
Jimu Short Comment丨The winning couplet of the highest award of the "Lu Weizhao Award" raises questions, and the organizer should face the problem and respond positively

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Shen Wai

From December 7th to 15th, the 10th Zhejiang Province Young and Middle-aged Calligraphy Seal Carving Exhibition of "Zhejiang Calligraphy Award Lu Weizhao Award" was exhibited in Zhejiang Exhibition Hall. The triennial "Lu Weizhao Award" Zhejiang Province Young and Middle-aged Calligraphy Seal Carving Exhibition is one of the series of brand exhibitions named after Zhejiang calligraphy masters by the Zhejiang Calligraphy Association, and it is also the highest-level display platform for young and middle-aged calligraphers in Zhejiang.

The above is an excerpt from the tweet released by the WeChat public account "Zhejiang Literature and Art" on December 18 (there is a revision record on the 19th), from which it is not difficult to see the status of the "Lu Weizhao Award" in the field of calligraphy and culture in Zhejiang.

Jimu Short Comment丨The winning couplet of the highest award of the "Lu Weizhao Award" raises questions, and the organizer should face the problem and respond positively

Figure 1

In the 10th Zhejiang Province Young and Middle-aged Calligraphy Seal Carving Exhibition, Jinhua author Wu Wensheng won the only highest award "Lu Weizhao Award" in one fell swoop, but his award-winning calligraphy couplets have continued to cause heated discussions in the calligraphy community recently. Some self-media that pay attention to and focus on the calligraphy world have issued more rational voices, raised some questions, and made some analyses, among which many articles by "Ermatoutuo" and others can provide readers with some ideas and angles for observation.

According to the summary of Mr. Feng Hua of "Ermatoutuo", his discussion with everyone mainly focused on several issues: first, "right", that is, whether there are hard injuries on the text of the award-winning couplet (referring to the problem of the upper and lower couplets), second, "whether it is good", that is, whether the calligraphy level of the couplet has reached the level of winning the highest award, and third, "whether it is true or not", that is, the work has actually appeared with two different faces in the authoritative tweet network link, and it is suspected that it has been "transferred".

For the first two questions, the organizer Zhejiang Calligraphy Association should invite an expert to explain and respond to the book friends in detail, and assume the responsibility of serving the book friends and popularizing and promoting traditional cultural knowledge.

Jimu Short Comment丨The winning couplet of the highest award of the "Lu Weizhao Award" raises questions, and the organizer should face the problem and respond positively

Figure 2

The author is more concerned about two issues: first, has the work of the "Lu Weizhao Award" been transferred or manipulated, and second, the organizer of the Zhejiang Provincial Calligraphy Association, has adopted a response and attitude in the face of these problems and doubts.

After careful comparison of the appearance of the work (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) and the relevant details of the scene (see Fig. 3), the author judges that the text and signature of these three works are the same work, so it is unlikely that the work will be transferred. However, the author has the following questions: First, the pictures officially released by the "Lu Weizhao Award" twice, except for the interchange of the positions of the upper and lower links, all the details of each word in the text and the inscription are the same, has anyone done any processing of the picture? Second, the scene picture can see the character "Wu" in the inscription, which is closer to the point of the word "Si" in the text, and the seal is far away from the horizontal side of the word "Wu". However, the official revised final picture version (Fig. 2) is just the opposite, the character "Wu" in the inscription is far away from the character "Si" in the text, and the seal is closer to the horizontal side of the character "無", almost together. What happened behind these anomalies?

Jimu Short Comment丨The winning couplet of the highest award of the "Lu Weizhao Award" raises questions, and the organizer should face the problem and respond positively

Figure 3

A pair of couplets that won the top prize, the upper and lower couplets are swapped, and the position of the payment is quietly changed, if this is not a mythical story, there must be some "problem". For example, some people in the calligraphy industry speculated that it may be that after the selection and photographing, someone found and suggested that the position of the upper and lower links be adjusted, so in the end, when it was framed before the exhibition, someone decided to dig out the inscription and change the position. Is there any truth to such a statement? Is it the actual situation? These questions need to be explained by the organizers. Otherwise, people will question, discuss, and make all kinds of conjectures.

So, what kind of response and attitude have the organizers of the "Lu Weizhao Award" adopted? Obviously, the organizers of the "Lu Weizhao Award" have been evasive and silent for a period of time. Turning a blind eye to questions and doubts is arrogant if not sluggish, or at a loss if not arrogant. In short, there was no serious confronting, a clear response, and no responsible attitude to deal with it. This attitude not only damages the credibility of the organizers, but also seriously damages the credibility of the award and even the culture of the party.

People who have no faults, can change after mistakes, and the good is great. A calligrapher, an award, a group organization, of course. If you hear it, you will be happy, you can change your mistakes, and you have the courage to face it, not only will you not lose points, but you will be a plus. When will we see such a sight?

(Source: Jimu News)

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