
Heshui County carried out special food safety inspections before the holiday to protect the people's "safety on the tip of the tongue"

author:Great beauty and water

In order to further standardize market behavior, we should do a good job in food safety supervision during the New Year's Day. On December 28, the Heshui County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau carried out a special inspection of food before the New Year's Day.

Heshui County carried out special food safety inspections before the holiday to protect the people's "safety on the tip of the tongue"
Heshui County carried out special food safety inspections before the holiday to protect the people's "safety on the tip of the tongue"
Heshui County carried out special food safety inspections before the holiday to protect the people's "safety on the tip of the tongue"

The inspection focuses on meat products, edible oil, dairy products and other perishable foods with large consumption, and focuses on supermarkets, agricultural product wholesale stores, grain and oil stores, etc., and comprehensively investigates the source of food, purchase inspection, certificate and ticket, special food area counter sales, bulk food label identification and other issues. At the same time, the implementation of the ban on "fresh lights" was inspected, and the problems found in the inspection were rectified on the spot, and the relevant person in charge was required to further implement the main responsibility of food safety, improve the level of food safety management, strictly control risks and hidden dangers, and build a solid line of defense for food safety.

Reporter Tuoxiang

Director: Tang Hongbin

Producer: Wang Tingbin, Qiu Jingjing

Editor-in-charge: Li Dina

Editor: Zhao Xiang

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