
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

author:Hanmo China
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

On the occasion of the July 1st Festival, the media grandly launched the "Hundred Products Strive for Glory to Celebrate the Centennial: Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China". This joint exhibition brings together the ingenuity and ingenuity of countless outstanding calligraphers and painters, who jointly offer the most sincere blessings for the centenary of the party with their extraordinary skills and profound connotations. Hundreds of masterpieces compete for beauty, shining with the unique charm of Chinese culture. Let us immerse ourselves in this visual feast, feel the power of art, inherit and promote the essence of Chinese culture, and witness this historic moment together.

Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

Wang Xingfa, a native of Linyi, Shandong. Born in '59. Completed the calligraphy workshop of the Training Center of the China Calligraphy Association. He is now a member of the Calligraphy Association of Central State Organs, a member of the Calligraphy Research Association of the China Couplet Society, a member of the China Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, a member of the Linyi Calligraphy Association, a special art consultant of the CCTV "Art Master" column group, a special visiting professor of the CCTV "Art Inheritance" column group, a contracted artist of CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Channel, a calligrapher and painter in the Chinese culture and art talent pool, a distinguished artist of "China Report", and a visiting professor of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Professional Committee of the China National Architecture Research Association. He is a member of the Ink and Wash Danqing Painting and Calligraphy Institute of China Education Television's "Ink and Calligraphy" Column Group, a national first-class artist, a director of the Contemporary Calligraphers Network, the vice president of the Beijing Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Academy, the vice president of the China Dongyi Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, and a lifelong senior calligrapher and painter specially appointed by the Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Network.

Calligraphy Achievements:

