
The youngest imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty became an ornament at the age of 15, but she enjoyed a unique glory

author:Fortune Stream 8M9j

The imperial concubine had a very special status in the concubine system of the Qing Dynasty, being below the empress but above all other concubines. The establishment of this status not only reflects the special status of the imperial concubine in the emperor's heart, but also reflects her important influence in court politics. The selection and promotion of imperial concubines are often accompanied by complex court struggles and political considerations, and their existence plays a non-negligible role in maintaining the stability of imperial power and balancing the power of the harem.

The establishment and development of the concubine system in the Qing Dynasty went through a process from simple division in the early period to strict hierarchical division in the later period. In this system, the status of imperial concubines is second only to that of the empress, and they usually have a higher background and family power, and can provide political support and assistance to the emperor. The selection criteria for imperial concubines are very strict, requiring not only their outstanding appearance and talent, but also their political wisdom and skill, and their ability to gain a foothold in the complex court life.

Emperor Tongzhi, also known as Aixin Jueluo Zaichun, was the eleventh emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and his reign name "Tongzhi" implied the harmony and unity of national governance and emperor governance. The selection of concubines of Emperor Tongzhi was an important event in the court life of the Qing Dynasty and an important part of the concubine system of the Qing Dynasty. In the twelfth year of Tongzhi, that is, in 1873 AD, the Qing court began a large-scale concubine selection activity in order to enrich the emperor's harem.

This selection activity strictly followed the Eight Banners draft system of the Qing Dynasty. The Eight Banners system was a form of military and social organization unique to the Qing Dynasty, which divided the Manchus into eight flags: yellow, white, red, blue, yellow, white, red, and blue, each with a corresponding population and land. The Eight Banners draft was the main way to select concubines in the Qing Dynasty, and it required all women of appropriate age within the Eight Banners to participate in the draft for the emperor to choose.

In the 12-year draft of Tongzhi, after layers of selection, five show girls finally stood out and became the concubines of Emperor Tongzhi. These five show girls are not only outstanding, but also have a prominent family background. Among them, the Arut and Fucha are particularly eye-catching. Born in Manchuria, her family played an important role in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and many of her members held important positions in the court. The Fucha clan was born in the Yellow Banner of Manchuria, and her family was equally prominent and made important contributions to the stability and development of the Qing Dynasty throughout the ages.

The youngest imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty became an ornament at the age of 15, but she enjoyed a unique glory

These two show girls were selected not only because of their beauty and talent, but also because of the family power behind them. In the Qing Dynasty, the selection of concubines was not only a personal preference of the emperor, but also a political marriage. Through marriages with prominent families, the emperor could consolidate his power and strengthen ties with the aristocracy. At the same time, these families can also enhance their status and influence through marriages with the royal family.

The selection of the Arut clan and the Fucha clan also reflects some characteristics of the concubine system in the Qing Dynasty. First of all, the selection of concubines pays great attention to family background, which is closely related to the Eight Banners system of the Qing Dynasty. Secondly, the selection of concubines is also a political process, which involves the balance of power and the exchange of interests between the royal family and the nobility. Finally, the selection of concubines was also a cultural process, which reflected the importance that the Qing Dynasty attached to women's virtues and talents.

In the harem of Emperor Tongzhi, the status of the Arut clan and the Fucha clan gradually rose, and they not only won the favor of the emperor, but also played an important role in the harem. Their existence not only enriched the harem life of Emperor Tongzhi, but also added new elements to the court culture and political life of the Qing Dynasty.

However, Emperor Tongzhi's harem life was not all smooth sailing. In the late Qing Dynasty, the country faced internal and external troubles, and the court was also full of power struggles and political intrigues. As the emperor's concubines, the Arut clan and the Fucha clan not only have to deal with various challenges in the harem, but also face the crisis of the country and the nation. Their lives are full of glory and challenges, as well as responsibilities and responsibilities.

In general, the selection of the concubines of the Tongzhi Emperor is an important embodiment of the concubine system of the Qing Dynasty. It not only shows the importance that the Qing Dynasty attached to the family background of the concubines, but also reflected the complexity of Qing court politics and the status of women in the court. The selection of the Arut clan and the Fucha clan is a good story in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and their stories are worthy of our in-depth excavation and research.

In the court life of the Qing Dynasty, the selection of the empress was an extremely important and politically contested process. The selection of the empress of the Tongzhi Emperor is particularly eye-catching, because it is not only related to the emperor's personal emotional choice, but also involves the balance of power inside and outside the court and the contest of family power.

The youngest imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty became an ornament at the age of 15, but she enjoyed a unique glory

In the eleventh year of Tongzhi, that is, in 1872, Emperor Tongzhi had reached marriageable age. According to the custom of the Qing Dynasty, the empress dowager of the two palaces, the Eastern Empress Dowager Ci'an and the Western Empress Dowager Cixi, issued an edict to draft the emperor. After layers of screening, five show girls finally stood out, among which the Arut clan and the Fucha clan became the final contenders for the queen because of their prominent family background and outstanding talent.

Alut, born in the Mongolian Zhenglan Banner, grandfather Arut Saishan'a was an important minister in the Daoguang period, and his father Chongqi was accidentally won the champion in the third year of Tongzhi, breaking the old practice of "Manchu and Han Dynasty" in the same department, and became the only banner person champion in the Qing Dynasty. The dignified atmosphere of the Alut clan is favored by the Empress Dowager Ci'an. Empress Dowager Ci'an believes that the Arut clan not only has a prominent family background, but also has a good upbringing and a prudent character, and is the best choice for the empress.

