
What does the "soldier, brave, pawn, and ding" on the chest of a Qing Dynasty soldier mean? The difference between one word and one word is worlds apart


When you watch the film and television works of the Qing Dynasty, you will find that the words written on the chest of the Qing army's clothes are not the same, and they are written "soldier, ding, pawn, brave", so what is the meaning of these words? Just one word is different, and the fate of these people will be completely different.

The military system of the Qing Dynasty was a relatively complex relationship network, which also distinguished the Manchu and Han people, and was also related to the lifeblood of the country.

What does the "soldier, brave, pawn, and ding" on the chest of a Qing Dynasty soldier mean? The difference between one word and one word is worlds apart

The Qing army written "Bing" on the chest is the soldiers of the Manchu Eight Banners, also known as the Eight Banners, their treatment is the best, and at the same time they can get a very generous military salary, and they can also be stationed in relatively comfortable big cities, most of these places are Manchurian residential areas, so his life is also more comfortable, and he can be pampered, it is because of this innate advantage that they have relaxed their military training, and their combat effectiveness is getting lower and lower, so that the majestic Eight Banners soldiers have become weak chickens, when the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement appeared, After the battle with the Taiping army, their combat effectiveness was exposed, and they were almost defeated and retreated.

What does the "soldier, brave, pawn, and ding" on the chest of a Qing Dynasty soldier mean? The difference between one word and one word is worlds apart

At this time, because of the vacancy of combat effectiveness in the Qing Dynasty, they began to recruit green battalion soldiers, that is, Han soldiers, their chests are also "soldiers", but the treatment is not as good as the treatment of the Eight Banners, although it is also the regular army of the Qing Dynasty, but the equipment is much worse than the Eight Banners.

What does the "soldier, brave, pawn, and ding" on the chest of a Qing Dynasty soldier mean? The difference between one word and one word is worlds apart

Because of the movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the gradual spread of the whole country, resulting in the war is getting bigger and bigger, in order to deal with these Taiping troops, all over the country began to recruit Xiang Yong, their military uniforms are written "Yong" because these soldiers are from all over the civil organizations, that is, local armies around the country, combat effectiveness and equipment can be imagined, and finally these Xiang Yong also joined the war against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

What does the "soldier, brave, pawn, and ding" on the chest of a Qing Dynasty soldier mean? The difference between one word and one word is worlds apart

The clothes say "pawn" The soldiers are generally responsible for some chores within the army, basically doing some miscellaneous things, their salaries are relatively low, and there is no combat armor, because they don't have to go to the battlefield, everyone writes "pawn" on the clothes of many prison soldiers in film and television dramas, they are engaged in some simple logistics work, and some will also write "prison".

What does the "soldier, brave, pawn, and ding" on the chest of a Qing Dynasty soldier mean? The difference between one word and one word is worlds apart

The "Ding" type of troops is more pitiful, because they are the arms that will be produced when the army is extremely short of people during the war, because they are the captured strong men, forcibly grabbing young laborers from various villages to expand the army, these captured strong men have almost no professional war training, so they are basically cannon fodder on the battlefield, and they will also let these Ding soldiers do some hard work.

What does the "soldier, brave, pawn, and ding" on the chest of a Qing Dynasty soldier mean? The difference between one word and one word is worlds apart

The above is the introduction of the Qing Dynasty's "soldiers, braves, pawns, and dings", through the evolution of these arms, we can see that the Qing Dynasty government in the later period gradually weakened the process, and the army's combat effectiveness gradually decreased, the original Manchu Eight Banners have long ceased to exist, and the fighting arms are basically the soldiers of the Han nationality.

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