a large agricultural county with abundant agricultural products. Relying on the advantages of Shanghai's market circulation, we introduced Shanghai 900 (Group) Co., Ltd. to build in Guangnan Park, and at the same time brought Guangnan products to various exhibition and sales platforms in Shanghai, forming a long-term mechanism and working system and service platform for production and marketing docking and interest connection, and promoting all kinds of "local specialties" in Guangnan by creating an online and offline integrated marketing model.

Fourth, the combination of Shanghai technology and local projects. In our natural water lifting and sewage treatment projects, we have introduced advanced technologies provided by Shanghai enterprises to promote the project. For example, the sewage treatment project is close to the reservoir and needs to be relocated to ensure that the sewage is not discharged into the reservoir. After the introduction of Shanghai technology, the sewage can be purified to the highest standard of Class A and discharged into the reservoir, which not only saves the cost of relocation, but also better preserves the living Xi and habits Xi of the original Zhuang Township.

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

The industrial chain is upgraded, and the integration of "three industries" paves the way to prosperity at the doorstep

Q: As a key project of Jing'an's aid to Yunnan this year, how did Liulangcheng realize the integrated development of three industries?

Answer: As a wild provenance reserve of Dendrobium officinale in Guangnan, with the joint efforts of Shanghai Aid Yunnan and local enterprises, Liulangcheng Village has built a Dendrobium officinale planting and seedling tissue culture and scientific research base, with an annual output of 1 million bottles of tissue culture seedlings, 15 million seedlings, and more than 70,000 catties of flowers and fresh strips.

In the process of planting and cultivating, the local area has also developed special products such as dendrobium mask and dendrobium toothpaste, which are welcomed by the market. At the same time, Liulang City comes from the story of Yang Liulang in the Song Dynasty, and the previous creation from the perspective of tourism has achieved certain results.

This year, we have taken the improvement of the rural living environment as the starting point, and carried out the overall transformation and improvement of basic roads, sewage facilities, and village appearance, so as to create a model and demonstration for consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

In the future, it is expected to become a Dendrobium industrial complex integrating Dendrobium officinale planting and processing, demonstration and observation, sightseeing and tourism, leisure and health care in Guangnan, and realize the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism.

Our support funds are not only for scenic spots, but also for the entire Rokuro City Village as a demonstration site. Our work is combined with the key industries in the county and the key work of promoting the construction of Hemei villages in the county, so as to drive the people to increase their income and get rich.

Q: It is through the idea of extending the chain and strengthening the chain to supplement the chain, the industrial revitalization in Quang Nam County continues to move forward, I heard that many people now choose to work at home, and are not willing to go out to work?

Answer: Through industrial revitalization, paving the road to prosperity at the doorstep of the people, there are not a few such beneficiaries.

More than 70% of Shanghai's capital should be used to develop local industries. We hope that more villagers will be able to return to their hometowns for development, on the one hand, they will be able to find a way out nearby, and at the same time, they will be able to take better care of their families. There are people who come, there is work to do, and there is money to be made. This is also in line with the requirements of building a new picture of livable, workable and beautiful villages.

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

A city in the rear, looking forward to more social forces to help remote schools

Q: During the visit, we noticed that Quang Nam has achieved remarkable results in social assistance, including Kohler's project and the warm winter action of social assistance. Can you tell us about the work on mobilizing social forces?

Answer: Since the beginning of this year, Guangnan County has put in place more than 700 yuan of social assistance funds, half of which are assistance funds and half are donations and materials. Among these projects, the aforementioned Liulangcheng project has funding from Guotai Junan. This year, as a vivid practice of foreign-funded enterprises participating in the assistance, Kohler's "Good Products into the Countryside" program will enter Quang Nam, which will help schools, health centers and other places to build 150 points of sanitary equipment, bringing a safe, comfortable and convenient water experience.

At present, education is most needed by social forces, especially schools in remote areas. Their hardware needs to be improved, teachers work very hard to live in the school, and students need to live in the school because their families are far away from the school, but sometimes they even have to sleep in a bed for two or three students. We also call on more caring enterprises in Shanghai to come to Guangnan for on-the-spot inspections and lend a helping hand to help the education and health cause in Guangnan.

Q: In the next step, how will Shanghai-Yunnan cooperation help Guangnan comprehensively promote rural revitalization?

A: Since June this year, we have been planning for next year's projects, and we have selected them according to the key tasks of the county and the requirements of building a beautiful village.

In terms of agricultural cooperation, it is mainly focused on the two leading industries of peak cattle and tea, and the construction of intensive processing plants. Because if Guangnan's products are to be sold to Shanghai and other large markets, the logistics cost is very high due to the distance, and only by making high value-added products can we better achieve increased income. In addition, in the process of building a demonstration site in Hemei Village, the supporting facilities of Changchong pear industry will also be stepped up.

