
【Focus on the 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Jishishan】How did 14,700 boarders escape safely during the earthquake?

author:Daily Gansu


How 14,700 boarders escaped safely during the earthquake

New Gansu Daily Gansu Net reporter Li Ping correspondent Ma Shengjun Zhang Pengwei Ma Qihui Li Dengxing

The 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Jishi Mountain occurred in the middle of the night, and there were no casualties among the 14,700 boarders in the county!

How did all the boarding students get out of danger safely? Through a visit to Jishishan County Nationalities Middle School on December 21, this reporter found some answers.

How to evacuate

Late at night on December 18, Ma Yuhua, the vice principal on duty at Jishishan County Nationalities Middle School, couldn't sleep after inspecting the school guard room, so he sat on the dormitory sofa on the third floor of the teacher's apartment building and drank tea.

"The shaking amplitude is very large!" At 23:59, Ma Yuhua felt that the sofa was moving, and when he looked up, the lamp was flicking.

"It's an earthquake!" Ma Yuhua immediately ran out of the door, shouting "Earthquake" while running downstairs.

Within 1 minute, he had already called the teacher on duty in the student apartment building, and ran to the opposite side of the higher laboratory building, shouting with all his strength to the male and female apartment buildings on both sides: "There is an earthquake!"

At this time, the alarm bell of the student apartment building rang, and the teachers on duty also began to shout through the loudspeaker.

Jishishan County National Middle School was completed in 2015 to enroll, with 244 teachers, 2,074 students, 45 classes, closed management, and all students are accommodated. The school has 1 apartment building for boys and 1 for girls, and students live on the 1st to 5th floors. On the day of the earthquake, there were 1,867 students living on campus, excluding those who were sick and on leave.

At 0:02 on December 19, some on-campus dormitory teachers rushed into the student apartment to organize the safe transfer of students.

At 0:03, 70% of the students had been evacuated downstairs. At this time, the school activated the campus broadcasting system, and Ma Yuhua began to notify with a wireless microphone: "Students gather at the football field, line up according to the class, and count the number of people." ”

At 0:05, the last student ran downstairs, and the teachers present began to count the number of people. At the same time, the 16 teachers who took the initiative to ask for help have ventured into the building and started to check whether there were any missing students on a floor-by-floor basis.

At 0:06, the principal Jurui rushed to the school from home and began to arrange the organization. Zhao Hualong, secretary of the general party branch of the school, issued a notice on the way to the school in a timely manner: "There has been an earthquake! All the head teachers of the school immediately arrived at the school, and other qualified teachers also hurried to the school. ”

What touched Zhao Hualong was that when he arrived at the school, he found that many teachers had already arrived at the school and were busy evacuating students.

At 0:10, the count was completed, and all 1,867 students were safely transferred.

How to heat the house

Snowfall fell in Jishishan County on December 14, and when the earthquake struck, the outdoor temperature was around minus 15 degrees Celsius, and there was four or five centimeters of snow on the school football field, and there was still wind.

After the counting of the number of people, everyone reacted, and the students were all standing on the snow, some of them had no shoes, some of them did not wear coats, and they were very susceptible to cold and frostbite.

"What should I do?" "We have to build a fire, we have to get some quilts!" Under the organization of Jurui, the teachers and students immediately went to pick up branches, carry some worn-out bed boards, worn-out chairs, etc. But who enters the building? Entering the building at this time, there is no need to say much about the danger.

The students were scrambling to get the quilts from the building, but they were stopped by the teacher.

Han Denglin is a history teacher at the school, and after the earthquake, he didn't even bother to read the school notice at home, so he took the initiative to rush to the school. After arriving at the school, he happened to hear the news, so he took the initiative to ask Ying, and more than 10 teachers ventured into the building to take out more than 300 sets of bedding.

"At that time, there were actually only a few thoughts in my mind, one was to run faster and one more trip, and the other was to get more quilts. Han Denglin ran at least 10 times and brought out more than 40 quilts.

While waiting for the "warmth", other teachers organized all the students to run and rub their hands in place.

At 0:25, the first bonfire was lit. At 0:35, the futon was in place. Soon, more than 30 fires were lit. The students were draped in quilts and warmed up around the campfire.

At around 1 p.m., more and more teachers arrived at the school (there were nearly 100 teachers in the school), and the teachers who arrived by car turned on the heaters in their cars and let the thinly dressed students get into the cars to keep warm.

How to get home safely

At 1:47, with the approval of the higher authorities, the school issued a notice in 45 parents' WeChat groups for parents to pick up their children home.

In fact, before this, there were already many parents waiting outside the school gate.

"Whoever comes first, who picks up!" According to the order in which parents arrive at school, Ma Yuhua called out the names of the students through a loudspeaker, and then asked the parents and students to confirm that they were correct with each other before letting the students go home.

At 10 a.m., the last student was picked up by his parents. After that, the teachers began to check by phone again, and finally confirmed that all the students had arrived home safely and that no one was injured, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After the earthquake, Jishishan County Nationalities Middle School was able to transfer students in a safe and orderly manner as soon as possible, as did other schools in the county.

According to the survey, all 14,700 boarders in Jishishan County were safely evacuated during the earthquake, and then all of them were taken home safely by their parents, and there were no casualties.

Why can

In recent years, the Linxia Prefecture Education Bureau and the Jishishan County Education Bureau have attached great importance to school safety education. In the interview, the reporter learned that since the establishment of the school, Jishishan County Nationalities Middle School has held earthquake relief drills every semester, with safety education as the theme many times, and the first thing emphasized in each class meeting is safety. In this way, the students have a clear understanding of the self-rescue methods for earthquake resistance and risk avoidance.

"It is necessary to command properly, have a clear division of labor, unite and cooperate, and have great love and dedication. During the transfer, the teacher appeared immediately and guided in an orderly manner, and the teacher stepped forward at the moment of danger, and the teacher united and cooperated in the face of difficulties, calming the panicked students and giving them the confidence to overcome the disaster. Summing up the school's experience of safely transferring students, Jurui said.

Shaanxi Chung Guo is a student in the 25th class of Jishishan County National High School, a physical education student, 1.9 meters tall. Due to the intensity of training on the afternoon of the 18th, his body was a little "unbearable", and when the earthquake occurred, he and his roommate were not sleepy and were doing muscle stretching. After the earthquake, he ran to the first floor in a few seconds and shouted "earthquake". Running fast and running down early, he saw the whole transfer process clearly, "I was particularly touched to see the teachers who organized us to evacuate regardless of their lives, hugged us quilts, and some teachers gave their clothes to students." ”

"During the earthquake, people did not see crowds and stampedes, and the evacuation was rapid, which proves that previous drills and safety education and Xi are necessary. I think after this earthquake, we will be more united, and we will all be better in the future!"

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