
Reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 24 from a new perspective, the prisoner of Mao Jue shows Cao Cao's unkindness

author:Canonical stories


Reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 24 from a new perspective, the prisoner of Mao Jue shows Cao Cao's unkindness

Mao Jue was Cao Cao's important advisor, and he followed Cao Cao very early and gave him advice. Mao Jue's outstanding contribution was to put forward the two strategic ideas of "Fengtianzi to order not to obey" and Tuntian, so that Cao Cao had a clear direction and goal and grasped the initiative.

When Cao Cao was fighting the world, he was very kind to Mao Jue, but in his later years, he forgot all about Mao Jue's contributions, and imprisoned Mao Jue just because someone made false accusations, and almost killed him.

"Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms" records that Mao Jue is a native of Fengqiu, Henan. Mao Jue served as a county official when he was young and was known for his honesty and fairness.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in turmoil, and Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao was listed as "Eight Jun" and enjoyed a high reputation, and many scholars went to Jingzhou. Mao Jue also wanted to go to Liu Biao, but on the way, he heard that Liu Biao's government decree was not strict and he would not use people, so he changed his mind and went to live in Luyang County.

Soon, Cao Cao occupied Gunzhou. Mao Jue thought that Cao Cao was a hero who supported the Han family, so he went to him and became one of Cao Cao's early advisors.

Reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 24 from a new perspective, the prisoner of Mao Jue shows Cao Cao's unkindness

At that time, Cao Cao's power was not large, and he lacked clear strategic thinking, Mao Jue took the overall situation, stood at a strategic height, and made a long-term plan for Cao Cao.

Mao Jue said to Cao Cao: "Now the world is falling apart, the monarch is dying, the people are hungry, and the society is in chaos. And if we want to end this situation and restore the Han family, it is not an overnight thing, we must have a long-term plan. Although Yuan Shao, Liu Biao and others were strong, they did not have long-term considerations, nor did they do the work of laying the foundation and establishing the foundation, so they could not last. If you want to pacify the world and achieve hegemony, you must pay attention to two things: one is that sending troops must be in line with morality, and the other is that you need financial support. Therefore, it is advisable to support the Son of Heaven and order those who do not submit in the name of the Emperor, and at the same time develop agriculture and save up military resources. In this way, the business of the overlord can be accomplished. ”

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately put it into practice. Since then, Cao Cao has gradually formed the two strategic ideas of "Fengtianzi to order not to obey" and Tuntian.

Reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 24 from a new perspective, the prisoner of Mao Jue shows Cao Cao's unkindness

The two strategic ideas put forward by Mao Jie are indeed far-sighted and insightful. "Obeying the Son of Heaven to order not to submit" is a political strategy. At that time, although the Eastern Han Dynasty regime existed in name only, due to the long-term influence of the idea of loyalty to the monarch, there were still many people who wanted the Han family. Respecting the Son of Heaven will win the hearts of the people, and Xun Yu put forward the idea of "worshipping the Son of Heaven to conform to the will of the people".

At the same time, in the name of the emperor, he became famous and occupied the moral high ground.

Cao Cao is a politician and naturally understands this truth. Therefore, after Mao Jue made this suggestion, Cao Cao sent an envoy to greet Emperor Han Xian, but Emperor Han Xian was in turmoil, and things did not go well.

Later, after a lot of twists and turns, Emperor Han Xian was finally brought to Xu County. From then on, Cao Cao controlled Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty in his hands, and fought in all directions under the banner of the emperor, and achieved good results.

Tuntian is an economic strategy, and its actual role is greater than that of "serving the Son of Heaven to order not to be subordinate". At that time, due to years of war, many lands were left without owners, so Cao Cao took them under the government.

Reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 24 from a new perspective, the prisoner of Mao Jue shows Cao Cao's unkindness

Some of this land was cultivated by the sergeants and the families of the surrendered Yellow Turbans, known as Juntun, and part of it was distributed to landless peasants for cultivation, and the government collected land rent, which was called Mintun.

The implementation of Tuntian enabled Cao Cao to better solve the problem of military rations and obtain strong economic support for the unification of the north.

Mao Jie put forward the two strategic ideas of politics and economy, which played an extremely important role in Cao Cao's great cause, and Mao Jue's contribution was great.

Cao Cao was very grateful and trusted Mao Jue and appointed him as the right army division. When Cao Cao was on an expedition to Wuhuan, he seized the precious ancient screens and tables, and despite the long distance, he brought them back to give them to Mao Jue, and said: "You have the style of the ancients, so I will give you the supplies of the ancients." ”

It can be seen that Cao Cao at that time was very attentive to Mao Jue and was also affectionate.

After Cao Cao became the prime minister, he appointed Mao Jue as the East Cao Rafter, and was responsible for selecting officials together with Cui Yan. Xi Cao was responsible for the selection of court officials, and Dong Cao was responsible for the selection of military and local officials.

Reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 24 from a new perspective, the prisoner of Mao Jue shows Cao Cao's unkindness

Mao Jue and Cui Yan are both fair and honest people, and they work together to make good use of people for the imperial court. Cao Cao was very satisfied with their work and sighed: "If you can do this, what else can I do?"

Mao Jue selected officials, all acted impartially, and resolutely refused personal relations. Some people who are not qualified enough, even if they are very famous and have a hard background, Mao Jue does not recommend appointment. Once, Cao Pi personally visited Mao Jue and interceded for a relative.

Mao Jue said: "Lao Chen, because I can fulfill my duties, I am fortunate not to commit a crime. The relative you mentioned is not qualified for promotion, so he doesn't dare to obey. ”

Mao Jue did not have a bad relationship with Cao Pi, on the contrary, during the dispute between the princes, Mao Jue firmly supported Cao Pi. Cao Cao praised Mao Jue's loyalty and uprightness very much, and said: "Mao Jue is my Zhou Chang." ”

Reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 24 from a new perspective, the prisoner of Mao Jue shows Cao Cao's unkindness

Mao Jue's personal qualities are very good, he is in a prominent position, but he is never arrogant, he is humble and courteous, and he has a good relationship with his colleagues.

Mao Jue is very honest, lives frugally, usually wears cloth clothes, eats vegetarian food, and the family's property is used to help the poor and raise orphans, and there is no extra property at home.

Mao Yan and Cui Yan are both upright gentlemen, naturally good friends, Cui Yan was killed by Cao Cao, Mao Yan was very sad. Someone falsely accused Mao Jue of being dissatisfied with Cao Cao.

At this time, Cao Cao had forgotten Mao Jue's merits and feelings, and decided that he was Cui Yan's comrade, so he ordered him to be imprisoned, imprisoned, and punished.

Reading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 24 from a new perspective, the prisoner of Mao Jue shows Cao Cao's unkindness

Fortunately, Mao Jue had a good popularity, and the ministers interceded for him, and Cao Cao had to pardon him, but still insisted on dismissing Mao Jue and deposing him, Mao Jue was filled with grief and anger, and soon died.

Cao Cao's treatment of Mao Jue in this way shows that Cao Cao only values power and interests, and at the same time shows that Cao Cao in his later years not only fell from a hero to a traitor, but also changed from a person who values love and righteousness to a person who is unkind.

In his later years, Cao Cao was very tyrannical, no matter who he was, as long as he violated his interests, he would kill him. However, the last person Cao Cao should have killed was the famous doctor Hua Tuo.

Please watch the next episode, the prostitute Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo in vain.

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