In terms of consumption cooperation, it makes full use of the carrier advantages provided by 900 Group, and at the same time does a good job of online live broadcast to help Guangnan local products fly more smoothly to the dining table of the people of Shanghai.

In terms of industrial cooperation, we will pay close attention to the construction progress of the second phase of Yuze, and strive to fully implement the third phase of the project, bring real industrial transformation to the local area, and significantly increase financial revenue.

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

"Group" K holds up the people's livelihood and warm sun in Miaoling, Zhuangxiang

——Promote the all-round development of medical care and education in Guangnan County

The first case of intracranial tumor resection, the first case of intracranial microvascular decompression, sellar lesion resection, CPA lesion resection...... Over the past year since entering Yunnan, Chen Wei, a doctor from Shanghai and director of the neurosurgery business of Guangnan County People's Hospital, has filled a number of technical gaps in county-level and even state-level hospitals with exquisite technology, allowing patients with difficult brain diseases to enjoy expert-level treatment at the "doorstep", greatly saving the cost of going out for medical treatment.

"Under the leadership of the teachers in Shanghai, I gradually found a teaching method that is more suitable for me, and the students' enthusiasm for learning Xi has increased significantly. Huang Shidan, a teacher at Guangnan County No. 10 Middle School, said that with the help of the Qinglan engineer apprenticeship, she often "learns" from her master to enrich her teaching experience.

The "group" assistance of medical and educational talents is an important symbol of the high-quality development of east-west cooperation. Since entering Yunnan in July last year, the members of the support group have provided strong support for the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization with their deep feelings of aiding Yunnan. Through the "group" assistance, high-quality medical resources have been shared online and sunk to the villages, and the education in the recipient areas has developed in a balanced manner and continues to advance, and the medical conditions and education level of Guangnan have been significantly improved, and more and more Yunling villagers have experienced the "Shen" friendship of the people of Shanghai.

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

People in Guangnan, ask for medical treatment in Shanghai

"I hope that our help will be helpful to the development of the hospital, the government is recognized, the people are satisfied, and the staff are happy, which is the purpose and goal. "Group" helped Yuan Minjian, the leader of the medical team of Guangnan County People's Hospital, and four Shanghai doctors, including Chen Wei, Chen Liqiang, Wei Zhongyi, and Luo Xueqin, to enter Yunnan at the beginning. He decided to regard Quang Nam as his second hometown.

In order to extend the superior medical resources to the "last mile" at the grassroots level, the medical team went deep into more than 10 townships (towns) and visited more than 20 health centers and village clinics on the spot.

"If the patient does not move the expert, he will not go out of the county to treat a serious disease." In addition to unblocking the "people's heart road" downward, the Shanghai medical team also set up a "heart-to-heart bridge" upward.

They coordinated the superior resources of their superiors and successively invited professors of liver disease from Shanghai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, vice presidents, directors of the Department of Infectious Diseases, and directors of the Department of Gastroenterology of Shanghai Jing'an Zhabei Central Hospital to carry out remote joint consultations for patients.

"After all, there are only a limited number of doctors to be stationed, and the needs of patients are unlimited, and telemedicine provides a highly effective complement to this. Yuan Minjian said that the information advantage can fully mobilize the strength of experts, and the diagnosis and treatment opinions with reference value can be given to the patient's treatment plan and follow-up care plan from thousands of miles away, so that more appropriate technologies can sink to the grassroots level.

In addition to online consultation, the medical team further leveraged rear resources, and invited expert teams from Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Tongji Hospital, Shanghai Jing'an District Central Hospital, Shanghai Jing'an District Zhabei Central Hospital, Shanghai Jing'an District Shibei Hospital and other expert teams to the hospital for offline guidance. In the form of business training, more than 10 training courses on topics such as scientific research ability improvement have been held in combination with clinical subject examples, and a scientific research grid system of clinical medical technology departments has been established to achieve the "double improvement" of medical quality and scientific research capabilities.

In order to build a medical team that cannot be taken away, the help team will "transplant with soil" the advanced technical level through surgical teaching, teaching ward rounds, academic lectures, etc., so as to realize the seamless connection between the "hands-on" of experts from intraoperative teaching to the guidance of the side and the "hands-on" of the independent chief surgeon observed by the doctors, and the aided departments have gradually become "sharp knife" departments from weak to strong.

With the efforts of the Shanghai team, the Guangnan County Critical Maternal and Critical Neonatal Treatment Center successfully passed the review and acceptance of the Yunnan Provincial Health Commission. At the same time, on the basis of consolidating the achievements of the original eight provincial key clinical specialties such as orthopedics and anesthesiology, the Department of Gynecology has been successfully established as a key clinical specialty in Yunnan Province. As of July this year, the medical team has carried out a total of 35 cases of 14 new technologies, received a total of 1,620 outpatient and emergency patients, conducted more than 780 teaching rounds, operated 382 times, trained 344 people, held 61 academic and training lectures and training courses, trained 2,899 people, consulted 393 difficult cases, and sorted out more than 30 standardized rules and regulations.

