
Doctor: Bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies, but the 4 kinds of old people should be tempered! Don't let the benefits become harmful!

author:Kangsir medical science

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In the bustling city of Beijing, there is a retired old man named Uncle Zhao. Uncle Zhao is 65 years old and worked as an ordinary accountant before he retired.

Doctor: Bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies, but the 4 kinds of old people should be tempered! Don't let the benefits become harmful!

Recently, he felt that his physical condition was not as good as before because of insomnia for several nights in a row, so he went to the hospital early in the morning to see a doctor.

In the waiting area of the hospital, Uncle Zhao sat there, looking around. Finally it was his turn. The doctor smiled and said, "Uncle Zhao, I heard that you have recently fallen in love with eating bitter melons?"

Although bitter gourd is good, some old people have to eat it in moderation, so as not to let the benefits turn into harm. ”

Doctor: Bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies, but the 4 kinds of old people should be tempered! Don't let the benefits become harmful!

Uncle Zhao asked curiously, "Yes, I really don't know, can you tell me more about it?"

The doctor began to explain in detail: "First of all, bitter gourd is a good thing, it clears away heat and detoxifies, and it can also lower blood sugar.

However, for some elderly people, eating too much may not be suitable. For example, for those elderly people with a cold stomach, eating too much bitter gourd may aggravate stomach discomfort. ”

Doctor: Bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies, but the 4 kinds of old people should be tempered! Don't let the benefits become harmful!

Uncle Zhao nodded again and again, indicating that his stomach was indeed not very good.

The doctor continued: "Secondly, bitter gourd is cold, and it is not suitable for the elderly with rheumatism and arthritis to eat too much. Because this may aggravate the condition. ”

"Then what other old people need to pay attention to?" Uncle Zhao asked.

Doctor: Bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies, but the 4 kinds of old people should be tempered! Don't let the benefits become harmful!

The doctor replied: "For the elderly with low blood pressure, eating more bitter melon may cause further drop in blood pressure, which is not good for health.

In addition, some ingredients in bitter melon may affect the effects of certain medications, and elderly people who are taking medicine should consume them with caution. ”

Uncle Zhao listened very carefully and silently wrote down these precautions in his heart.

Doctor: Bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies, but the 4 kinds of old people should be tempered! Don't let the benefits become harmful!

The doctor also mentioned a case: "There was an old gentleman before, because of a cold stomach, but he especially liked to eat bitter melon, and as a result, the stomach problem worsened. Later, after adjusting his diet, his symptoms were relieved. ”

When Uncle Zhao left the hospital, he had already decided to adjust his diet Xi habits. He thanked his doctor for the advice and was determined to pay more attention to his health in the future.

Doctor: Bitter gourd clears heat and detoxifies, but the 4 kinds of old people should be tempered! Don't let the benefits become harmful!


At this point in the story, you may ask, why do many elderly people not know enough about their dietary Xi habits, and often ignore the impact of food on their health?

The problem behind this is that health education about diet among older people is often inadequate. So, how can we help the elderly establish a more scientific and reasonable dietary Xi?

The key to solving this problem is that we need to raise awareness of the relationship between food and health among older people, provide more information on healthy eating, and encourage them to have regular health check-ups to understand their physical condition.

At the same time, communities and families should provide more support and guidance to the elderly to help them develop better eating Xi habits. In this way, we can ensure that older people can enjoy healthier and happier lives in their later years.

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!

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