
My family married my sister-in-law, but she was like a guest and never helped my mom with housework

author:A small rain bubble

My family married my sister-in-law, which was supposed to be a happy event, but she was like a guest and never helped my mother with the housework. This makes me wonder, is this the change that marriage brings?

I have always felt that marriage is an emotional bond between two people, a process of supporting each other and growing together. However, in my house, my sister-in-law seems to be just a guest in our house, and her presence seems to be only to meet the physical needs of our family—to eat and sleep.

My family married my sister-in-law, but she was like a guest and never helped my mom with housework

I'm not saying that my sister-in-law is not filial, or that she is unwilling to help with housework. In fact, she was very polite and respectful to the people in my family. However, she would never take the initiative to help my mother with housework, even if it was a simple matter such as sweeping the floor and wiping the table.

I tried to communicate with her about this, hoping that she would understand my mother's hard work and take the initiative to share some of the housework. However, each time it ended in failure. My sister-in-law always shirks it for various reasons, such as being too tired from work, housework is not her responsibility, and so on.

This makes me a little confused, is marriage really just a matter of two people? Shouldn't it include each other's families, each other's relatives?

My family married my sister-in-law, but she was like a guest and never helped my mom with housework

In my opinion, marriage should not only be a romance for two people, but also a fusion of two families. Husbands and wives should learn to respect each other's families and care for each other's loved ones, so that the marriage can be stronger and longer.

And my sister-in-law's situation is undoubtedly a manifestation of disrespect for my family and not caring about my mother. It made me feel very lost and helpless. I didn't know how to solve this problem or how to balance my emotions.

However, I know that this issue must be addressed. After all, my mom is the heart of the family and the support of all of us. If the sister-in-law can't take the initiative to care for her and help her, then the family will lack warmth and love.

I hope my sister-in-law understands this and that she can change her attitude. After all, marriage is not a one-person affair, but a process that requires two people to work together and support each other. I hope that in the future, my sister-in-law will pay more attention to my mother and let her feel our care and love.

My family married my sister-in-law, but she was like a guest and never helped my mom with housework

After all, marriage is the union of two families, and it takes us to work together to run and maintain it. I believe that as long as each of us can put family first and love as the foundation, then this home will become warmer and more harmonious.

In short, marriage is not an easy thing to do, and we need to manage and maintain it with our hearts. I hope that everyone can think seriously and treat it rationally when facing marriage, and don't let marriage become a burden and pressure. After all, true happiness requires us to feel and cherish it with our hearts.

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