
Which of the two twin brothers in the CBA do you prefer?

author:Big talk Li Shenxian
{"info":{"title":{"content":"CBA这两对双胞胎兄弟,你们更喜欢哪对呢?","en":"Which of the two twin brothers in the CBA do you prefer?"},"description":{"content":"CBA最强的一对双胞胎球员是任俊威和任俊飞,还有一对就是广厦二队的双胞胎赵嘉仁和赵嘉义,并且他们都是球队的核心球员。任骏...","en":"The strongest pair of twin players in the CBA are Ren Junwei and Ren Junfei, and the other pair is Zhao Jiaren and Zhao Jiayi, the twins of Guangsha No. 2 team, and they are both core players of the team. Ren Jun..."}},"items":[]}