
Judge Nana's studio丨Marriage contract bride price disputes, warm mediation, and the law in court is more warm

author:Thoughtful News

Judge Nana's studio

Disputes over the bride price of the marriage contract are warmly mediated in court

There is a law and there is more temperature

Judge Nana's studio丨Marriage contract bride price disputes, warm mediation, and the law in court is more warm

The bride price comes from the "six rites" in the ancient marriage customs of the mainland, which has a profound social and cultural foundation and has continued to this day. In recent years, the amount of bride price has continued to rise, some people blindly regard the amount of bride price as a measure of love, and some people compare the amount of bride price with face, which has caused different degrees of social contradictions. Recently, the Jiuyuan Court of Fugou Court deeply practiced the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era and successfully mediated a marriage contract bride price dispute, and the man received the bride price returned by the woman in court, and the case was truly closed.

Judge Nana's studio丨Marriage contract bride price disputes, warm mediation, and the law in court is more warm
Judge Nana's studio丨Marriage contract bride price disputes, warm mediation, and the law in court is more warm

In 2022, the plaintiff and the defendant got engaged after being introduced to each other. In November 2023, the parties held a marriage ceremony in accordance with rural customs. During this period, the plaintiff and his parents successively handed over to the defendant a bride price of 301,000 yuan, three golds, and a mobile phone. Because the relationship between the two parties is not deep and the understanding is not enough, there is a crack in the relationship after the marriage ceremony, the woman returns to her parents' house to live, and the man asks for a return of the bride price. As the negotiation between the two parties failed, the man sued the woman's family to the court.

Judge Nana's studio丨Marriage contract bride price disputes, warm mediation, and the law in court is more warm

During the trial of the case, Fan Nana, the president of the Jiuyuan Court, found that the defendant's family was willing to return the bride price, but the two families had a big dispute over the amount to be returned, and both parties entrusted lawyers to appear in court and applied for witnesses to testify in court, and the conflict continued to escalate. The defendant family insisted that the woman and the plaintiff had known each other for three years, had been engaged for more than two years, and had held a marriage ceremony, and that there was still a lot of dowry with them at that time, so they did not agree to return the bride price in full. The plaintiff argued that the parties separated soon after the wedding, and that 180,000 yuan should be refunded even after deducting the woman's dowry.

Judge Fan Nana immediately changed her thinking about the case and mediated warmly in the family court, guiding both parties to look forward and strive to start a new life as soon as possible, so as not to trap themselves in the past. The hard work paid off, and the two parties finally reached a mediation agreement, in which the defendant returned the plaintiff's bride price of 125,000 yuan, a gold necklace, a gold bracelet, and a gold ring. The plaintiff voluntarily waived other claims, and the defendant voluntarily waived the dowry, and there was no longer any dispute between the parties.

Judge Nana's studio丨Marriage contract bride price disputes, warm mediation, and the law in court is more warm

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of disputes over the return of bride price, and improper handling can easily exacerbate conflicts. The Jiuyuan Court of Fugou Court has always adhered to the law and temperature to mediate family disputes, and promoted the creation of a healthy, thrifty and civilized new style of marriage with practical actions. At the same time, coordinate the forces of all parties to continuously explore new models for the settlement of family disputes, and resolve conflicts at the grassroots level and in the bud in a timely manner.

(Fugou County Court, Fan Shuai)

Judge Nana's studio丨Marriage contract bride price disputes, warm mediation, and the law in court is more warm

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