
He used to be the most literate "demolition nail household", and even if he divorced, he had to live a life of white and black

author:Chat with the general banquet

When the excavator stretched out its iron arm in a threatening way, ready to carry out the razing project, Huang Danian rushed out without hesitation.

This is not only a "nail household" in a general sense, but can be called the most literate "nail household".

He used to be the most literate "demolition nail household", and even if he divorced, he had to live a life of white and black

Huang Danian's reckless move surprised the students around him.

In fact, in Huang Danian's eyes, this UAV hangar is far more than a building, it is the lifeblood of UAV mobile detection platform technology research and development, and the key to China's realization of "corner overtaking in the field of earth science".

As soon as it fails, China will continue to look forward to the ocean and let the foreign countries firmly control this cutting-edge technology.

It is precisely because scientific research is regarded as a treasure that he will defend the hangar to the death. Even if his image is damaged and he is regarded as a "madman" by outsiders, he will not hesitate to do so.

He used to be the most literate "demolition nail household", and even if he divorced, he had to live a life of white and black

Huang Danian smiled slightly and said to the students behind him: "If China wants to achieve a leap forward in science and technology, it needs to have 'scientific research maniacs' who dare to innovate and explore." I'm glad I'm a part of this legion, it's my privilege.

In 2006, a phone call from his hometown shattered Huang Danian's luck in the UK. His mother, an old man whom she had never met, asked him to return to China as soon as possible before her deathbed to contribute to the cause of science and technology in the motherland.

This entrustment is like an arrow piercing the clouds, shooting directly into Huang Danian's heart. He suddenly realized that although he was worth a hundred times abroad, he was always a rootless wanderer. The real responsibility and responsibility are tied to the land where he was born and raised.

He used to be the most literate "demolition nail household", and even if he divorced, he had to live a life of white and black

So, when Gao Ping, deputy director of the Ministry of Land and Resources, came to the door in person in 2009 and warmly invited him to return to China for development, Huang Danian agreed without hesitation, even though the conditions were far from satisfactory.

He knew that the motherland needed a high-end talent like him at the right time, and how could he refuse.

In order to go to the country without worry, Huang Danian decisively gave up the company's shares, and his wife also closed two clinics. Facing his wife's tears, he said earnestly: "You must understand that the sky of scientists is only on the side of the motherland, I am Chinese, and my heart is there."

He used to be the most literate "demolition nail household", and even if he divorced, he had to live a life of white and black

After returning to China, Huang Danian was conscientious and conscientious, and always considered the interests of the country at the first time. When he presided over the deep earth exploration project, he spared no effort and poured his heart and soul into it, and finally overcame a number of technical problems.

It is thanks to selfless scientists like him that China's deep exploration technology has surpassed that of the past half century in five years.

When Huang Danian served as the head teacher of Jilin University's "Li Siguang Undergraduate Experimental Class", he was ruthless in his requirements for students. He often checks students' reading notes, asks them about their Xi, and strictly demands incoherent answers.

He used to be the most literate "demolition nail household", and even if he divorced, he had to live a life of white and black

"You must not slack off in scientific study, and you must always keep a clear and rigorous mind. Huang Danian said.

He even took advantage of business trips to instruct students online in planes and hotels, and he never shirked as long as he had academic problems. Once, he was sick in bed with a weak face, and he still convened students to discuss scientific research issues, which shows the depth of his dedication.

In order to make it easy for students to carry out scientific research, Huang Danian also generously purchased laptops. "It's like a warrior's weapon, you have to equip it first.

He explained.

He used to be the most literate "demolition nail household", and even if he divorced, he had to live a life of white and black

Under his 7 years of careful training, many students have won awards in international and domestic science and technology competitions, joined various scientific research institutions, and grown into batches of outstanding talents, contributing to China's science and technology cause.

It was the benchmarks set by these disciples that inspired later scientific research workers to move forward, and the students all thanked their teachers for their kindness.

In 2017, when the judging team announced that familiar face, the audience burst into warm applause. Yes, this time the honor of "Moving China Person of the Year" was given to geophysicist Huang Danian.

He used to be the most literate "demolition nail household", and even if he divorced, he had to live a life of white and black

The selection team believes that Huang Danian represents the outstanding quality of the scientists of the times. With a pure heart and enthusiasm to serve the country, he adhered to his original intention, was willing to serve others, and dedicated his scientific research achievements to the motherland.

It is such selfless strivers who support half of China's science and technology.

Today, Huang Danian is ancient, but his spirit lives on. "If you want to go out, you must come back when you go out, you must come out, and you must repay the country when you go out. This proverb will inspire more scientific and technological workers to be unswerving and forge ahead.

He used to be the most literate "demolition nail household", and even if he divorced, he had to live a life of white and black

With so many "Huang Danians" who have gone forward and succeeded each other, how can China's scientific and technological undertakings not become more and more prosperous? History has proven that it is precisely their step-by-step moves that have brought China its leading position in the fields of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and deep exploration.

Therefore, we firmly believe that Huang Danian's dream of becoming a scientific and technological power will eventually become a reality under the help of these relay scientists. That day must be just around the corner.

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