
The awakening of a student who failed the college entrance examination: My dream was taken away by my mobile phone! Parents are asked to transfer it to their children

author:Juichi Senda

On the topic of mobile phones, good teachers have posted many similar content before, and today's article, we have selected it, hoping that teachers can share it with parents!

Some children keep trying hard but can't put down the mobile phone in their hands.

This is a real thing that happens every year, and in the face of results, many test takers begin to wake up to the fact that "if you are addicted to your mobile phone, the results are often worse than you imagined when the final score is released." ”

Year after year, too many candidates repeat the mistakes of the past, because once immersed in the world of "self-righteousness", it is not beneficial to prepare for the exam, because it is difficult for a "self-righteous" candidate to constantly improve himself, let alone make any breakthroughs.

"Don't believe it, mobile phones are helpful for studying, don't ask for reasons! Remember! This is a message from a candidate who has passed the high school entrance examination to the younger students on Weibo.

In reality, for the vast majority of students, mobile phones can help them study, and they are often an excuse. Only a small number of students have strong self-discipline and a clear sense of the bottom line: "The phone is just a tool, and it cannot be subject to it." ”

For such students, mobile phones may be helpful in learning to some extent. But the proportion of such students is very low.

That's what most students do......


A real day for students on the weekend

8:00 Wake up your eyes, brush Weibo, WeChat, and Moments on the bed to see what news there was last night, and add a few more likes.

9:00 Wake up and have breakfast first, after all, health is 1 and everything else is 0. When eating breakfast, I will swipe the short video of Douyin by the way, and I can't waste this time for breakfast~

11:00 Reading books, I can't play anymore, I've come all morning, and communism is still waiting for you to take over. After 10 minutes, it will be noon in the future, what to eat, take the mobile phone and pick up the takeout for 10 minutes, and continue to read.

12:00 Lunch, lunch is ready, don't study first, let's talk about it after lunch. It's boring to just eat, watch a movie on your phone, I'll watch it for half an hour, and I'll watch the rest tomorrow.

14:00 Take a nap, the movie is so good that I can't stop, and I saw the present at once. What should I do if I am a little sleepy, sleep first, go on 3 alarm clocks, and sleep for half an hour.

17:30 Dinner, why did you sleep so late, my alarm clock??? Let's go back to study after dinner.

18:30 Brush the questions, it's still growing overnight, and the day is deserted, I want to make the most of the present. I won't do this question, so I search it on the Internet on my mobile phone. Take a look at the xx live broadcast, let's play the game for a while...

21:00 Rest, I'm so tired, play two games and take a break~

23:00 Lights out, why is it so late, I don't seem to have done anything, hurry up and bury my head in studying.

24:00 Go to bed, I actually learned so late, today is really fast, it's still quite fulfilling, after all, I have finished copying the homework to be handed in tomorrow, but I'm going to study hard from tomorrow, come on!

How's that, is such a day familiar? It seems that you are studying "hard" all day, but in fact, you are not efficient at all!

The awakening of a student who failed the college entrance examination: My dream was taken away by my mobile phone! Parents are asked to transfer it to their children


Addiction to mobile phones is catastrophic!

Just like the students above, if the self-discipline is not strong, from using mobile phones, to playing with mobile phones, and finally to being addicted to mobile phones;

Such a process is very short, and once addicted, the total amount of effective time spent on learning is bound to decrease, and the sense of responsibility is also reduced.

For learning, it's catastrophic.

The awakening of a student who failed the college entrance examination: My dream was taken away by my mobile phone! Parents are asked to transfer it to their children

Due to the inherent communication function of mobile phones, if a circle is established, or a circle is entered, for example, many students are currently keen on "Glory of Kings", in the group game, time is quickly consumed, and may be "sticky" by this circle, at this time, the preparation for the exam must be put back.

If parents give their mobile phones to such children, it is convenient for parents to contact their children, and children often have some additional functions - to promote learning.

But in reality, many students will gradually fall into it.

The habit of procrastination has a strong universality, a child who is addicted to the mobile phone, before turning on the mobile phone or at the moment of turning on the mobile phone, may silently remind himself to be restrained, but when it is turned on, there are often "critical moments".

