
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

author:Li Xin said entertainment

This article tells about the experiences and controversies of the famous actor Zhao Lixin. Zhao Lixin once played Zhang Yi of Qin State in "The Legend of Miyue", and played the county magistrate Shi Weimin in "I Am Not Pan Jinlian", and is also a director and screenwriter. He is fluent in four Chinese languages and was the first Chinese to be admitted to the National Theatre of Sweden.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

However, Zhao Lixin has been the target of public criticism on the Chinese internet for making controversial statements on social media. He once questioned the reason for the burning of the Old Summer Palace by the British and French forces, and made whitewashing remarks about Japan's aggression, which caused a huge controversy.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Mr. Zhao's remarks were met with widespread criticism, including criticism from state media. He tried to defend himself by publishing a long article, but it failed to quell the outrage. In addition, the article also mentions that Zhao Lixin renounced his Chinese citizenship as early as 1995 and succeeded at the Swedish National Theatre.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Despite his artistic achievements, his attitude and rhetoric towards China led him to face widespread criticism and boycott in China. The control of public figures' speech is a complex and delicate topic that involves aspects such as freedom of expression, social responsibility, public image management, and cultural and political sensitivities. Here are some detailed tips on how to control the speech of public figures:

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Public figures should be aware that their words can affect people from different cultural and social backgrounds. When making remarks that involve a particular cultural or social issue, it should be fully researched and understood beforehand. Political stances can lead to strong public reactions, especially in sensitive or divisive political environments.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Express political views when necessary, but make sure the remarks are well-thought-out and avoid offense or misunderstanding. Public figures should maintain authority and credibility in their field of expertise. Avoid making irresponsible comments in areas that you are not familiar with. Consider the long-term impact your speech may have on your personal brand, career, and public image. Avoid short-term emotionally driven speech, especially on social media.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Avoid using abusive, discriminatory, or offensive language. Respect different opinions and perspectives, even if they differ from yourself. Be transparent and honest when expressing your personal opinions. If the information or opinion published is based on a specific relationship of interest, it should be clearly stated. Pay attention to the public's reaction to the remarks and respond or clarify in a timely manner. Apologize and correct inappropriate remarks when necessary.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Understand and comply with legal requirements related to speech. Consider the impact of speech on social morality and the public interest. Regularly update your knowledge of social, cultural and political issues. Receive media training and PR coaching to improve public communication skills. For important or sensitive topics, consider communicating and posting through a professional PR team.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

An artist's political stance often reflects their personal beliefs, values, and life experiences. These beliefs may be derived from an individual's upbringing, educational experience, cultural environment, etc. Many artists have criticized and reflected on social and cultural phenomena through their works. They may focus on issues such as social inequality, political corruption, environmental issues, human rights, and more.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Artists may be actively involved in or support specific political movements and social change. For example, supporting the civil rights movement, the environmental movement, gender equality, etc. Some artists' works or statements may involve support or criticism of the country's political system. They may express their views on political systems such as democracy, autocracy, socialism, capitalism, etc.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

In the context of globalization, the political stance of artists may also involve international relations and global issues. For example, attention to international issues such as war, global poverty, climate change, etc. Many artists strongly support artistic freedom and freedom of expression. They may oppose censorship and restrictions on artistic expression.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Through their work, artists may explore issues such as identity, race, gender, and sexual orientation. Their political stance may be related to the push for diversity and inclusion. Some artists may be critical of modern capitalism and consumerism. They may be concerned about economic inequality and the gap between rich and poor.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

The artist's political stance may be related to the interpretation and memory of historical events. For example, war, genocide, colonial history, etc., are explored through works of art. In the digital age, some artists are concerned about the social and political impact of technology. They may discuss modern topics such as artificial intelligence, data privacy, cybersecurity, and more.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Artists' political positions are often diverse and complex, and they express their views through their artistic creations, while also influencing and inspiring public thinking about these issues. An artist's involvement in political and social issues is not only a personal expression, but also a contribution and impact on society.

From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?
From abandoning nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in this article are from the Internet, and the purpose of this article is to promote social righteousness, and there is absolutely no vulgarity. If there are any questions about your work in your article, we will delete them as soon as possible!

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