
If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick


I found that many people do housework every day, every corner of the house is very tidy and looks diligent, but the cleanliness of the home environment, are you really doing it?

Sometimes, some wrong habits are harming the health of the family, in this issue, I will talk to you about it, one person is lazy, and the whole family causes cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick, let's take a look together.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

First: Do not wash the dishes and chopsticks

Many people habitually soak their used dishes and chopsticks in water after eating, thinking that they will wash them later. In fact, this practice can easily allow bacteria to take advantage of it, providing them with an excellent environment to multiply.

At the right temperature and humidity, bacteria multiply rapidly and multiply in number. Soaking for a long time will not make the dishes and chopsticks cleaner, but will allow bacteria to grow in abundance.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

According to research, if the tableware with only 1,000 bacteria is soaked in water for 10 hours, the number of bacteria may surge up to 70,000 times, and these invisible bacteria will enter our body with the food the next time we eat, posing a potential threat to health.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

Therefore, after eating, it is recommended that everyone wash the dishes and chopsticks as soon as possible to avoid soaking for a long time;

In fact, washing dishes immediately is not as troublesome as we imagined, it only takes a few minutes to make the dishes and chopsticks clean, and it can also reduce the growth of bacteria, so that we and our families can eat more at ease.

Also, after washing the dishes and chopsticks, remember to dry them in a well-ventilated place to avoid the growth of bacteria again.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

Second: I don't know that the cup is moldy

Many people habitually put their toothbrush directly into the mouthwash cup after brushing their teeth, rather than in a special storage cup. This habit may seem convenient, but it hides a lot of health risks.

Water often accumulates at the bottom of the mouthwash cup, and when combined with water droplets on the toothbrush, bacteria can easily grow. After a long time, the bottom of the mouthwash cup will appear yellow and black dirt, and even accumulate a thick layer, slowly, the four walls will also turn yellow and black, and mold will breed a lot, which has a great impact on our health.

Mold and bacteria persist in mouthwash cups for a long time, and every time we use them, we unconsciously bring these microorganisms into the mouth, increasing the risk of infection. Therefore, it is very important to keep the mouthwash cup clean.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

It is recommended that everyone develop the habit of cleaning the mouthwash cup regularly. It's best to wash your mouthwash cup thoroughly every three to five days. If your mouthwash cup is made of glass, you can soak it in hot water to sterilize it

You can also put the mouthwash cup in the dishwasher and use the heat to disinfect it for better results. If it is made of plastic, you can wash it with warm soapy water and rinse it with clean water to make sure there is no residue.

Also, don't forget to find a dedicated storage spot for your toothbrush to keep it dry. Avoid direct contact with the bottom of the mouthwash cup to reduce the chance of bacterial growth.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

Third: the wooden chopsticks are moldy and do not change

Many people still prefer to use wooden chopsticks because they are light and feel good, but wooden chopsticks have an obvious disadvantage, that is, they are too easy to mold.

I've seen a lot of people who have a bad habit of not wanting to replace their chopsticks with new ones even if they get moldy, but soak them in hot water, then expose them to the sun before continuing to use them. However, this practice does not completely eliminate bacteria and mold from chopsticks.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

According to studies, when wooden tableware becomes moldy, bacteria can multiply rapidly, including harmful bacteria like aflatoxin and Helicobacter pylori.

In particular, aflatoxin, which is classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization, is very stubborn and difficult to completely eliminate. Long-term ingestion of these harmful substances may increase the risk of cancer.

For the sake of our health, it is recommended that everyone change the wooden chopsticks regularly. It is best to replace the chopsticks with new ones every three months to avoid the growth of bacteria and mold caused by long-term use.

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to cleaning and maintenance when using wooden chopsticks. After washing your chopsticks, try to let them dry naturally and avoid soaking them in water for a long time. You can use a chopstick rest and place the chopsticks upright, which will help to ventilate and dry, and reduce the chance of bacterial growth.

If you find that the wooden chopsticks have mildew or discoloration, it is best to replace them with new ones immediately, for the health of your family, you may wish to choose materials that are not easy to mold, such as stainless steel chopsticks or plastic chopsticks, which are relatively easy to clean and disinfect, and are not easy to breed mold.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

Fourth: Abuse of dish soap

Dish soap is a good helper for us to clean dishes, but many people have a misconception that the more dish soap you put in, the cleaner the dishes will be. In fact, excessive use of dish soap not only does not make dishes cleaner, but it can also be harmful to our health.

When we use excessive amounts of dish soap, it is easy to leave chemical residues during the cleaning process. If these residues are not thoroughly flushed out, they can enter our bodies with the food. Long-term intake of these chemicals will increase the metabolic burden on the liver, which may pose a potential threat to our health.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

In order to better protect health, it is recommended that everyone master a reasonable amount of dish soap when using it. Usually, just squeeze out a little dish soap, drop it on a dishcloth or dishwashing brush, and add a little water to lather it to wash off most of the oil.

After washing the dishes, be sure to rinse them repeatedly with plenty of clean water to make sure there is no dish soap residue. You can gently touch the surface of the dish with your hands, if it feels greasy, it means that there is still dish soap left, and you need to continue to rinse until it is clean.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

Fifth: the dishcloth is not torn or changed

Many people have a bad habit of using the same dishcloth for a long time, even for several years without changing it. In reality, such a practice is very unhygienic, and the number of bacteria on the dishcloth can be far greater than what we consider to be a dirty toilet.

Long-term use of dishcloths can accumulate large amounts of food residue and grease, which, combined with a humid environment, provides an ideal place for bacteria to multiply.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

Research and research shows that the total number of bacteria on a single dishcloth is as high as about 500 billion, including pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus;

If we continue to use these dishcloths, which are already heavily contaminated, it will not only cause germs to contaminate the dishes, but these germs may also enter the human body through the dishes and cause various diseases.

For the sake of our health, it is recommended that everyone develop the habit of changing the dishcloth regularly. As a general rule, you should change your dishcloth every month. If the dishcloth becomes moldy, discolored, or smelly, it should be replaced immediately and not reused.

When using a dishcloth, also take care to keep it clean and dry. After each use, you can wash thoroughly with clean water and a small amount of dish soap, then wring it out and hang it in a ventilated place to dry.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick

Regularly boiling a dishcloth in hot water for 10 minutes or putting it in the microwave oven to sterilize it at high temperature can effectively kill bacteria and reduce the chance of germs breeding.

For extra hygiene, you can choose to use disposable dishcloths or reusable dishwashing brushes, which are relatively easy to clean and disinfect and less prone to bacterial growth.

If one person is lazy, the whole family will cause cancer? If these 5 kinds of "housework" are put off again, just wait to get sick


That's all for this issue, more related content, welcome to pay attention, and we'll see you in the next issue!

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