
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

author:Hanmo China
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

On the occasion of the July 1st Festival, the media grandly launched the "Hundred Products Strive for Glory to Celebrate the Centennial: Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China". This joint exhibition brings together the ingenuity and ingenuity of countless outstanding calligraphers and painters, who jointly offer the most sincere blessings for the centenary of the party with their extraordinary skills and profound connotations. Hundreds of masterpieces compete for beauty, shining with the unique charm of Chinese culture. Let us immerse ourselves in this visual feast, feel the power of art, inherit and promote the essence of Chinese culture, and witness this historic moment together.

Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

Zhang Ruhui, male, stage name Zhang Rufei (left pen Rufei), study number: Xiangyulu, from Zhuzhou, Hunan.

Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association;

Vice Chairman of the Asian Calligraphers and Painters Association;

Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Trading Runge Appraisal Center [Art Appraisal Consultant];

2021 Time Magazine's Representative of China's National Art Image;

[2024 Forbes China's Top 10 Celebrities];

Art Consultant of CCTV Voice of China;

2024 Spring Festival Beijing Airport Chinese Culture and Art Spokesperson;

The 2024 "Times Square in the United States" large screen greets Chinese New Year artists around the world:

Art Consultant of Hunan Dahan Group;

Art Consultant of Hunan Light Travel Group;

Art Consultant of Hunan Enterprise Alliance;

2022 Included in the collection of "Collection: Collection of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters";

1922-2022 Yearbook of Masters of the World.

The 2022 "Chunhua and Autumn Fruits" list was created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China as a gift of "999 Gold", as a diplomatic gift for the heads of state of the "68 countries" during the 2023 Spring Festival;

In 2023, he was appointed as the art consultant of "CCTV Voice of China";

2023 Included in the compilation of "World Art Figures";

"Outstanding Chinese Artists on World Stamps";

National Art Talent Big Data "Outstanding Artists of China";

Senior Chinese Calligraphy Artist; In July 2022, the work was listed as an NFT Metaverse International Digital Collection.

Zuobi Rufei takes the inheritance of cultural classics as its mission, creates statues for heroes, inherits classics, and does its best.

A fountain pen makes a hero, and a brush book is a classic

Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

Mr. Zhang Ruhui's innovative thinking and transformation in the art of calligraphy and painting

Mr. Zhang Ruhui's innovative thinking and transformation in the art of calligraphy and painting are the achievements made in various creative processes, expression techniques and work styles. By analyzing his works, we can see how he breaks through the shackles of tradition and combines traditional calligraphy and painting art with modern elements to create an art form with unique charm.

1. Introduction:

Mr. Zhang Ruhui is an outstanding artist of calligraphy and painting, and his works are well received by audiences and art critics. He is good at using a unique visual language and expressive techniques, combining traditional calligraphy and painting art with modern elements to create works with a strong personal style. In the process of reform, Mr. Zhang Ruhui has broken through the shackles of tradition, sought new ways of artistic expression, and constantly explored and innovated, showing outstanding artistic talent and profound artistic accomplishment.

Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

2. Creative process:

Mr. Zhang Ruhui's creative process is full of innovative thinking and the spirit of change. He is good at observing life, drawing inspiration from life and incorporating it into his works. His works are not only visually striking, but also contain profound ideological connotations. In the process of creation, he constantly experiments with new expressive techniques and techniques, through rich colors, vivid lines and unique compositions, he draws the viewer's attention to the theme and connotation of the work. At the same time, he is also good at drawing nourishment from traditional calligraphy and painting art, combining traditional elements with modern aesthetic concepts to create an art form with the characteristics of the times.

3. Expression:

Mr. Zhang Ruhui's expression is unique and creative. He is adept at using different brushstrokes and ink colors, combining traditional calligraphy and painting art with modern elements to create works with strong visual impact. His works have both traditional charm and modern aesthetic characteristics. In terms of expression, he pays attention to the use of composition and color, and creates a unique visual effect through light and shade, light and shadow, line and other means. At the same time, he is also good at using multimedia means to combine traditional calligraphy and painting art with modern digital technology to create a more modern and technological expression.

Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

Fourth, the style of the work:

Mr. Zhang Ruhui's works have a unique and distinctive style. His works not only have the essence of traditional painting and calligraphy, but also have a distinct personal style. His works are not only visually beautiful, but also contain profound ideological connotations. The style of his works not only contains the essence of traditional calligraphy and painting art, but also integrates modern aesthetic concepts and ideological concepts. His work is not only visually impactful, but also emotionally resonant and intellectually enlightening. Through his works, we can see his inheritance and innovation of traditional calligraphy and painting art, as well as his exploration and pursuit of modern aesthetic concepts and ideological concepts.

V. Conclusion:

In general, Mr. Zhang Ruhui's artistic transformation of calligraphy and painting provides us with a valuable artistic sample. His works not only have unique visual effects and profound connotations, but also show his outstanding artistic talent and profound artistic accomplishment. Through his works, we can see the balance between the charm and innovation of traditional calligraphy and painting, as well as the exploration and pursuit of modern aesthetic concepts and ideological concepts. We believe that Mr. Zhang Ruhui's artistic journey will continue to bring us more surprises and inspirations.

Shiromura June 2024

Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Zhang Ruhui | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

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