
Letting his 12-year-old daughter wash dishes caused an educational controversy, Dr. Tao Yong deleted the controversial long article, and his sister supported it

author:Smart Willow Leaf X2u

In Beijing, Tao Yong, an ophthalmologist, caused an uproar over his daughter's birthday, asking her to wash dishes. This scene was strongly supported by the big V "Ophthalmology Superman Lao Liang", saying that Tao Yong was his senior brother, but he was not a typical "daddy man".

Tao Yong described his 12-year-old daughter's "dragging" personality in the article, and asked her to wash the dishes on her birthday, but the whole family objected. Netizens have discussed, some people think that the child can't be washed, some people advocate waiting for her to grow up, and some people think that it should be cultivated slowly, rather than forced.

Letting his 12-year-old daughter wash dishes caused an educational controversy, Dr. Tao Yong deleted the controversial long article, and his sister supported it

Big V "Ophthalmology Superman Lao Liang" strongly supported Tao Yong, calling him a senior brother and an atypical "daddy man". He explained that Tao Yong was a simple intellectual, lacking worldliness. Tao Yong has always worked hard in the cause of ophthalmology, and even wiped his butt for his peers, but he has become the object of hatred of patients.

Letting his 12-year-old daughter wash dishes caused an educational controversy, Dr. Tao Yong deleted the controversial long article, and his sister supported it

The article depicts Tao Yong's life, in which he struggled for his career, was often busy with work, met with his family several times, and lived in different places. On his daughter's birthday, he may want to show his daughter's sensibility and caringness in front of relatives and friends, but he caused controversy because he was too aggressive

Letting his 12-year-old daughter wash dishes caused an educational controversy, Dr. Tao Yong deleted the controversial long article, and his sister supported it

Tao Yong's expectations for his daughter are also shown in the text. He may have tried to make his daughter more "well-behaved" through some behavior, but this may have been based on a petty superstition about the independent, intelligent doctors of women. This also echoes his experience of actively introducing female PhDs to people.

The article mentions Tao Yong's past incidents of doctor-patient violence that resulted in serious bodily harm. However, he struggled to recover and eventually won the Physician Award, an experience that demonstrated his tenacity and dedication in the field of medicine.

Letting his 12-year-old daughter wash dishes caused an educational controversy, Dr. Tao Yong deleted the controversial long article, and his sister supported it

Tao Yong's long article sparked extensive discussions among netizens about children's education, and also generated a series of controversies. Eventually, Dr. Tao Yong deleted the long post, perhaps because the heated discussions and controversy on social media exceeded his expectations.

After deleting the long article that caused the controversy, Tao Yong updated his account and posted a photo of the gift he received, but did not mention the controversy on the Internet. This may be his attempt to calm the storm and focus on the positive aspects of his life.

This story shows the complex role of Tao Yong, an ophthalmologist, in his family education and career. He was an intellectual who had achieved success in the field of medicine, but faced challenges in homeschooling. His hard work, persistence, and expectations of his daughter have sparked heated controversy online. The story also reflects the deep involvement of social media in the lives of individuals, and how it generates a complex range of reactions and responses. In this process, Tao Yong shows his unique pursuit of family and career, and at the same time reveals the diversity and complexity of educational concepts and family relationships in modern society.

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