
The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong: Seven times sent envoys to ask for it, Goryeo refused to return it, and Liao Shengzong was angry: beat him

author:The old wolf talks about history

In 993 AD, the Liao Emperor Yelu Longxu granted Goryeo the land of the six states of Jiangdong, which was originally a goodwill diplomatic move. However, just over two decades later, this land has become a fuse of tension between the two countries. Liao Shengzong Yelu Longxu sent envoys seven times to demand that Goryeo return the six states of Jiangdong, but each time he was closed. Why is King Hyeonjong of Goryeo so stubborn? Why is the Liao Holy Sect so attached to this land? With the failure of diplomatic efforts, the clouds of war began to gather on the Liaogao border. Liao Shengzong finally decided to send troops in person, how will this protracted dispute end? What will be the fate of the six states in Jiangdong?

In 993 AD, Liao Taizong Yelu Deguang died, and Yelu Longxu, who was only 12 years old, succeeded to the throne as Liao Shengzong. Due to his young age, the government was regent by his mother, Xiao Xuan. In order to stabilize his political power, Xiao Hui strengthened domestic affairs on the one hand, and focused on foreign affairs on the other. At that time, King Seongjong of Goryeo had just ascended the throne, and his national strength was still weak, so he submitted to the Liao State. In order to envelop Goryeo, Xiao decided to give Goryeo a territory of 280 miles from Anbuk Province to the east of the Yalu River, which is known as the "Grant of Wealth" in history.

The six prefectures of Jiangdong are located in the area north of the Qingchuan River and south of the lower reaches of the Yalu River

This land was originally inhabited by the Jurchens, but after Goryeo acquired it, the local Jurchens were gradually expelled and six cities were built in this area: Xinghua, Tiezhou, Tongzhou, Longzhou, Guozhou, and Guizhou. These six fortresses correspond to the southwest of Uiju, Cheolsan, northwest of Seoncheon, Yongcheon, Gwasan and Guseong on the present-day Korean Peninsula.

However, Xiao Xuan's decision was actually a major strategic mistake. Prior to this, the border between the Liao State and Goryeo was demarcated according to the Kaiyuan Yihai Boundary Treaty, which had been in use for more than 200 years, with the Hunjiang River (i.e., the Datong River) as the boundary. The "Grant of Land" caused Goryeo's sphere of influence to shift greatly northward, approaching the Yalu River Valley. This not only changed the balance of power between Liao and Goryeo, but also laid the foundation for future disputes.

The geographical location of the six states of Koto is extremely important. Located at the junction of the Liao, Goryeo, and Jurchen tribes, this area is a strategic point connecting Northeast Asia with the Korean Peninsula. Controlling the six states of Jiangdong is equivalent to mastering the gateway to the Korean Peninsula, and at the same time, it can better control the Jurchen tribes. For Liao, the six states of Jiangdong were a barrier to the security of its eastern frontier; For Goryeo, it was a springboard for expansion to the north.

With the passage of time, Goryeo's business in the six states of Gangdong has deepened. Not only did they build cities, but they also vigorously developed agriculture, attracting a large number of Han Chinese and Jurchens to settle down. This originally barren land gradually prospered and became an important granary and economic source of Goryeo. At the same time, Goryeo also strengthened its military defenses in the region, stationing elite troops in various cities and building strong walls.

The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong: Seven times sent envoys to ask for it, Goryeo refused to return it, and Liao Shengzong was angry: beat him

When Yelu Longxu grew up, he gradually realized the importance of the six states of Jiangdong to the Liao State. He believes that this land is the inherent territory of the Liao State, and the original act of granting land is really hasty. What worries him even more is that Goryeo's sphere of influence has approached the Yalu River, which seriously threatens the security of Liao's eastern frontier.

As a result, Liao Shengzong decided to recover the six states of Jiangdong. However, after more than two decades of operation, Goryeo has come to regard this land as its own inherent territory and is by no means willing to give it up easily. In this way, the six states of Jiangdong became a thorny issue between Liao and Goryeo, and the two sides launched a protracted diplomatic struggle and military conflict over this purpose.

After realizing the importance of the six states of Jiangdong to the Liao State, Yelu Longxu of the Liao Shengzong decided to claim back this land through diplomatic means. Beginning in 1013, Liao Shengzong sent envoys to Goryeo seven times to demand the return of the six states of Jiangdong. The course of these seven missions was full of twists and turns and drama, reflecting the complex diplomatic game between the two countries.