The Fucha clan was born in Manchuria with a yellow flag, and his family also has a deep political background. The Fucha clan won the favor of the Empress Dowager Cixi with its pretty, lively, intelligent and clever nature. Empress Dowager Cixi believed that Fucha was not only outstanding in appearance, but also had a distinctive temperament and talent, and was an ideal candidate to bring joy and vitality to the emperor.

In this competition for the selection of the queen, the opinions of the two queen mothers diverged. The Eastern Empress Dowager Ci'an insisted that the Arut clan was more suitable to become empress, while the Western Empress Dowager Cixi preferred the Fucha clan. The contest ultimately rose to the choice of the emperor himself. Under the recommendation of the Empress Dowager of the Two Palaces, Emperor Tongzhi chose the Arut clan as the empress after careful consideration. This choice not only reflects Emperor Tongzhi's respect for the opinions of the Empress Dowager Ci'an, but also reflects his recognition of the dignified and atmospheric quality of the Alut clan.

The election of the Arut clan marked a great increase in her status in the court. She not only became the wife of Emperor Tongzhi, but also became an important figure in the court of the Qing Dynasty. However, the status of the empress is not all smooth sailing, and she needs to face not only the power struggle in the court, but also the delicate relationship with the emperor and the empress dowager. Although the dignified and prudent nature of the Arut clan won her the throne of the queen, it also brought her a lot of challenges.

Although Fucha failed to become the queen, her beauty and liveliness also earned her a place. In the harem of Emperor Tongzhi, the Fucha clan gradually established its influence with its unique charm and talent. Her presence not only enriched the harem life of Emperor Tongzhi, but also added new vitality to the court culture of the Qing Dynasty.

The youngest imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty became an ornament at the age of 15, but she enjoyed a unique glory

The selection of empresses was a complex and delicate process in the court life of the Qing Dynasty. It is not only about the emperor's personal emotional choices, but also about the balance of power inside and outside the court and the contest of family power. The rivalry between the Arut clan and the Fucha clan is a vivid manifestation of this process. Their stories not only show the complexity of the selection of concubines in the Qing Dynasty, but also reflect the richness of court life in the Qing Dynasty. 12

Fucha, the show girl who failed to become the empress, won the special favor and preferential treatment of the Empress Dowager Cixi with her unique charm and talent in the harem of Emperor Tongzhi. Although she lost to the Arut clan in the contest for the empress, the Empress Dowager Cixi's love for the Fucha clan did not decrease, but in later days, she gave her more care and promotion.

When she first entered the palace, Fucha was named Concubine Hui, a title that not only reflected her intelligence, but also foreshadowed her wisdom and strategy in the harem. Canonized on the same day as the empress, this special treatment highlights her status in the heart of the Empress Dowager Cixi. Although he failed to become the empress, the treatment enjoyed by the Fucha clan was not inferior to that of the empress. Under the special care of the Empress Dowager Cixi, the Fucha clan was not only rewarded materially, but also greatly respected and satisfied spiritually.

During the reign of Emperor Tongzhi, the Fucha clan won the favor of the emperor with its pretty, lively, intelligent and clever nature. Her talent and charm are not only unique in the harem, but also in various activities of the court, showing an extraordinary style. Whether it was literature, music, or painting, Fucha had profound attainments, and her talent and wisdom added new luster to the court culture of the Qing Dynasty.

However, the good times did not last long, and the sudden death of Emperor Tongzhi brought great changes to the life of the Fucha clan. Having lost the favor and protection of the emperor, the Fucha clan's position in the harem was in jeopardy. However, the Empress Dowager Cixi did not forget this once favored concubine, but after the death of Emperor Tongzhi, she gave the Fucha clan a higher honor. Fucha was promoted to the title of imperial concubine, and the promotion of this title is not only a recognition of her personal qualities and talents, but also the special care and favor of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

After being promoted to the imperial concubine, the status and influence of the Fucha clan have been greatly improved. She not only has more say in the harem, but also plays a more important role in various activities of the court. Her talent and wisdom have been more widely displayed and recognized. With the support of the Empress Dowager Cixi, the Fucha clan gradually expanded its influence and became an important figure to be reckoned with in the Qing court.

The youngest imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty became an ornament at the age of 15, but she enjoyed a unique glory

In the twentieth year of Guangxu, when the Empress Dowager Cixi celebrated her 60th birthday, she once again honored the Fucha clan and canonized her as the imperial concubine of Dunyi Rongqing. The conferment of this title is not only the highest praise for Fucha's personal qualities and talents, but also the special favor and respect of the Empress Dowager Cixi. Dunyi Rongqing Imperial Concubine, this four-character title, is unique in the history of the Qing Dynasty, it not only reflects the unique position of the Fucha clan in the heart of the Empress Dowager Cixi, but also highlights her important influence in the Qing Dynasty court.

The treatment of the Fucha clan and the promotion of the title were a unique phenomenon in the court of the Qing Dynasty. Although she failed to become the empress, under the special care and promotion of the Empress Dowager Cixi, she gained a higher honor and status than the empress. Her story not only shows the complexity of the selection of concubines in the Qing Dynasty, but also reflects the richness of court life in the Qing Dynasty. Although Fucha's life was full of ups and downs and challenges, her wisdom and talent made her leave a strong mark in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

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