
Suining public security detected a fraud case of more than 400,000 yuan

author:Morning Shaoyang

Suining News Network News On June 25, the Suining County Public Security Bureau Director Pushuilu Police Station and the Dongshan Police Station jointly cracked a major fraud case and arrested the criminal suspect Tang Mouxiang, involving an amount of more than 400,000 yuan.

On February 10, 2020, the Changpu Water and Land Police Station received a report from the victim, Yin Mougen, that he had been cheated of money. After receiving the report from the Changpu Water and Land Police Station, Director Kang Shunli attached great importance to the case, immediately convened a case study and adjudication meeting, and set up a special group for anti-fraud actions with deputy directors Kang Peng, He Xiwen, Xiao Wanxiong, Huang Haikun, and police officers Liu Weihua and Yang Peng as members. In order to solve this case as soon as possible, the police of the special group often searched for clues overnight, and after more than 4 months of arduous combat, the case finally made breakthrough progress.

On June 24, the criminal suspect Tang Mouxiang was arrested and arrested, and the next day began to be a new year's holiday. The police of Changpu Water and Land Police Station and Dongshan Police Station gave up their vacation time to reunite with their families, and carried out interrogation work all night long, and finally under the strong legal offensive and in the face of iron evidence, the criminal suspect Tang Mouxiang truthfully confessed the facts of his fraud crime. After investigation, Tang Mouxiang is a habitual fraud offender, and since the 1980s, he has been cracked down on by the public security organs for fraud many times. This time, Tang Mouxiang mainly used fictitious facts to package the project and asked others to cooperate in the shares in Dongshan, Guanxia, Changpu and other places to continuously commit fraud crimes, more than 10 people were victimized, and the total amount of fraud reached more than 400,000 yuan.

At present, the criminal suspect Tang Mouxiang has been criminally detained by the Suining County Public Security Bureau in accordance with the law, and the case is under further investigation.

【Source: Suining News Network】

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