
After the defeat of the loyal king Li Xiucheng's subordinates, he returned to his hometown, and his son became the leader of the Qing Dynasty and was later made a general

author:Love Music Asa 9Y1

In modern Chinese history, there was a special family. The story of this family is full of drama and tragedy, and one can't help but sigh at the impermanence of fate and the greatness of human nature.

After the defeat of the loyal king Li Xiucheng's subordinates, he returned to his hometown, and his son became the leader of the Qing Dynasty and was later made a general

The name of this family is the Li family. Their ancestor was a minister named Li Xiucheng, who was a confidant of King Zhong during the Qing Dynasty. However, as the Taiping Rebellion grew, he and his troops began to go down the path of defeat. In the end, they were forced to return to their hometowns.

After the defeat of the loyal king Li Xiucheng's subordinates, he returned to his hometown, and his son became the leader of the Qing Dynasty and was later made a general

Despite such a blow, Lee so-sung's son was not discouraged by this. Instead, he decided to devote himself to the cause of overthrowing the Qing government, and soon became one of the leaders.

After the defeat of the loyal king Li Xiucheng's subordinates, he returned to his hometown, and his son became the leader of the Qing Dynasty and was later made a general

The young man's name was Li Hongzhang. Although his father was a failed general, he was a far-sighted politician. He knew that only through modernization and reform could China become strong and get rid of the fate of being invaded by foreign countries.

After the defeat of the loyal king Li Xiucheng's subordinates, he returned to his hometown, and his son became the leader of the Qing Dynasty and was later made a general

Thus, Li Hongzhang began his path of reform. He made a series of bold attempts in many fields such as politics, economics, and military, and achieved certain success. In particular, during the Westernization Movement, he actively introduced advanced science and technology and management experience from the West, thus laying a solid foundation for China's modernization.

Under his leadership, China gradually transformed from a small and closed country into a powerful country. He himself gained great prestige and was known as the "Lion of the East".

However, Li Hongzhang is not a person who can accomplish everything alone. He needs a strong team to support him and help him achieve his dreams. To this end, he built a huge organization of various talents - the Beiyang Navy.

In this organization, everyone has their own responsibilities and missions. They have worked hard in their respective positions and have made great contributions to the prosperity of China. In particular, the young officers are highly trained professionals with extensive experience and a deep theoretical foundation in naval warfare.

However, just as Li Hongzhang and his team were preparing to make a big splash, a disaster suddenly struck. In 1894, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, and the Beiyang Navy suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Japanese. The war not only destroyed the Beiyang Navy, but also dealt a heavy blow to China's morale.

In the face of this disaster, Li Hongzhang was heartbroken. He knew that if the strength of the army could not be restored in time, then China would not be able to defend itself against the threat of foreign invaders. So, he immediately set about rebuilding a new fleet and invested a lot of financial and material resources.

After several years of hard work, the newly trained Beiyang Naval Division was finally completed. This fleet possessed the world's most advanced weaponry and technology, and was China's most powerful maritime force at that time.

At this time, Li Hongzhang is no longer young, he is 73 years old. But he still maintains a high level of enthusiasm and a keen strategic vision. He believes that as long as Japan can be defeated, it will be able to make a shame and make China rise again.

So, he once again stood on the front line of the battlefield. He personally commanded battle after battle, successfully repelling the Japanese attack. This victory restored the confidence of the Chinese and laid the foundation for the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Although Li Hongzhang has not been able to see the day when China will truly stand up, his spirit will always live in the hearts of the Chinese people. Throughout his life, he devoted his life to promoting the progress and development of Chinese society, and devoted his whole life to China's future prosperity and strength.

He was a true patriot and a great historical figure. He is a role model for us to learn from Xi and a figure we should look up to. Let's pay him a high tribute!

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