
Minecraft: Let's talk about 10 features of the 1.21 Armadillo!

author:My name is Minecraft

The Armadillo is a creature planned for Minecraft 1.21 and has been released in Bedrock Edition and Java Edition 23w51a/b. So what are the current characteristics of armadillos?

In fact, about armadillos, an interesting "terrier" was born during the development process!

Minecraft: Let's talk about 10 features of the 1.21 Armadillo!

1. Armadillo was born in Minecraft's 2023 online new creature poll, and in the creature voting server event at the time, Agnes introduced it as: "It lives in warm places, such as savannahs. Armadillos drop scales, which can be used to craft armor for your wolves. Add some extra defense to your favorite four-cornered friend (wolf) against hostile creatures!"

For now, it seems that this is all the features that Armadillo will be updating in 1.21.

2. Health: The armadillo's blood volume is 6 hearts, which is 12 blood points. This will be the only friendly creature in Minecraft with 12 health (if no health adjustments are made in the future). The only mobs with the same health are cave spiders in the hostile list.

Minecraft: Let's talk about 10 features of the 1.21 Armadillo!

3. Spawning: Armadillos currently spawn in three biomes: Savanna, Savanna Plateau, and Windswept Savanna. The difference between a savannah and a tropical plateau is mainly in the altitude, whereas the windswept savannah looks like a savannah mountain range. Filled with huge cliffs, mountains, and even floating islands, the mountains can often reach surprising heights, even reaching the upper limit of the world's building heights.

4. Drops: The scale armor of the armadillo falls off on its own, or can be obtained with a brush. As an armadillo archeon, it's not hard to guess that Mojang doesn't allow armadillos to hunt. So as of now, armadillos don't have any drops other than XP. The problem is that it is unscientific not to drop the Armadillo Scale Armor after all, and perhaps the next Mojang should consider adding inherent drops.

Minecraft: Let's talk about 10 features of the 1.21 Armadillo!

5. Armor value: With the current set of scale armor on the armadillo, the armor value that can be provided is definitely ≥ diamond to be in line with common sense. However, now the armadillo is dead with two swings of the diamond sword. So it's a simple and reasonable guess that the armadillo armor will definitely be improved in the future. Perhaps this is why the armadillo's HP can only be 12 points, so pitiful.

6. Food: At present, there is only one kind of food for armadillos, spider eyes. Baby armadillos can also speed up their growth by feeding spider eyes. And can rely on spider eyes for reproduction. However, I was still firm in my previous belief that the armadillo would introduce termites to the next savannah due to its real food chain in nature, thus starting a renewal of the savannah biome.

7. Armadillo's tail: Originally, the image of the armadillo in the voting design (concept art design) was that there was a tail, but in fact, many small creatures in Minecraft did not have a tail design, and the tail design was similar to that of a pig, just a plane. An interesting story is that when pigs first joined Minecraft, even their noses were flat.

Minecraft: Let's talk about 10 features of the 1.21 Armadillo!

8. Armadillo eyes: The eyes of the armadillo have changed from the side of the original design to the current front. Regarding this design change, designer JAPPA believes: armadillo's eyes are in front, because when they are on the side, you will see an empty forehead, and it is difficult to establish a connection with it. Considering that this is a group of creatures that you will interact with a lot, I feel that it is important to adjust the position of the eyes.

(Actually, this is the case with most Minecraft mobs, for example, the chicken's eyes are in the front.) )

Minecraft: Let's talk about 10 features of the 1.21 Armadillo!

9. Neutral creature?Mojang once mentioned in a blog post that the armadillo is a neutral creature, but in fact, the armadillo itself does not have too strong attack power. On the contrary, armadillos often become a meal for carnivores.

10. Curling: Unlike the real armadillo in reality, the Minecraft armadillo can't actually "curl" itself accurately. So Minecraft's armadillo actually exists as a contraction. Just retract your head and hands and feet into your own bone armor. In other words, there is actually no protection in this kind of curling in Minecraft. The main one is "cute".

Minecraft: Let's talk about 10 features of the 1.21 Armadillo!

It is worth mentioning that the armadillo is one of the most ancient mythical beasts surviving in the world today because of its powerful and incomparably perfect defense system.

There is a record in the Book of Mountains and Seas: "There is a beast, its shape is like a bird with a beak, an owl and a snake tail, and when you see a person, you sleep, and the name is armadillo!"

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