
Promote development through reform, and speed up the development and construction of Nansha in an all-round way

author:Guangzhou Nansha release
Promote development through reform, and speed up the development and construction of Nansha in an all-round way

On June 25, the Nansha District Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively deepening reform and the spirit of the recent meeting of the Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the Central Committee, Provincial Party Committee and Municipal Party Committee, and to review the newly revised work rules of the Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the District Committee, the work rules of the special group and the office work rules, the list of members of the newly revised Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the District Committee, and the summary of the comprehensive deepening of reform in Nansha District in 2023. Nansha District will comprehensively deepen the reform in 2024 and other documents, listen to the report on the reform of the Greater Bay Area, such as the convergence of tax rules and cross-border data flow, and study and deploy the next step.

Liu Wei, Secretary of the District Party Committee and Director of the Comprehensive Deepening Reform Committee of the District Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Li Deqiu, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, attended the meeting.

Promote development through reform, and speed up the development and construction of Nansha in an all-round way

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to grasp the correct direction of reform and promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Nansha by comprehensively deepening reform.

The first is to take the lead in promoting a new round of comprehensive deepening reforms, focusing on key areas such as scientific and technological innovation, factor marketization, investment and financing, and business environment construction, to study and plan a number of major reform matters, and to create the main platform for the province to implement creative-led major reforms.

The second is to take the lead in serving the overall situation of national reform and development, take the initiative to connect with high-standard international economic and trade rules, implement the promotion strategy of the pilot free trade zone, and create a new highland of high-level institutional opening-up.

The third is to set an example in promoting the new journey of Chinese-style modernization, thoroughly implement the "Nansha Plan", build a major strategic platform based in the Bay Area, cooperate with Hong Kong and Macao, and face the world, and better serve the construction of "one point and two places" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to focus on the key and difficult points of reform, and speed up the development and construction of Nansha to form a breakthrough.

First, we need to make substantial breakthroughs in high-quality economic development. Carry out special actions for major project planning and reserves, improve the system and mechanism for investment promotion, and establish a service mechanism of "nothing to disturb and respond to requests".

The second is to promote substantive breakthroughs in comprehensive cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao. Accelerate the construction of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Innovation Zone, formulate and introduce implementation measures for the practice of professionals from Hong Kong and Macao professional institutions, and create a pilot zone for entrepreneurship and employment of Hong Kong and Macao youths.

The third is to promote high-level opening-up and make substantive breakthroughs. Promote the construction of key platform projects such as the "Going Global" Comprehensive Service Base for Chinese Enterprises, the Pilot Zone for Agricultural Opening-up and Cooperation, and the Phase V of Nansha Port Area, and build a high-level gateway hub for opening up to the outside world.

Fourth, we should make substantial breakthroughs in urban planning and construction. We will carry out high-standard pilot projects for comprehensive reform of land management and comprehensive empirical pilot projects for future cities, and thoroughly implement the "Millions and Thousands of Projects" to promote the ecological construction of Lumei Nansha.

The meeting demanded that we should do a good job in the implementation of reform tasks and promote the formation of more landmark reform achievements that can be known, seen and felt.

The first is to strengthen overall planning and pay attention to coordination and advancement. Improve the reform leadership system and mechanism, and build a responsibility system for the special group to grasp the general work in blocks, the specific implementation of the leading departments, and the comprehensive coordination of the reform office of the district committee.

The second is to strengthen team building and encourage responsibility. Establish a clear orientation of "only those who are promising, and give way if they do nothing", adhere to the "three distinctions", implement the fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism, and make reform and innovation the strongest voice in Nansha.

Third, we must strictly supervise the implementation and improve the quality and efficiency of reform. Intensify the implementation of reforms, improve the reform performance appraisal system and mechanism, pay attention to the summary, publicity, replication and promotion of reform experience, firmly establish the people-centered reform value orientation, and launch a number of creative and leading reforms, so as to effectively enhance the sense of gain of reform.

Members of the Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the District Committee and heads of relevant units of the District Committee participated.

Promote development through reform, and speed up the development and construction of Nansha in an all-round way
Promote development through reform, and speed up the development and construction of Nansha in an all-round way

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Source: Political Research Office of Nansha Development Zone

Text: Liu Bingwei

Correspondents: Liu Ming, Chen Guanshan

Image: Infographic

Editor: Wu Jiaojiao

Proofreader: Zhang Jinxin

Second trial: Li Xiatong

Final review: Li Lizhi

Producer: Nansha District Rong Media Center

Submission email: [email protected] (This article was originally published by "Guangzhou Nansha Release", without authorization, any media and public account shall not be reproduced and adapted, welcome to share it with friends.) )

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