
18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

author:Xiaoxiao views the world

In the winter of 2004, CCTV broadcast a family ethics drama "My Brothers and Sisters" in prime time, and this 20-episode TV series had a strong response among the audience as soon as it was broadcast.

As a post-80s generation, I still vividly remember the scene of watching this drama in front of the TV every night.

At that time, I was a junior high school student, doing homework after school every day, and sitting in front of the TV after dinner waiting for the show to start.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

The plot is so touching that I often can't help but shed tears when I watch it.

When my mother saw this, she would sit down with me and bring me tissues from time to time to wipe my tears. "This drama is so well filmed and acted, it's sad to watch" She often sighs like this.

Indeed, this drama with the theme of "family affection" has deeply touched the hearts of countless audiences. The explanation of the concept of family in the play is moving. The actors selected by the crew are also very in place, portraying the characters vividly.

Therefore, as soon as this drama was broadcast, it achieved a bumper harvest of word-of-mouth and ratings, and became a shocking hot topic that year. After many years, mentioning it can still arouse endless memories and emotions in me.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

A good drama never gets tired of watching, and the power of this classic cannot be erased by time.

This "My Brothers and Sisters" gathered many top powerful actors at that time.

I was most impressed by Liu Xiaoqing, when she had just been released from prison, and it was the time when her acting skills continued to peak and she needed a lot of works to pay off her debts. She plays the role of Elaine, the mother of four siblings in the play, and portrays the image of a strong mother who will not give up until she reaches her goal.

Li Youbin, who played against her, is also an old actor, and the father of the four siblings he portrayed, Qi Shiyin, has a distinct personality, and he interprets a simple but stubborn primary school music teacher vividly.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

The roles of the four siblings were handed over to the new generation of young actors. Yang Gongru, He Bing, Zhou Yun, and Cui Lin vividly showed the different personalities of the four siblings through their acting skills.

Especially the adopted daughter Si Tian played by Yang Gongru, who is gentle and quiet, which is very in line with the audience's established "jade girl image" for her. The brother played by He Bing is full of domineering.

The addition of each actor makes this star-changing family drama more colorful.

In order to make the growth experience of the four siblings more complete, the crew also selected a large number of child actors to cooperate with their childhood.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

The young man Qi Yiku, played by Lin Xiaofan, is clever and smart, and often helps his brothers and sisters solve difficulties with both wisdom and bravery. The girl Qi Sitian played by Yang Lixiao is gentle and moving, and her acting skills are very good.

Lin Jing, who plays Xiao Qi Miao, is even more cute and lively, and interprets a little twister who is too smart vividly. Dong Yixuan, who plays Xiao Qitian, plays the immaturity and sensitivity of a shy and introverted little boy with pity.

The sincere and moving acting skills of these young actors left a deep impression on people. Especially in the crying scene, their subdued and sincere interpretation made many audiences shed tears of sympathy for them.

Their performances make for the saddest and most touching childhood scenes in the show.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

The plot of "My Brothers and Sisters" is not complicated, and it mainly tells the story of four siblings who were separated due to the loss of their parents and reunited after many years.

At the beginning, the four siblings lived happily with their parents, their father Qi Shiyin was a primary school music teacher who loved life, and their mother Elaine loved their four children very much.

However, fortunately, both parents died, and the four siblings could only face separation and were adopted by different relatives. Separation is a great pain for them, and from then on, it has become a luxury to be reunited.

Years later, the four siblings reunited by chance and embarked on a long journey to find their relatives. They are down-to-earth in search of their parents' whereabouts, talking and laughing along the way, and recounting all kinds of interesting stories from their childhood.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

After all the ups and downs, they finally found the grave of their biological father and mother and learned their story. The brothers and sisters walked hand in hand, feeling the preciousness of family affection in tears.

In the play, the parent figures played by Liu Xiaoqing and Li Youbin are unforgettable.

Liu Xiaoqing's mother, Ai Lian, is loving, cares about her four children meticulously, and never complains even if she is in a difficult situation. Her spirit of enduring humiliation and self-improvement is admirable.

Li Youbin's father, Qi Shiyin, loves life, does not talk about red tape, always adheres to his music dreams, does not bow to fate, and is a fearless model in the minds of children.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

Both of them are very restrained and delicate in their performances, revealing their concern and love as parents through their eyes and demeanor. They used their unpretentious acting skills to successfully create a pair of respectable parents who cherish dreams and illuminate their children's future, which has been recognized and praised by the audience.

This ill-fated but never-give-up pair of parents has become one of the unforgettable classic characters in the minds of the audience.

Yang Gongru, He Bing, Zhou Yun, and Cui Lin successfully performed the distinctive personalities of the four siblings.

The eldest daughter Si Tian portrayed by Yang Gongru is smart and gentle, although she lives in a foreign country, she has not lost herself, and has become the most mature and stable of the four siblings.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

The second brother portrayed by He Bing has a rebellious and uninhibited personality, but he is like a brother and sister to his three younger siblings, and often considers himself the eldest brother to protect them.

The third sister portrayed by Zhou Yun is cheerful, generous, lively and cute, and is the most favored pearl in the eyes of her parents.

Cui Lin's fourth brother Tian is introverted and shy, but he can unexpectedly be able to say a word, which is often impressive.

The tacit acting skills of the four people vividly express the brotherhood of the four brothers and sisters, and let the audience be moved by their deep brotherhood and brotherhood. Their vivid and expressive performances have made the most gripping part of this family drama.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

Time flies, and "My Brothers and Sisters" has entered the 18th anniversary of its broadcast. The actors of the year also went their separate ways, but their memories of this drama must still be deeply cherished in their hearts.

Old actors like Liu Xiaoqing and Li Youbin are still active in the film and television industry, relying on their excellent acting skills and box office attraction to walk on the road of popularity and career.

Actors such as Yang Gongru , He Bing , Zhou Yun , Cui Lin and other actors have also starred in other film and television works after this drama, and they have a certain popularity in the circle.

As for the young actors Lin Xiaofan, Yang Lixiao, Lin Jing, and Dong Yixuan, it is not easy to find their information now.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

They are like they have evaporated from the world, and it is difficult to find a trace. But it is conceivable that for them, "My Brothers and Sisters" must also be an unforgettable memory point.

The bits and pieces of those green years will forever be imprinted in their hearts.

The years have passed, and this drama must have a special meaning for the actors. Because, the works that have moved countless audiences have also moved them who participated in them.

"My Brothers and Sisters" outlines the ups and downs of life stories with moving brushstrokes, and it still touches generations of audiences.

18 years later, the actors of "My Brothers and Sisters" are the most memorable ones are not Liu Xiaoqing, but 4 child stars

If this drama has also made you cry, please share your memories of watching the drama in the comment area. Tell the scene of sitting alone in front of the TV late at night, worrying about the ups and downs of the fate of the four siblings; Tell about the moment when you sat around with your family and shed sympathetic tears of sympathy; Tell how this drama touched you, made you re-examine your life, and cherish the family affection around you.

Let's remember this classic together and commemorate those times that we miss deeply. These memories will become a valuable treasure in our memories, and they will be quiet with the years.

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