The first mission took place on March 17, 1013

Liao Shengzong sent Yelu Xingping, the general of the left prison guard, to Goryeo to formally demand the six states of Jiangdong. Yelu Xingping took the edict of Liao Shengzong and traveled a long distance to Kaijing, the capital of Goryeo. However, King Hyeonjong of Goryeo ignored this request and refused to return it on various grounds. Yelu Xingping returned empty-handed, and Liao Shengzong's first request ended in failure.

Only two months later, the Liao Shengzong sent an envoy again. This time, he chose Zhongcheng Yeluzi Zhongzhong, hoping to persuade Goryeo with the help of Yeluzizhong's diplomatic experience. Yeluzi carried a large number of gifts and tried to lure them in, but Goryeo still "had no intention of returning". Although the purpose of this envoy was not achieved, the diplomatic skills of Yeluzi put pressure on the Goryeo side, and they began to seriously consider Liao's request.

Without waiting for Yelu Zizhong to return, Liao Shengzong sent a third mission on July 18, and Yelu Xingping sent another envoy. This frequent diplomatic activity demonstrated the determination of Liao Shengzong to recover the six states of Jiangdong. However, Goryeo continued to use delaying tactics, neither explicitly refusing nor agreeing to restitution, leaving Liao's diplomatic efforts at an impasse.

On the eighth day of the second month of February 1014, the Liao Shengzong sent a fourth mission, led by Yelu Zizhong, the deputy of Shangjing. This time the mission was larger, carrying more gifts and threatening messages. Yelu Zizhong stayed in Goryeo for several months, trying to reach an agreement through long-term negotiations. However, King Hyeonjong of Goryeo made a surprising move: he detained Yelü Zizhong and forbade him to return to Liao.

This act angered the Liao Shengzong. On September 13 of the same year, he sent General Li Songmao, which was the fifth mission. Li Songmao's task was not only to continue to demand the six states of Jiangdong, but also to demand that Goryeo release Yelü Zizhong. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the Goryeo side released Yelu Zijung, but still refused to return the six states of Gangdong.

The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong: Seven times sent envoys to ask for it, Goryeo refused to return it, and Liao Shengzong was angry: beat him

In 1015, Liao Shengzong sent two groups of envoys again, the sixth and seventh respectively. The exact dates of these two missions are unknown, but it is certain that both diplomatic efforts also failed. Goryeo Hyeonjong took a tougher stance, even suggesting that Goryeo would seek support from the Song dynasty if the Liao continued to press.

The process of Liao Shengzong's seven envoys asking for the six states of Jiangdong reflected the complex international relations in East Asia at that time. As a regional power, Liao tried to restore its influence on the eastern frontier through diplomatic means. Goryeo, on the other hand, skillfully took advantage of the confrontation between the Liao and Song dynasties, and fought between the two great powers in order to safeguard their own interests.

It is worth noting that in this series of diplomatic activities, Goryeo showed superb diplomatic skills. They neither directly rejected the demands of the Liao state, lest they provoke this powerful neighbor; He also did not make any substantive concessions and insisted on retaining the six prefectures of Jiangdong. This ambiguous strategy of Goryeo put the Liao in a diplomatic dilemma.

At the same time, these seven envoys also reflected the patience and strategy of the Liao Holy Sect. He did not immediately resort to force, but, through sustained diplomatic efforts, tried to solve the problem without provoking a large-scale conflict. This practice not only demonstrated the national strength of the Liao State, but also avoided the huge losses caused by the war.

However, with the repeated failures of diplomatic efforts, the patience of the Liao Shengzong gradually ran out. After the seventh mission, Liao Shengzong realized that simple diplomacy could no longer solve the problem. The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong began to develop in the direction of military conflict, and relations between the two countries deteriorated.

With the failure of the seven envoys, the Liao Shengzong Yelu Longxu realized that simple diplomacy could no longer solve the problem of the six states in Jiangdong. In the autumn of 1018, the Liao Shengzong decided to take military action, which marked a new stage in Liao-Gao relations.

The Liao army's first attack on the six states of Jiangdong was swift and violent

Liao Shengzong sent the general Yelu Hugo to lead the elite cavalry to cross the Yalu River and go south. The tactics of the Liao army were to make a rapid assault, intending to take Goryeo by surprise. Yelu Hugo led his army to attack Heunghwa, the northernmost city in the six states of Jiangdong and the military center of Goryeo in the region.

However, Goryeo was not unprepared. As early as the seven envoys of Liao Shengzong, King Xun of Goryeo Xianzong had already foreseen the possibility of military conflict. He ordered the defenders of the six states of Jiangdong to strengthen the fortifications and increase the number of garrisons. Especially in Heunghwa, Goryeo concentrated a large number of elite troops and supplies.