You can wait and procrastinate, and you will not be able to extricate yourself......


How does playing on my phone affect grades?

So, how much impact does playing with your phone have on learning? How does it disrupt concentration and affect performance?

Affects brain development

A researcher in Seattle once did a special study on this, and the results were shocking: the brains of children who are addicted to mobile phones look like they are shrinking compared to the brains of other children.

The awakening of a student who failed the college entrance examination: My dream was taken away by my mobile phone! Parents are asked to transfer it to their children

The reason for this difference is that the senses are not fully stimulated when playing with the mobile phone for a long time, and the brain passively receives the mobile phone pictures and sounds, which affects the brain development.

Disrupts concentration

Inability to concentrate for a long time, lack of in-depth and lasting understanding and thinking about a certain issue.

This seems to have become a "common problem" of modern people under the control of mobile phones, and the "focused" state is becoming more and more rare.

The satisfaction that comes with a mobile phone is too easy to come by, and once you get used to this "low-finger" satisfaction, you don't want to do those "high-investment" things anymore.

For example, students can complete homework and think about problems in a highly disciplined state.

In response to the question "What is the most important thing in a person's life?" When asked this question, Buffett said, my answer is focus, and Bill Gates's answer is the same as mine.

For a student, whether or not he or she can develop the abilities required for the high school entrance examination depends on the strength of concentration, rather than the low-level time investment.

It is difficult for students who are addicted to mobile phones to think continuously and deeply about their studies; Without in-depth thinking, it is not helpful to grasp the difficult content.

Takes up valuable time

In his 2018 New Year's Eve speech, Luo Zhenyu said:

The Glory of Kings made by the game bosses makes people have an excitement point in ten minutes, and the chicken game has an excitement point in three minutes, and even pursues an excitement point in one minute.

To put it bluntly, as long as you sit in front of the game, you can't get down at all, and you don't want to come down if you want to come down, and if you come down, it's the failure of the person who made the game.

And is it you who are smart or are the game makers smart? They're a PR team, you're just minors, how can you be up to them?

Others are studying hard after class, but you are trying your best to stay up late to play with your mobile phone;

While others are listening intently in class, you are thinking, napping, and dozing off.

Others are out of class or resting or preparing for preview, but you are excited to talk to your fellow practitioners about upgrading and fighting monsters, and your hands are itchy.

Destroying relationships with those around you

Once a child loves to play with mobile phones, parents will inevitably be afraid and worried, anxious to get angry, or directly intervene, pull out network cables, smash mobile phones, quarrel and scold;

or looking for ways to find a way to find a solution, and when I think about it, I secretly cry, worrying about the future of my child;

The teacher was angry and indisputable, and after repeated persuasion was useless, he simply let it go.

Students who are under pressure, no matter how much fun they have on their mobile phones, immediately feel very stressed once they face the reality. This is the state of existence of most children who are addicted to mobile phones.

The conflict between ideals and reality, the contradiction between one's own wishes and parents and teachers, puts them in a discordant relationship.

There can be no happiness from the heart, and it is impossible to make real progress in a high-pressure environment where you are forced to study.

The awakening of a student who failed the college entrance examination: My dream was taken away by my mobile phone! Parents are asked to transfer it to their children


Parents must tell their children these words

Therefore, students who are addicted to mobile phones are undoubtedly self-destructing their future! It is recommended that parents must tell their children these words!

Sentence 1 : Child! When you want to play with your phone, the first thing to think about is whether you can get into high school/college with your current grades?

As we all know, junior high school will face the fateful high school entrance examination and college entrance examination, you can look at the students around you who have failed over the years, a large part of the reason is because they are addicted to games.

A class teacher with more than 20 years of experience once sternly warned these junior high school students who are addicted to mobile phones and do not study:

The game takes away your knowledge,

The game takes away your time to study,

The game takes away the most precious youth of your life,

The game takes away your acceptance letter and leaves you with nothing to lose!

The high school entrance examination is not a game you play, you can start again if you break it.

There is only one opportunity to learn,

If you don't work hard in junior high school, then the high school entrance examination will be sad!

