
"Three old things, no matter how poor you are, you don't keep them", you have them at home, it's best to throw them away quickly, don't take it seriously

author:Little mulberry leaves love to share
"Three old things, no matter how poor you are, you don't keep them", you have them at home, it's best to throw them away quickly, don't take it seriously

We all have the Xi of collecting things, but if you collect, the following three things must be thrown away quickly, because the ancestors have said that these three old things can not be kept no matter how poor they are, otherwise it will affect our life and health.

There are many traditional virtues in our country, such as diligence and thrift, when encountering some old things, everyone will be reluctant to throw them, but bring it into a new home or keep it at home, but it is easy to fall into dust after a long time, and they are not used much, not only occupy our space but also are prone to bacteria and dust, so if you have this kind of thing at home, you must throw it away in time.

"Three old things, no matter how poor you are, you don't keep them", you have them at home, it's best to throw them away quickly, don't take it seriously

First, if you don't want the pots and pans and kitchen gas in your house, then don't keep them, for example, some old electrical appliances, such as rice cookers, microwave ovens, etc., these appliances can be sold to waste collectors, don't stay at home, because this will take up a lot of space, it is very inconvenient, and it is easy to have dust after a long time, if we continue to use it, it is easy to have damage problems, which will shorten his service life directly, so it is not recommended that you use old appliances and some pots and pans that have problems。

"Three old things, no matter how poor you are, you don't keep them", you have them at home, it's best to throw them away quickly, don't take it seriously

Second, in addition to not leaving old electrical appliances, you should not keep some dishes and chopsticks with gaps or coatings that have fallen off, because we will choose to use pots and bowls to serve rice when eating, use pots to cook soup, etc., then when you encounter these pots and bowls, the coating has been broken, or there are gaps outside the ceramics, it is best not to use them directly.

If you continue to use the notched bowl, you may get hurt, and if the coating falls, it may release some bad substances, so you should still use it with caution. The most important thing is to use the pot where the coating has fallen, which may cause some bad substances to appear, then we are also easy to stick to the pan when stir-frying, so don't continue to use the pot where the coating has fallen off.

"Three old things, no matter how poor you are, you don't keep them", you have them at home, it's best to throw them away quickly, don't take it seriously

Thirdly, in addition to the above two items, the toothbrush is also something that we must pay attention to. Because we need to brush our teeth every day, we need to use toothpaste and toothbrush almost every day, I should look at its shelf life when using a toothbrush, generally speaking, it is recommended that you replace a new toothbrush in two or three months, so as to better clean the mouth and maintain oral health.

Some friends think that the toothbrush is not broken, so why throw it away? But in fact, the toothbrush will contain a lot of bacteria, and the toothbrush is basically placed in the toilet, or on the counter, there will be water in it if it is not taken care of for a long time, and it is easy to breed bacteria if the water cannot be discharged, and the toothbrush we use will have bacteria, so we can see how long it has been used before using the toothbrush, if it has been used for a long time, it should be thrown away, you can directly use these toothbrushes as brushes, shoes or other things are very good.

The above three are the things we should throw away in our daily life, and we must not be reluctant, otherwise it will affect our physical health.