The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong: Seven times sent envoys to ask for it, Goryeo refused to return it, and Liao Shengzong was angry: beat him

When the Liao army arrived at Xinghua Mansion, they found that the city was strong and there were many defenders, which was difficult to conquer for a while. Yelu Xiugo decided to change his tactics and divide his forces to surround Heunghwa Province while advancing south in an attempt to cut off Goryeo's reinforcement routes. This tactic paid off, and the Liao army soon occupied the cities of Tiezhou and Tongzhou.

The Goryeo side reacted quickly. King Xianzong personally sat in Kaijing and coordinated the overall situation. He sent the famous general Jiang Handan to lead an elite army from Kaijing to the north to reinforce the six states of Jiangdong. Jiang Hanzan adopted a unique tactic: instead of directly confronting the main forces of the Liao army, he took advantage of the terrain and constantly harassed the supply lines of the Liao army.

This guerrilla tactic has had remarkable results. Although the Liao army had an advantage on the frontal battlefield, logistics and supply were becoming increasingly difficult. Jerexiugo had to dedicate a large number of forces to protect the supply lines, which weakened his offensive force.

At the same time, Goryeo was not idle diplomatically. King Hyeonjong sent an envoy to the Song Dynasty secretly to seek support. Although the Song Dynasty did not directly send troops to help, it promised to provide military supplies to Goryeo and create momentum on the Liao-Song border to contain the Liao army.

The war had a profound impact on relations between the two countries. The Liao State realized that Goryeo was stronger than expected, and it was difficult to solve the problem quickly by force alone. Goryeo realized that although it was able to gain some advantage in defensive warfare, it was still a great challenge to confront the Liao in the long term.

The war has also triggered changes in the situation in the region. Although the Song dynasty did not directly participate in the war, its support for Goryeo deepened the contradictions between the Liao and Song dynasties. The Jurchen tribes took the opportunity to expand their power in the gap between the Liaogao wars, which laid the groundwork for the rise of the Jin Dynasty in the future.

By the third month of the war, both sides realized that no one would benefit by continuing to procrastinate. Liao Shengzong sent an envoy to propose peace talks, and King Hyeonjong of Goryeo also expressed his willingness to negotiate. After some haggling, the two sides reached a compromise: Goryeo recognized the suzerainty of the Liao state and paid annual tribute to the Liao state; In exchange, the Liao State no longer demanded the return of the six states of Jiangdong for the time being.

This compromise, while not fundamentally resolving the problem, temporarily eased tensions between the two countries. The Liao army withdrew from the six states of Jiangdong, and Goryeo strengthened its control over the region. However, the scars and mistrust left by the war have become a ticking time bomb in the relationship between the two countries.

The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong: Seven times sent envoys to ask for it, Goryeo refused to return it, and Liao Shengzong was angry: beat him

After the war, Liao Shengzong strengthened the defense of the eastern frontier and built a series of military facilities along the Yalu River. Goryeo took this opportunity to comprehensively reorganize the army and improve its combat effectiveness. Although peace has been restored on the surface, both countries are secretly preparing for the next possible conflict.

The attitude of the Song Dynasty in the Liaogao conflict is also worth mentioning

。 Although the Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom were both Central Plains dynasties, the Song Dynasty chose to support Goryeo due to geopolitical considerations. This strategy of "distant and close attack" reflected the Song Dynasty's intention to try to establish a balance in Northeast Asia. However, this also deepened the contradictions between the Liao and Song dynasties, laying a hidden danger for large-scale military conflicts in the future.

Faced with Liao's tough demands and military threats, Goryeo adopted a series of ingenious tactics to deal with the crisis. Knowing that the national strength was far from that of the Liao state, King Hyeonjong of Goryeo chose a middle path that was neither confrontational nor easy to compromise.

First, Goryeo adopted delaying tactics in diplomacy. In the process of Liao Shengzong sending envoys to ask for the six states of Jiangdong seven times, Goryeo never gave a clear answer. Every time King Xianzong received the envoys of the Liao State, he shirked them for various reasons, neither directly refusing nor agreeing to return them. This ambiguous attitude not only avoided directly provoking the Liao state, but also bought Goryeo valuable time to prepare.

For example, in 1014, when the Liao sent their fourth envoy, Goryeo even took the risky step of detaining the envoy Yeluzizhong. Although this move caused the displeasure of the Liao Shengzong, it also succeeded in disrupting the diplomatic rhythm of the Liao state and buying Goryeo more time to prepare.