If you don't work hard in high school, then the college entrance examination is even more sad!

Sentence 2: Child, there will always be mobile games, but exams only give you one chance, once you can't get into your ideal school, where will you go?

Sentence 3: You should understand that it is parents and knowledge, not games, that can keep you alive

It is impossible for your parents to feed you for a lifetime, in this world, only sunlight and air are free and can be obtained without work, and everything else needs your ability to obtain, not a mobile phone!

Your parents can support you before you are a minor, but they can't treat you as a "giant baby" to feed you for a lifetime, so the greatest hope and responsibility of parents is to cultivate the ability to survive!

This ability comes from studying, to be self-reliant, and then to be admitted to university, to get a job with a bachelor's degree, to be self-reliant at work, and finally to be able to achieve self-reliance in life after leaving parents.

Sentence 4: Students with weak subjects should quickly check and fill in the gaps to make up for the lack of knowledge in each subject

Freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and poor grades indicate that there are many knowledge loopholes and faults in each subject, so we must hurry up and make up for it, otherwise it will accumulate more and more and will be difficult to return!

You will learn more and more difficult knowledge later, because the knowledge of each subject is closely connected, and the knowledge you learn later will use the previous conceptual formulas and laws, if these knowledge is blank in your mind, how can you understand the teacher's lecture?


How can students root cell phone dependency?

Finally, 9 suggested practices that are recommended for children:

1. Do not bring a mobile phone or an elderly computer to school, and do not accept any reason to refute

"I want to look up words" "You can use an electronic dictionary (no games and novels)"

"I want to see the time" "You can bring a watch"

"I want to brush the question" "What? Not enough topics in school? ”

"I want to contact my family" "The old man can help you~"

"I want to check current political hot spots, check words, brush up questions, ..........."

"Okay, I'll let you bring it, but~ please consciously hand it over to the teacher, and agree with the teacher to check all the content you want to check for a period of time every day, and put it to the teacher when you are finished, and get it back when you go home."

2. Turn off new message alerts on WeChat and QQ

Believe me, most of the instant messages on WeChat and QQ are small talk or messages that don't need to be answered immediately.

If someone really has something important to do with you, they will definitely call or contact you through the teacher!

3. Turn on Do Not Disturb for group messages

Many people will have all kinds of groups, some groups are very active, and there are constant messages every day, and there are local tyrants who send red envelopes from time to time.

Constantly checking group messages and grabbing a red envelope for a few cents will seriously affect our concentration in learning.

So I recommend that you do the following:

Streamline the groups you own, exit groups that are meaningless and pure chit-chat, and open messages to surviving groups.

You can turn off WeChat or QQ directly during the study time.

4. Cancel the reminder of photo update in Moments

When many people open WeChat and see a small red dot updated in the circle of friends, they can't help but open it to check it, for fear that they will miss something big and can't keep up with the rhythm of their friends.

But when you get used to not looking at the circle of friends, you will find that:

In fact, what you miss is inconsequential news,

Isn't eye contact between people, sharing daily joy face-to-face, more than likes in the circle of friends?

5. Reduce the frequency of updating your moments

Restrain yourself from posting on Moments and asking for likes.

Happiness is a real feeling in life, joys, sorrows and sorrows can be directly shared with the people around you, and there is no need to brush up on the sense of existence through deliberate "exposure", nor do you need to rely on the recognition of others to obtain self-satisfaction.

6. Uninstall most (or even all) mobile games and entertainment apps

7. Clean up eBooks from your phone

8. Turn on your phone's DND feature when you need to focus

During the time when you need to focus on studying, it is recommended that you disconnect yourself from the Internet and turn on the Do Not Disturb function on your mobile phone (you can whitelist several important calls).

9. Don't touch your phone in the morning and before bed

Before going to bed and waking up in the morning, it is the time when we are most likely to develop mobile phone dependence, so here I would like to remind you:

During these two periods, don't play with your phone, don't play with your phone, don't play with your phone!!

We can develop the habit of reading a book for a while before going to bed, and it is recommended that everyone take a break to rest and rest well in order to get quality sleep.

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