In 2015, he won the second prize of the 6th National "Xizhi Cup" Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Invitational Competition, and his works were compiled into the "National Collection of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting", and the 2015 "Love My China" Jinyu Cup National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Award was compiled into "Qilu Charm", and the works Qinyuan Chun. Xue, won the gold medal of the "Golden List Collection of Famous Chinese Contemporary Literary and Art Artists". In 2016, he won the third prize of the National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painters Creation Annual Conference, and his works were compiled into the "2016 National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painters Creation Annual Conference Collection". In 2017, he won the bronze medal of the "Chinese Dream" National Calligraphy and Painting Art Creation Competition, and in 2017, he won the silver medal of the "National Calligraphy Art Competition". In 2017, he won the gold medal of the "Huaxia Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition; 2017 "Ode to the Motherland" Global Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition Gold Medal .2017 First "Belt and Road" National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition Silver Award. Awarded the 2017 "Outstanding Instructor". In 2017, he won the gold medal of the 7th "Yanhuang Cup" Contemporary Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting and Printing Art Competition. His works were compiled into the 2017 National Annual Selection of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting, and in 2018, he won the gold medal of the "Hundred Flowers and Spring" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition. And awarded the honorary title of "Hundred Flowers Artist". In 2018, his personal calligraphy achievements were included in the "Dictionary of Famous Literary and Artistic Artists in the New Era of China". In 2018, he won the gold medal of the 3rd "Hanmo Shengshi Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition, and won the gold medal of calligraphy in the 2018 "Jinding Art Award" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition. In 2018, he won the gold medal of the first "Hanmo Danqing" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition. In 2018, his calligraphy achievements were included in the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and Painters. In 2019, he won the gold medal of the "Hundred Flowers Welcome Spring" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition, the gold medal of the "New Era of Art" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in 2019, and the third prize of the 3rd National "China Cup" Folk Culture and Art Invitational Exhibition celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 2019. In 2019, he won the gold medal in the 2nd "Lanting Art Award" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition. 2019 The 16th Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters Stamp Products Premiere Huaxia Star Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition was exhibited at the Beijing National Culture Palace. In 2019, the "Chinese Sons and Daughters" National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Competition won the special gold medal. In January 2020, he won the gold medal of the "Hundred Flowers Art Award" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition, and in April 2020, he won the special gold medal of the "Chinese Love" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition. In April 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist" in 2021, in May 2020, he won the gold medal of the 3rd "Lanting Art Award" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in 2020, and in June 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of 2020 Masterpieces of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy. In July 2020, he won the gold medal of the first "Art Star" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in 2020, the special gold medal of the first "China New Era" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in July 2020, the gold medal of the 2nd "Hanmo Danqing" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in September 2020, the gold medal of the 2020 "Ode to China" National Calligraphy and Painting Art Boutique Competition in October 2020, the gold medal of the 2020 second "Golden Tripod Art Award" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in November 2020, and the works were included in the compilation of " Encyclopedia of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters (2)" won the gold medal of the 2021 "Hundred Flowers Welcome Spring" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in January 2021, the gold medal of the 4th "Hanmo Shengshi" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in May 2021, and in June 2021, his works were included in the compilation and collection of brilliant achievements in the 100 years of elegance and brilliance of "The Party Yao China, Composing a Brilliant Chapter", and in July 2021, he won the gold medal of the 3rd "Danqing Chinese Dream" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in 2021, and in August 2021, he won the gold medal of the first "Moze Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition of Wenxuan Calligraphy and Painting. In September 2021, he won the gold medal of the 3rd "Golden Tripod Art Award" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in 2021. In September 2021, he won the gold medal of the first national "Moze Cup" calligraphy and painting art competition. In November 2021, he won the gold medal of the first "General Wine Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition in 2021, and won the gold medal of the 2021 "Celebrating the Centennial and Celebrating the Party's Grace" National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition. In December 2021, CCTV-Voice of China Media Center awarded "People's Artist" the honorary figure of the year in China. Won the gold medal of the 2022 "Hundred Flowers Welcome Spring" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition, and in January 2022, CCTV--- Voice of China Rong Media Center won the gold medal in the "2022 Spring Festival Gala. Person of the Year Ceremony" was won: Outstanding Literary and Art Worker of the Year. In 2022, "Greetings to the Chinese New Year. It was successfully selected in the "National Excellent Art Works Selection Activity" and awarded the honorary title of "Most Collectible Award". In March 2022, it was recommended by the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to welcome the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress. "The Backbone of the Nation" ----- honorary title of the artistic model of the times. In May 2022, he won the honorary title of "China in Art - People's Artist" sponsored by the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In August 2022, he won the gold medal of the "New Era of Art" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition. In September 2022, in the selection of outstanding artworks of "Art Heart to the Party, Welcome to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", the work "Chinese Spirit" was successfully selected. He was awarded the "Most Collectible Award", and his work "Chinese Spirit" was collected by the National Museum of China. The 2023 "Yingguang Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition won the special gold medal. In February 2023, he was awarded the honorary title of [Master of Calligraphy and Painting by Shuangxin of Virtue and Art] by the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In February 2023, it was selected for the "National Exhibition. "Ink Rhyme" National Calligraphy and Painting Masters Nomination Biennale. Won the honorary title of "100 Masterpieces of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy" in 2023. Ranked on the list of "Top 100 Artists of 2023". In July 2023, he was specially appointed by the Central Academy of Art Masters and Calligraphy and Painting as a cultural power. Expert of CAFA Art Think Tank. In August 2023, the CCTV "Art Inheritance" column group and the CCTV "Famous Artists" column group jointly awarded the "Chinese Contemporary Art Famous Artists Calligraphy and Painting Studio". In December 2023, he was selected as an artist of CCTV calligraphy and painting "Famous Artist Recommendation", and in March 2024, he was selected as a key recommended artist of CCTV for "carrying forward the light of art and inheriting the spirit of the two sessions". In March 2024, he participated in the exhibition of calligraphy works of "Chinese Culture Global Promotion Ambassador ---- Wang Xingfa", and won the gold medal of the "China Take-off" National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition in April 2024.

Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

Comment on the article:

Zhengda Meteorological Inheritance Tang Law Sharpen the inscription to pass on the rhyme

——Read Mr. Wang Xingfa's calligraphy

The two peaks of the history of calligraphy are the elegance and sparseness of Jin Yun calligraphy, which is represented by the Lanting Preface Boyuan Post. The first is the Zhengda atmosphere of the Tang Law, represented by Ou Chu Yanliu. The calligraphy cultivation of the predecessors of the famous contemporary calligrapher Wang Xingfa is the great stroke of the law, Jin rhyme and Tang law. With the blessing of the calligraphy of the Jin Dynasty and the rigor of the calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty, he has been deeply cultivated in the thick soil of calligraphy cultivation for decades, realized the true trick of calligraphy, and became a master of inheriting the cultural dragon vein with calligraphy.

If you want to talk about calligraphy kung fu is the true meaning, you don't need to talk about the east and west, as long as you put the regular script work on the table, you can immediately feel the advantages and disadvantages. There is no deception in the Kai law, but the contemporary calligraphy world does not practice the law of Tang Kai, and there are too many phenomena of direct wild grass, so the overall legal level of calligraphy has declined. Mr. Wang Xingfa's regular script, with Yan Kai's muscles and bones and willow body as a reference system, and absorb Ou Kai's penmanship, so the integration of the best to write without deception, the regular script is big, at a glance! Horizontal like a lonely boat in the column of Jiangzhu, vertical like a spring shoots in the cold valley, the square is not decent, the circle is not in the rules, the regular script kung fu is definitely a model of the law is not its own people, and the merit is not deceiving the world!

Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

Of course, if you want to talk about the vividness of the calligraphy of your predecessors, you also need to appreciate the elegance of his calligraphy. Mr. Xiu Hanmo, attaches great importance to the traditional law of the writing, once is the foot, two times of the situation, three times to get its roots, four times into its true, after countless times of repeated deep visits, so that his line of grass into the post such as into the bones, write Jin Yun calligraphy is really vivid, very Lan Tingxu heart and hand smooth, but also Bo Yuan post ingenuity and excellence.

The paper is also in the array, the inkstone is also in the city, he is drunk with ink, with paper as the array, with the inkstone as the city, the elegant pattern of freehand calligraphy culture, the line of calligraphy is not excited, the telescopic is decent, so that whether it is a distant view or a close view, it is a visual body, high and low interesting! The Dharma Thread can be so extreme, it can't be achieved without attachment, and it can't be achieved without grinding!

Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

His calligrapher can be present and can be typed when he creates. Learn the ancient method without sticking, self-reliant, and attach great importance to the adjustment of the speed and strength of the pen. The speed is fast, the pen is rushing to the column, and it is almost full of voices. When the speed is slow, it is like a mid-stream strike, and it is astringent. There is also a difference in strength, when the big pen falls, such as the flying beast, when the light pen is the stage snake shock, the strength and the ink of the dry and wet complement each other, the line of writing is like a day of clear air, can meet the wind of thousands of miles! Wonderful, all the same! This is a model.

Zhengda meteorological inheritance of the Tang Dynasty, sharpening the inscription to spread the rhyme. The essence of calligraphy is the art of line modeling, Mr. calligraphy, pen and ink go spiritual, line master all things, the essential attributes of calligraphy line art are incomparable. Horizontal as the clouds array, the point is like a dangerous peak falling stone, each as a silk ribbon, such as a dragon meandering, but also like a phoenix wandering. Therefore, looking at his calligraphy, whether it is a line of calligraphy or a seal script, it is all with the author's natural posture to be wonderful, and the Tao is natural! Calligraphy becomes calligraphy, this is the witness of Mr. practicing Han Mo and taking the law as the top, and getting the law is also the testimony!

Famous calligraphy and painting critic Lin Xianming

Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Wang Xingfa | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

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