
The aircraft carrier "Ford" will return to the United States! A large number of warships have assembled in the Red Sea, and Britain and the United States have issued an ultimatum to the Houthis

author:Red Star News
According to Xinhua News Agency, the U.S. Central Command issued a statement on December 31, 2023, saying that the U.S. military sank three Yemeni Houthi ships in the Red Sea. After this incident, on the first day of 2024, Iran suddenly announced that it had sent a warship to the Red Sea.
The aircraft carrier "Ford" will return to the United States! A large number of warships have assembled in the Red Sea, and Britain and the United States have issued an ultimatum to the Houthis

The aircraft carriers USS Ford (front left) and USS Eisenhower (front right) sail in the Mediterranean

Some analysts have pointed out that the move has the potential to exacerbate tensions in the region and complicate the U.S. goal of "securing important shipping lanes for global trade." Subsequently, Brent, the global crude benchmark, rose 1.6% to $78.27 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate rose 1.42% to $72.67 a barrel.

Britain and the United States issued an ultimatum to the Houthis

"Military action will be taken if we don't stop any longer"

On December 31, 2023, the U.S. Central Command said that the U.S. military sank three Yemeni Houthi rebel ships that attacked merchant ships in the Red Sea waters on the same day. The Houthis said later in the day that 10 of the group's fighters had been killed by U.S. forces.

A Singaporean-flagged container ship sailing in the Red Sea sent a distress signal to U.S. forces earlier in the day, saying four Houthi speedboats were trying to approach the ship to board the ship, the U.S. Central Command said in a statement. The US aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the destroyer USS Graveley sent a number of helicopters to help. When the US helicopter arrived at the scene, it issued a warning to the Houthi speedboat, and the armed men on board opened fire on the helicopter. The U.S. military opened fire on the speedboat "in self-defense", sinking three speedboats and fleeing the scene with another speedboat.

According to the latest information, in response, Iran sent a warship to the Red Sea. According to some media, the Iranian destroyer "Alborz" entered the Red Sea through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait on January 1 as part of a routine mission in international waters. At the same time, there are reports that "more and more warships" are massing in the region, including American and British ones.

The aircraft carrier "Ford" will return to the United States! A large number of warships have assembled in the Red Sea, and Britain and the United States have issued an ultimatum to the Houthis


According to the Global Times, citing foreign media reports, the British military is preparing to launch a wave of airstrikes against the Houthis, which increases the likelihood of a significant escalation of tensions in the region. According to the report, according to the plan, Britain will join forces with the United States (and possibly another European country) to launch missiles at pre-planned targets. A British government source said the British military could send fighter jets and the USS Diamond missile destroyer.

It is reported that the United Kingdom and the United States will issue an ultimatum with unprecedented harsh wording, warning the Houthis to stop attacking merchant ships, otherwise they will face a blow from Western military force. On the 1st, British Defense Secretary Shapps made it clear in an article that Britain is "willing to take direct action against the Houthis to curb threats to freedom of navigation in the Red Sea."

The American aircraft carrier "Ford" will retreat from the Middle East

Previously, the deployment has been postponed as a "deterrent"

Tensions in the region could intensify and complicate the U.S. goal of "securing important shipping lanes for global trade," according to some analysts.

Hundreds of container ships that regularly pass through the Red Sea and the key maritime arteries of the Suez Canal are changing their course due to repeated attacks by the Houthis, causing shipping costs to rise. Coupled with the disruption of the drought-affected Panama Canal in the Western Hemisphere, the rise in merchant shipping rates has created headwinds for central banks in the fight against inflation.

Last month, the United States launched the "Prosperity Guardian" defense alliance of the US-led multinational force to protect sea lanes, but it was "politely rejected" by many allies, and so far, only the United Kingdom has responded to the call to send warships. (Red Star News related report: The United States wants to build a multinational "Red Sea Task Force" is cold, many allies: thank you, we don't agree)

At the same time, two U.S. officials revealed that the U.S. "Gerald J. The USS R. Ford (CVN-78) battle group will be withdrawn from the Middle East "in the coming days."

The aircraft carrier "Ford" will return to the United States! A large number of warships have assembled in the Red Sea, and Britain and the United States have issued an ultimatum to the Houthis

On October 11, 2023, the United States "Gerald M. USS R. Ford conducts offshore refueling operations in the eastern Mediterranean

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ford, the newest and largest aircraft carrier of the U.S. Navy with more than 4,000 crew and eight squadrons of aircraft, was redeployed to the eastern Mediterranean Sea the day after Hamas's attack on Israel on October 8, 2023, and became one of the most powerful symbols of U.S. support for Israel.

According to the report, after three extended deployment periods, the USS Ford aircraft carrier battle group will return to its home port in Norfolk, Virginia, in preparation for future deployments. This also means that in the coming period, the US military will deploy less naval forces in the waters of the Middle East hot spots. After the departure of the "Ford," the US military is now left with only one aircraft carrier, the USS Eisenhower, deployed on duty in the Middle East.

Nevertheless, the two US officials stressed that after the departure of the USS Ford, the US Navy still has enough cruisers and destroyers to maintain deterrence in the Middle East. According to reports, the amphibious assault ship "Bataan" and the dock landing ships "Mesa Verde" and "Carterhall" will take over this task. For the past few days, the three ships have been heading towards the eastern Mediterranean.

The remaining "stationed" force will include three warships and 2,000 Marines "to provide a sea-based expeditionary force capable of supporting a variety of missions," the Navy said in a statement.

Red Star News reporter Xu Xuan reported from Xinhua News Agency and Global Times

Editor: Guo Zhuang Editor: Li Binbin

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The aircraft carrier "Ford" will return to the United States! A large number of warships have assembled in the Red Sea, and Britain and the United States have issued an ultimatum to the Houthis

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