
She is a national mother, married to a famous writer for the second time, and her two daughters are beautiful and talented, and she is becoming more and more beautiful at the age of 53

author:Clothes are not expensive

In 2000, national second-class actor Rong Rong easily won the Best Actor Award of the Chinese Character Wenhua Award for the drama "Happy Days", at that time, 11 years had passed since her debut.

It is very appropriate to describe her by guarding the clouds and seeing the moon.

She is a national mother, married to a famous writer for the second time, and her two daughters are beautiful and talented, and she is becoming more and more beautiful at the age of 53

Rong Rong is an actor who is obsessed with acting, and she is also a low-key actor, she usually hardly participates in any activities except filming, so that many opportunities for exposure are reduced.

As early as 1989, she starred in the movie "Dream of Red Mansions", with a high starting point, but because the challenge of this drama is too difficult, and the drama version is too successful, the movie version did not make much splash at that time.

However, for so many years, she has been active on the screen, creating one classic role after another, and compared with other actresses of the same age, her flowering period is significantly longer. Because of her age, she mostly portrays some "mother" roles, and because of this, the audience affectionately calls her "National Mother".

She is a national mother, married to a famous writer for the second time, and her two daughters are beautiful and talented, and she is becoming more and more beautiful at the age of 53

"I Want to Rely on You", "Dangerous Relationship", "Dear", etc., are all well-known works, and Rong Rong's acting skills have become more and more exquisite in the polishing of one work after another.

It has been 34 years since her debut, she has created too many classic images, this year, at the age of 53, she still has two plays released, she loves acting, and she is also acting with her heart.

Once, she played two roles in a drama, with an age span from eighteen to sixty years old, a difference of more than forty years, but both roles were vividly interpreted by her.

She is a national mother, married to a famous writer for the second time, and her two daughters are beautiful and talented, and she is becoming more and more beautiful at the age of 53

As an actress, she is undoubtedly successful.

As a woman, although she has endured a lot of hardships, she has also reaped happiness in the end.

She was married twice and divorced, and finally married a well-known writer for the second time, and the family of four lived a happy life.

Although Rong Rong's career has always been relatively stable, her feelings can be described as going round and round.

It was in 1988, when she was in college, just an adult, and she didn't quite understand what love was. When she met Cheng Yongxin, an editor who was 5 years older than her, she didn't understand what her heartbeat was for.

Cheng Yongxin is a talented man, not only exported, but also talented, writes good articles, and in the process of getting along, the two found that there are endless topics, and naturally became good friends.

At that time, people were very simple-minded, and there was pure friendship between men and women, but obviously, it was not pure friendship between them, at least not now.

She is a national mother, married to a famous writer for the second time, and her two daughters are beautiful and talented, and she is becoming more and more beautiful at the age of 53

But because Rong Rong is young, and Cheng Yongxin is too wooden, they missed each other like this.

After graduation, Rong Rong entered the acting industry, and life was in a hurry, and when they were fighting for their own lives, they had no time to talk.

In this way, they drifted apart, and even gradually disappeared into each other's lives.

It wasn't until the breakdown of Rong Rong's first marriage that the relationship between them broke the deadlock and made new progress.

She is a national mother, married to a famous writer for the second time, and her two daughters are beautiful and talented, and she is becoming more and more beautiful at the age of 53

After the divorce, Rong Rong met Cheng Yongxin, who had not seen him for several years, when she was shopping, because she was an old acquaintance, so their relationship quickly returned to the same close as it was at the beginning.

Seeing how close they were, their friends quipped, "You two seem like a couple." ”

When Cheng Yongxin heard this, he said without pause: "As long as she agrees, I can marry her now." ”

When these words were spoken, both of them were taken aback, and then they realized that they had already fallen in love with each other.

I was ignorant before, so I missed it, but this time, I can't give up anything.

After learning their hearts, they officially accepted each other, and quickly persuaded their parents to go straight to the gold store to choose jewelry, and in 2005 they held a heartwarming wedding.

After getting married, Rong Rong soon gave birth to a daughter, and the family of four lived a happy life.

Why is it a family of four? Who is the other person?

It turned out that when Rong Rong was young, she once went to an orphanage to film, and she was very touched by her, and when the filming was over, she also officially adopted a daughter from the orphanage.

She is a national mother, married to a famous writer for the second time, and her two daughters are beautiful and talented, and she is becoming more and more beautiful at the age of 53

Of course, Cheng Yongxin also has the same attitude towards Rong Rong's adopted daughter, and will not take care of one or the other.

The man who can be favored by Rong Rong must not be too bad, he is not only empathetic, but also very patient and tolerant, and more importantly, his talent will shine, and now he has become a well-known writer. I believe that the two daughters will become girls with special uprightness, beauty and talent under their raising.