
It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

author:A rose

[Thrilling set] Li Yitong encountered a terrifying moment in the night scene: the giant centipede raided, and the crew staged an emergency rescue!

It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

In the tense and exciting filming scene, the actors often encounter all kinds of unexpected challenges, but this scene that happened to Li Yitong recently is simply heart-pounding!

It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

On a quiet night, Li Yitong, who was filming a costume drama, was dressed in a gorgeous costume and sat elegantly on the roof, ready to shoot an important night scene. However, before this scene began, it experienced a thrilling "vignette".

It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

A giant centipede, nearly 10 centimeters long, quietly climbed onto Li Yitong's knees, and this scene was first discovered by a group of enthusiastic auction ladies on the sidelines. When the young ladies saw this scene, they immediately anxiously issued a warning, trying to get the attention of the crew.

It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

After the young lady found out, she kept shouting Li Yitong centipede, however, due to the noisy shooting scene and Li Yitong's full attention to the camera, she didn't notice this sudden "visitor" at all.


Fortunately, although Li Yitong himself and the actor Liu Yuning next to him did not find out in time, the continuous shouts of the young ladies who acted on behalf of him finally attracted the attention of the on-site staff.

The staff took quick action, and just as they approached to help drive away the centipede, this cunning insect actually took the opportunity to burrow into Li Yitong's wide cuffs, and the situation instantly became critical.

It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

Everyone present waited with bated breath, for fear that the centipede would cause harm to Li Yitong. Fortunately, after some quick and careful operation, the staff finally succeeded in helping Li Yitong shake off the centipede hidden in his sleeve and defuse a potential danger.

It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

This series of tense and rapid rescue operations not only tested the crew's emergency response ability, but also made everyone present sweat for Li Yitong.

It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

Afterwards, Li Yitong lightly shared the experience on social media, thanked the staff for their timely help, and comforted fans with an optimistic attitude, saying that he was all right.

It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

Although this incident is thrilling, it also shows the difficulty and professionalism of the actors in the filming process, as well as the tacit cooperation and care between the crew members.

It's scary! Li Yitong sat on the roof of the house to shoot a night scene, and was drilled into his sleeve by a centipede nearly 10 cm long!

This accident not only added an unforgettable experience to Li Yitong's acting career, but also reminded film and television workers once again that while pursuing artistic effects, safety awareness is equally important.

And for fans, this undoubtedly adds another reason to cheer for the idol in their hearts, and at the same time, they are also looking forward to Li Yitong's next wonderful performance in the play.


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