Secondly, Goryeo actively strengthened its military defense. King Hyeonjong was well aware of the importance of the six prefectures of Jiangdong, so he immediately ordered the reinforcement of the region's fortifications after the Liao State made a claim. He sent an experienced general, Jiang Handzan, to take charge of the defense of the six states of Jiangdong and mobilized a large number of troops and supplies to the region.

In important cities such as Heunghwa, Cheolju, and Tongju, Goryeo built strong walls and defenses. At the same time, Goryeo also set up outposts and beacons in various strategic places, forming a complete early warning system. These preparations played an important role in the later Liaogao military conflict, which caused the Liao army to encounter stubborn resistance when attacking.

Third, Goryeo skillfully took advantage of the Liao-Song confrontation. King Hyeonjong sent a secret envoy to the Song Dynasty to seek support. Although the Song Dynasty did not directly send troops to help, it promised to provide military supplies and create momentum on the Liao-Song border to contain the Liao army. This strategy of "uniting the Song Dynasty to resist Liao" effectively distracted the attention and military strength of the Liao State.

The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong: Seven times sent envoys to ask for it, Goryeo refused to return it, and Liao Shengzong was angry: beat him

For example, when the Liao army attacked the six states of Jiangdong in 1018, the Song dynasty increased its military deployment on the Liao-Song border, which forced the Liao Shengzong to keep a large number of troops on the western border and was unable to go all out against Goryeo.

Fourth, Goryeo also made corresponding adjustments in its internal affairs. King Hyeonjong strengthened the centralization of power, rectified the rule of officials, and improved administrative efficiency. He also introduced a series of economic reforms to increase state revenues and prepare for a possible long war of resistance.

Militarily, Goryeo underwent a comprehensive reform. King Hyeonjong learned from the experience of his previous wars with the Liao State and improved the organizational structure and combat methods of the army. He paid special attention to the training of cavalry to cope with the cavalry superiority of the Liao army. At the same time, Goryeo also strengthened its coastal defense to prevent a possible naval attack by Liao.

Fifth, Goryeo also skillfully exploited national sentiments. King Hyeongjong propagated the concept of resisting Liao and protecting the land throughout the country to arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the people. He portrayed the six states of Gangdong as an integral part of Goryeo's inherent territory. This propaganda not only strengthened the cohesion of the people, but also provided a public opinion basis for Goryeo's hard-line stance.

In specific military operations, Goryeo adopted flexible tactics

In the face of the Liao attack, the Goryeo army avoided head-to-head confrontation and instead resorted to guerrilla tactics, constantly harassing the Liao army's supply lines. This tactic made full use of the familiarity of the Goryeo soldiers with the terrain and effectively weakened the combat effectiveness of the Liao army.

For example, in the War of 1018, the Goryeo general Kang Handan used this tactic. He led an elite army, which constantly haunted the rear of the Liao army, cutting off the supply lines of the Liao army, forcing the Liao army to disperse its forces to protect logistics. This greatly weakened the offensive capabilities of the Liao army, which eventually led to the Liao army having to retreat.

Finally, Goryeo also focused on diplomatic flexibility. In a situation where it was difficult to win a military confrontation, Goryeo put forward a proposal for peace talks at an appropriate time. Later in the war of 1018, when both sides were exhausted, Goryeo offered to negotiate and eventually reached a compromise acceptable to both sides. Although this plan required Goryeo to recognize the suzerainty status of the Liao state and pay annual tribute, it retained the actual control of the six states of Jiangdong, which can be said to be a diplomatic victory.

These tactics of Goryeo fully demonstrated its wisdom and flexibility in the face of a strong enemy. Through a multi-pronged approach such as diplomatic maneuvering, military preparations, alliance diplomacy, and internal reform, Goryeo successfully preserved its own interests and maintained its independence in the confrontation with Liao. These strategies not only resolved the crisis at the time, but also laid the foundation for Goryeo's future development.

The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong: Seven times sent envoys to ask for it, Goryeo refused to return it, and Liao Shengzong was angry: beat him

Although the dispute between the six states of Jiangdong ended in a compromise on the surface, its impact was far-reaching, not only changing the relationship between the two countries, but also having a significant impact on the geopolitical landscape of the entire East Asian region.

First, the dispute changed the balance of power between the two countries. Although the Liao had the military advantage, Goryeo managed to retain de facto control of the six states of Gangdong, which showed Goryeo's diplomatic wisdom and military strength. The Liao realized that Goryeo was not an easy opponent to conquer, which prompted the Liao to be more cautious in its subsequent policy toward Gao.

