
"New and new" to the party (6)|The branch is in the "cloud", but also in the "heart"

author:New Hunan


Hunan Daily New Hunan Client Reporter Mao Yu Yang Jiajun

Ji master's name is Ji Ding, 50 years old this year, joined the army when he was young, and worked as a truck driver after retiring.

As a 30-year-old party member, the organizational relationship of the master is in Dongting Village, Chunkou Town, Liuyang City, his hometown, but he has been busy outside for many years, and his organizational life is blank, he is often confused, "Are you still a party member?"

At the beginning of this year, the staff of "Logistics Commune", a logistics APP commonly used by Master Ji, called and helped him "find the organization".

Recently, the reporter came to the enterprise that operates and maintains this APP to find out.

One-way service can become "two-way running"

The headquarters building of CLP Software Park in Lugu is the headquarters of Changsha Zhengdu Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhengdu Technology).

"We are an Internet platform company in the logistics industry, committed to the research and application of logistics supply chain systems, promoting the transformation and upgrading of the physical logistics industry, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Guo Cheng, secretary of the company's general party branch and chairman of the board, told reporters.

"Logistics Commune" APP is a digital freight platform launched by Zhengdu Technology, which provides multiple intelligent services such as internal and external data interaction, customer service, business processing, operation management, in-transit tracking, and financial settlement for different roles in the transportation chain such as logistics enterprises, production enterprises, commercial enterprises, and truck drivers.

Since its establishment in 2017, nearly 3,000 logistics companies and more than 250,000 truck drivers have settled in the "Logistics Commune". Guo Cheng said: "One of the major features of this platform in addition to empowering the whole chain of logistics and transportation is that it is open to truck drivers for free and does not charge any fees. ”

This is more out of consideration for the practice of corporate social responsibility. At the beginning of the establishment of Zhengdu Technology, Guo Cheng proposed to "develop and party building and assume social responsibility", and applied for the establishment of the company's party branch. "We hope to lead the development of the enterprise with party building, and at the same time give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members to better serve customers, especially truck drivers. ”

Guo Cheng introduced that the company's party branch often organizes members to conduct research in the truck driver group to understand everyone's voices and demands, and at the same time, relying on the "logistics commune" to launch a series of public welfare services, such as roadside assistance, help with insurance business, centralized procurement of vehicle spare parts, etc.

"During the epidemic, we have a profound experience: one-way service to the truck driver group can be transformed into a 'two-way trip'. What Guo Cheng remembers vividly is that in 2020, when the new crown pneumonia epidemic occurred in Wuhan, in the face of the extremely tight situation of epidemic prevention materials, Zhengdu Technology advocated truck drivers to participate in the volunteer service of transporting materials for Wuhan through the "Logistics Commune".

"I'm a party member, I'll go first" "I sign up, I don't need to be paid" "Where to load the goods, come right away"...... On the day the initiative was issued, hundreds of replies were received, especially many party members and drivers took the lead in revealing their identities, even at the risk of being infected.

As a result, how to unite and guide party members and drivers to play a leading and exemplary role in daily life and at some important junctures has become a topic for the party branch of Zhengdu Science and Technology to think about and explore.

Build a "cloud" branch for mobile party members and truck drivers

"The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the education and management of party members, especially mobile party members, should be strengthened and improved. In the second half of 2022, focusing on the problems found in the investigation, such as "the difficulty in organizing mobile party members and truck drivers", under the guidance of the two new working committees of Changsha City, the upgraded general party branch of Zhengdu Technology began to try to form an "online temporary mobile party branch".

To build a mobile branch, it is first necessary to confirm the identity of the floating party members. At the end of 2022, the "Logistics Commune" launched a new function - when the driver who enters the platform fills in the information, the political appearance is filled in as a party member, and a bright party emblem icon will be added before the platform displays his license plate number to indicate the identity of the party member.

The general party branch of Zhengdu Technology contacted these drivers who showed their party membership one by one and invited them to join the "online temporary mobile party branch".

It's hard to get started. Gao Han, a member of the general branch of the Zhengdu Science and Technology Party, told reporters that in the exchange with the truck drivers of the mobile party members, they had various concerns about joining the mobile branch, "some are worried that after joining, they will have to hold meetings and study Xi, which will delay their livelihood; and some are afraid that their time is not fixed and they will not be able to participate in the ......activities organized by the branch on time."

"When we contacted you, we patiently informed you that the 'online temporary mobile party branch' will tailor a 'cloud organizational life' for them, and carry out certain offline activities close to everyone's work and life. In order to dispel the concerns of the truck drivers of the floating party members, Gao Han and his colleagues almost "worked hard one by one." ”

At the same time, at the beginning of this year, the "Logistics Commune" launched the "Home of Party Members" functional module, carefully preparing and rolling updates the party's innovative theories and major policies, important current political news, party history knowledge and other learning Xi materials, so as to facilitate mobile party member truck drivers to use their leisure time to learn Xi independently. The mobile branch has also set up a WeChat group to organize members' daily Xi and discussion online.

"Gradually, the number of members of our mobile branch has increased, and now 42 people have joined, and the WeChat group is becoming more and more 'lively', and everyone is excited that they have 'found an organization'. Gao Han introduced.

Master Xie Yanyang, a member of the "Online Temporary Mobile Party Branch" and a mobile party member, said, "I used to spend my spare time by brushing small videos, but now I am seizing the time to study Xi and participate in discussions in the WeChat group, which feels very fulfilling." ”

The offline activities of the mobile branch also focus on a tailor-made. For example, recently, on November 25, the general party branch of Zhengdu Science and Technology, together with the party committee of Changsha express logistics industry, organized some mobile branch members and a group of truck driver representatives to carry out a first-aid knowledge training. Another example is the public welfare action of organizing and carrying out visits to red memorial sites such as the former residences Xi of He Shuheng and Xie Jueya, and donating books to a pension center in Ningxiang City. Fan Chunxia, a mobile party member, specially took his wife to participate in the first aid knowledge training, and the two felt that "it is very practical and can save lives at critical moments." ”

Recently, the mobile branch also received an application to join the party, which was submitted by a truck driver in Anhui Province after learning that there was such a mobile branch. "We explained to the other party as soon as possible that according to the relevant regulations, the mobile branch does not yet have the conditions to develop new party members, but we welcome him to join the WeChat group to learn Xi discuss together. Gao Han said that the next step will be to apply to the higher-level party organization to further improve the function of the mobile branch.

"At the moment, our work is still in its infancy and exploration stage. Guo Cheng believes that perseverance and efforts to arouse the identity and party spirit of more mobile party members and truck drivers can inject and condense more positive energy into the industry.