
"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

author:A rose

【Entertainment Hot Spots】The final chapter of "Sister Lang 5": Chen Haoyu's C-position group attracted attention, and the controversial dance sparked a big discussion on the authenticity of the ranking!

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

With the end of the finals of the fifth season of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", the unknown "Eighteenth Line" star, Chen Haoyu, stood out as a dark horse and won the crown of the C-position group in one fell swoop, becoming one of the most dazzling stars of this season.

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

However, along with the honor, in addition to the cheers and congratulations of fans, there was also a wave of doubts about the results of the competition, especially Chen Haoyu's dance performance on the stage where he danced with teeth and claws and didn't know what he was doing, which became the focus of public opinion.

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

Chen Haoyu's stage is very well served. The handsome high ponytail, super A denim suit, and the fairy fluttering stage, the overall visual effect is beautiful. However, for some reason, every dance move of Chen Haoyu is extremely hard.

There is no beauty to mention, and it also made many viewers frown.

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!
"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

The evaluation of this dance is polarized: some praise it as a perfect combination of art and power because it is full of tension and personality; Another part of the audience said that it was difficult to accept, thinking that the dance movements were too exaggerated and deviated from the traditional aesthetics, and even questioned whether such a performance could support her qualification for the C position.

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

Many outspoken netizens directly expressed their doubts about Sister Lang's first-place strength. Many viewers think that not only dancing, but also singing has a very big "oily" flavor.

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!
"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

On the Internet, the discussion about the authenticity of Chen Haoyu's ranking quickly fermented. Some netizens pointed out that although Chen Haoyu's dance is innovative, it may not be enough to crush other experienced sisters at the technical level, so they questioned the final ranking.

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

What's more, he directly pointed out that there may be a "script" in the competition, and thought that Chen Haoyu's victory may be the result of the program team's arrangement in order to create topics and heat. The rhetoric quickly spread online, sparking a debate about fairness and power.

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!
"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

Some people even bluntly said that this star who came out of nowhere, a 180-line coffee star, has been inexplicably many shots since he participated in the show. Compared with the strength of Qi Wei and Chen Lijun, and the beauty of Zhang Yuxi and Han Xue, Chen Haoyu doesn't occupy anywhere, and she doesn't understand how she can form a group like this.

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

This incident not only reflects the crisis of public trust faced by talent shows, but also reminds us once again that how to balance artistic expression, audience expectations and the principle of fair play in the entertainment industry while pursuing ratings and topicality is an issue worthy of in-depth discussion.

"Sister Lang" Chen Haoyu is in a group, but dancing is like a fight, netizens: comparable to a gorilla!

The end of "Sister Lang 5" left the audience not only with the list of the group, but also with deep thinking about the evaluation criteria and cultural values of the entertainment industry.

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