Only by truly leaving the technology in the local area can the assistance work be more solid and extensive.

Jing'an: Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, comprehensively promote the revitalization of rural areas in Guangnan, and create a new situation of east-west cooperation

Shimmer practice, to "real" to promote teaching

"Educating people is the accumulation of bits and pieces, running a school is the superposition of day after day, and only by practicing a 'real' word can we live up to the great mission of education. In July last year, Shi Yuxiong, then the vice principal of Shanghai Muslim Middle School, came to Guangnan County No. 10 Middle School as the principal. Nine teachers from three other schools in Jing'an District and Chuxiong No. 1 Middle School in Yunnan Province arrived one after another. In the face of the "young school" that has only been established for more than two years, and in the face of the team of teachers with an average age of only 28 years old, Shi Yuxiong "loves the school and wins the family, loves the child and wins", and led the members of the support team Shen Jun, Ma Hongxiang, Cui Jianjun and other members to conduct in-depth research and cohesion.

For him, although he is far away from the county seat, his work and accommodation are in the highest school in Quang Nam, it is extremely inconvenient to go out to attend meetings and purchase daily necessities, "The advantage is that the school is home, and living with more than 3,500 teachers and students can understand the latest situation of the school 24 hours a day, and more importantly, it is easy to form a close, harmonious and harmonious campus interpersonal relationship with everyone." ”

Walking into Guangnan No. 10 Middle School, the school emblems of "one training and three winds" and "real" on both sides of the gate are eye-catching. "Ten" and "real" have the same sound, and the bits and pieces reveal the concept of the teachers of the ten middle schools to do things and run the school seriously, so they are also set as the best logo of the school by the help team.

Under the leadership of Shi Yuxiong, Quang Nam No. 10 Middle School has continuously optimized the "Efficient Classroom 6+1 Guidance Model", "Quang Nam No. 10 Middle School Collective Lesson Preparation System", "Quang Nam No. 10 Middle School Teaching Routine Inspection System" and other system documents on promoting teaching reform and improving classroom efficiency. In the "Integration of Teaching and Evaluation" group classroom teaching competition in Guangnan County, the school won three first prizes, and 2 people participated in the Wenshan Prefecture competition on behalf of Guangnan County.

This year, the university's undergraduate acceptance rate exceeded the original target by 376%. At the same time, the school's dropout rate has dropped significantly, and the young school is gaining more and more recognition from the local population. "The majority of teachers, students and staff are ambitious and energetic, and have reached a consensus on the "real" culture of the school brand proposed by the help team, and are full of confidence in the prospects of running the school in the tenth middle school, and full of expectations for the vision of the development of the tenth middle school; the professional development of teachers is more conscious, and the ambition of students to go out of the mountains is more firm. Talking about the changes over the past year, Shi Yuxiong said.

When he arrived at Guangnan County National Vocational High School, the only vocational high school in Guangnan, Zhang Jun, vice principal of Shanghai Yifu Vocational and Technical School, led the support team to guide local teachers to adjust their concepts and improve their methods, and pay attention to the comprehensive and healthy development of teachers and students. As soon as the team arrived in Quang Nam, the actual number of students reported for the fall semester of 2022 was more than 400 more than planned. In the face of difficulties, Zhang Jun, in line with the social responsibility of vocational educators, led the team to complete the transformation of the temporary transitional campus in 7 days, and completed the "recruitment of all talents" as required.

The 3 members of the Shanghai team and the 5 members of the Wenshan team gave full play to their own strengths, devoted themselves to the fiery education practice with bitterness as happiness, and accumulated more than 600 total class hours of listening and evaluation, covering all the cultural and professional disciplines of the school, and actively striving for resources from all parties to carry out the "Rainbow Plan" and "Spreading Wings Plan", with a total of more than 2 million yuan in assistance funds and facilities and equipment, and established cooperation with China's first batch of great craftsmen "Tao Wei Master Studio". At present, the school has built 8 middle and high school majors, and has carried out close cooperation with 6 public high-quality colleges and universities such as Yunnan Modern Vocational and Technical College and Wenshan Vocational and Technical College in professional construction, joint schooling, and double-teacher teacher training, and the admission rate ranks first among the vocational schools with more than 500 graduates in Wenshan Prefecture. The newly developed Chinese herbal medicine cultivation enterprise title order training model of the school won the "Wenshan Prefecture 2023 Characteristic Talent Demonstration Project".

"In the next step, the school will also develop innovation and entrepreneurship school-based courses, and form teams to participate in the 'Internet + Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Competition' at all levels to make up for the gaps and shortcomings of innovation and entrepreneurship in Guangnan vocational education. Zhang Jun said.

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