
The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

author:The old witch chases the drama

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Have you ever heard of Hengdian's "star-making dream factory"? Here, tens of thousands of group performers appear in various film and television dramas every day, either playing corpses or playing devils. The salary of the group performers is low and the life is hard, but they are unwilling to give up, because they all have a common dream - to become stars.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

But is this dream really possible? What is their life like in Hengdian? Let's go into Hengdian together and explore the current situation and fate of these group performances.

1. How many group performances are there in Hengdian and how did they come about?

Hengdian is China's largest film and television shooting base and the world's largest "star-making factory". According to statistics, more than 2,000 film and television dramas are filmed here in Hengdian every year, involving up to 200,000 group performers.

Some of these group performances are professional actors, some are amateurs, and some are fans of star-chasing.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

Some of them are students who have dreamed of film and television since childhood, some are white-collar workers who quit their jobs to come to Hengdian, and some are laid-off workers in Hengdian.

They come from all over the country, and they have only one purpose, that is, they want to find their own stage in Hengdian and realize their dream of stardom.

2. How do the group performers in Hengdian film, and what are their salaries?

To become a group performer in Hengdian is actually very simple. As long as you are between the ages of 18 and 60 and do not need any academic qualifications, as long as you pass a simple exam and pay a cost of 10 yuan, you can get an actor certificate. But if you want to really film, it's not so easy.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

Because there is no fixed crew for the group performances in Hengdian, they need to grab the show in the WeChat group every day, or follow the group leader to the scene and wait for the scene. The process of stealing the scene is very cruel, sometimes you can't grab a scene in a day, sometimes you may not be able to shoot if you grab it, and sometimes you may not be able to get money if you shoot it.

Moreover, the salary of group performances in Hengdian is also clearly marked, generally the working time is 8 hours a day, and the salary ranges from 100 to 150 yuan, and the highest is more than 200 yuan. If you encounter some special scenes, such as playing a dead man, playing a woman in the dust, playing a naked substitute, etc., you can also get some subsidies, ranging from dozens of yuan to hundreds of yuan.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

But these scenes are also risky, some may be injured, and some may be unspoken. In short, group filming in Hengdian is a hard and dangerous thing, and the income is also unstable, making it difficult to maintain a basic life.

3. How do the group performers in Hengdian live, and what is their quality of life?

Although the group performances in Hengdian are hard to film, their lives are not easy. Because of their unstable income, it is difficult for them to rent a comfortable place, and many people can only live in hostels, share houses, bridges, caves, abandoned buildings and other places, and the conditions are very poor.

Some houses don't have windows, utilities, toilets, and some don't even have walls, so you can fall from a height if you're not careful. The diet of the group performances in Hengdian is also very simple, some eat the crew's box lunch, and some can't even eat.

There is also very little entertainment in Hengdian's group performances, some play mobile phones, and some play cards. Their quality of life is low and their well-being is low.

Fourth, how many of Hengdian's group performances can survive and what is their success rate?

Although the group performance in Hengdian has a difficult life, they still have some successful cases. For example, Wang Baoqiang, Zhao Liying, Wan Guopeng, etc., they all stood out from the group performances in Hengdian and became first-line stars.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

Their success has given hope to countless group performers and inspired them to continue to persevere. However, these successful cases are only a few, and their success is not accidental, but a combination of years of hard work, Xi, accumulation and opportunities. For most ensembles, their success rate is very low, if not negligible.

Because Hengdian's group performances face many difficulties and challenges, such as fierce competition. There are a large number of group performances in Hengdian, but there are few opportunities to appear on camera, so the competition between them is very fierce. Not only do they have to compete with their peers, but they also have to compete with people with backgrounds, connections, and resources.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

It is difficult for them to win the favor of directors and producers, to get important roles and exposure. They often can only play some nameless supporting roles, and they don't even have a camera, and it is difficult for the audience to remember their faces and names.

5. Where should the group performances in Hengdian go, and where is their future?

In the face of such a situation and prospects, what should the group performance in Hengdian do? Different people have different answers to this question. Some people choose to persevere, and some people choose to give up. Let's take a look at their different options and different results.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

Some group performers chose to continue filming in Hengdian and did not give up their dreams. They believe that as long as there are dreams, there is hope. They are constantly improving their acting skills, constantly expanding their networks, and looking for their own opportunities.

There are also some group performers who chose to give up filming in Hengdian, they either chose to return to their hometowns or go to other cities to find a stable job and live an ordinary life.

There are also some group performers who have chosen to transform and no longer film in Hengdian, but they will not give up their dreams. They will do some other things in Hengdian, such as directors, screenwriters, producers, etc., and want to create some of their own works in Hengdian.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

Zhang Yimou has gradually become a famous director from a group performance in Hengdian, and his works have given countless group performances inspiration and encouragement.

6. How should we view their dreams and realities?

The group performance in Hengdian is a group of people with dreams, who came to this "star-making dream factory" for their dreams, where they have experienced countless hardships and setbacks, and also witnessed countless successes and failures. Their current situation and fate have aroused our attention and thinking.

How should we look at their dreams and realities? Perhaps, we can start from the following aspects.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

1. Respect their dreams and choices

Hengdian's group performances, whether they insist, give up, transform or escape, are all based on their subjective wishes and objective conditions, and are all their attitudes and expressions towards their own lives and futures.

We have no right to judge them right or wrong, nor are we qualified to interfere with their decisions, we should respect their dreams and choices, give them understanding and support, and let them feel dignity and warmth.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

2. Pay attention to their plight and needs

The group performance in Hengdian is facing many dilemmas and challenges, and they need more attention and help. We should pay attention to their work and living conditions, and provide them with more encouragement and encouragement, more care and companionship.

3. Guide their thoughts and behaviors

The group performances in Hengdian have different thoughts and behaviors, and they need to be more guided and educated. We should guide them to establish correct values and outlook on life, recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, formulate reasonable goals and plans, adopt positive attitudes and methods, and guide them to form good Xi and moral character.

The status quo of 200,000 group performances in Hengdian: beauties are flooded, lazy people are everywhere, where should these people go?

We should also educate them to respect social rules and laws and regulations, to cherish their lives and health, and to care for their families, relatives and friends.


The group performance in Hengdian is a group of people with dreams, their dreams are also our dreams, their happiness is also our happiness. Let's work together for their dreams and happiness and let their dreams and happiness become our dreams and happiness. Let's praise and bless the group performance in Hengdian together!

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