For example, in the years following the dispute, the Liao State sent envoys to Goryeo several times, and the attitude was significantly relaxed. In 1023, Liao Sungjong even offered to establish a brotherly relationship with Goryeo, which was in stark contrast to the previous hard-line attitude. This improvement in relations laid the foundation for later cultural and economic exchanges between the two countries.

Second, the dispute between the six states of Jiangdong deepened the contradictions between the Liao and Song dynasties. Although the Song dynasty was not directly involved in the conflict, its covert support for Goryeo caused discontent among the Liao state. This contradiction continued to accumulate in the later years, and eventually became one of the fuses of the Liao-Song War.

In 1042, a large-scale war broke out between the Liao and the Song Dynasty, and one of the important reasons was that the Liao accused the Song Dynasty of supporting Goryeo over the issue of the six states of Jiangdong. The war eventually ended in the Confederacy, further altering the balance of power in East Asia.

Third, the dispute over the six states of Gangdong had a profound impact on Goryeo internally. The crisis raised the awareness of the crisis among the Goryeo court and the people, and promoted reforms in the country. King Hyeonjong took advantage of this opportunity to carry out a series of military and administrative reforms, which strengthened the centralization of power and increased the cohesion of the state.

For example, in 1019, King Hyeonjong promulgated a new military system, reforming the organizational structure of the army and improving the combat effectiveness of the army. He also strengthened border defenses and built a series of fortifications along the Yalu River, which greatly enhanced Goryeo's defense capability.

Fourth, the dispute between the six states of Jiangdong has also had an important impact on the surrounding areas. The Jurchen tribes took the opportunity to expand their power during the Liaogao dispute. They took advantage of the distractions of Liao and Goryeo to strengthen their military power and political organization. This laid the groundwork for the rise of the Jin Dynasty in the future.

The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong: Seven times sent envoys to ask for it, Goryeo refused to return it, and Liao Shengzong was angry: beat him

In 1115, Wanyan Aguta established the Jin Dynasty and rapidly rose to become an emerging power in Northeast Asia. The establishment and development of the Jin Dynasty can be traced to some extent to the growth of the Jurchen tribes during the dispute between the six states of Jiangdong.

Fifth, the dispute over the six states of Jiangdong has also affected cultural exchanges in East Asia. Although the dispute brought military conflict, it also paradoxically promoted cultural exchanges between the two countries. In order to deal with the threat of Liao, Goryeo sent a large number of envoys and scholars to Liaoguo to learn advanced military technology and cultural knowledge.

For example, the famous Goryeo Confucian scholar Cui Chong made several missions to the Liao State. He brought the culture and institutions of the Liao State back to Goryeo and had an important impact on the cultural development of Goryeo. At the same time, the Liao State also sent envoys and merchants to Goryeo, which promoted economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

Sixth, the dispute between the six states of Jiangdong had a profound impact on the territorial concept of later generations. The dispute, one of the earliest large-scale territorial disputes in East Asian history, highlights the importance of territory in the formation of nation-states. Goryeo's successful defense of the six states of Gangdong in this dispute deeply influenced the national identity and territorial concepts of later generations of Koreans.

For example, during the Joseon Dynasty, the six states of Gangdong were regarded as a valuable legacy left by their ancestors and became an important part of the Korean national identity. Even in modern times, South Korea and North Korea still regard the six states of Gangdong as an inherent territory in history, a notion that dates back to this dispute during the Goryeo period.

Seventh, the dispute over the six states of Jiangdong has also affected the pattern of international relations in East Asia. In this dispute, Goryeo successfully maneuvered between the Liao and Song dynasties, pioneering a diplomatic strategy of seeking a balance between the great powers. This strategy was further developed during the later Joseon Dynasty and became an important guiding principle for Korea in its relations with China and Japan.

For example, during the Ming and Qing dynasties, Korea adopted a similar strategy, seeking a balance between the Ming and Qing dynasties, and ultimately succeeded in preserving the country's independence. The formation of this diplomatic strategy can be traced back to the dispute between the six states of Gangdong during the Goryeo period.

In general, although the dispute between the six states of Jiangdong is only a local conflict on the surface, its impact is far-reaching, not only changing the relationship between Liaoning and Gao, but also having a profound impact on the political pattern, cultural exchanges, national identity and other aspects of the entire East Asian region. The legacy of this dispute continues to this day, and it continues to influence international relations and historical perceptions in East Asia.

The dispute between the six states of Jiangdong: Seven times sent envoys to ask for it, Goryeo refused to return it, and Liao Shengzong was angry: beat him