
After the US aircraft carrier withdrew from the South China Sea, it changed its direction and wanted to lay mines against China, and the PLA took the lead in casting a big net

author:Old high wind and clouds

After the US aircraft carrier Roosevelt withdrew from the South China Sea, it did not stay away from China's periphery, but changed its direction to "lay mines" on China. But what the US military did not expect was that the PLA had already cast a wide net in their new destination.

The USS Roosevelt has been in the waters of the South China Sea since March this year, and has spent most of its time along the edge of the 10-dash line, sometimes passing through the South China Sea, and sometimes visiting ports in Singapore and Thailand, but not only has it not participated in all joint military exercises held by the US military and the Philippines, but has also deliberately distanced itself from Philippine activities in the South China Sea that provoke China's sovereignty, and even withdrew from the South China Sea the day before the new "June 15" Chinese coast guard regulations came into effect, "perfectly missing" the "Ren'ai Jiao Battle" between China and the Philippines in the next two days. This kind of behavior can't help but confuse the outside world: Is this what the United States calls "staunch support for the Philippines"?

After the US aircraft carrier withdrew from the South China Sea, it changed its direction and wanted to lay mines against China, and the PLA took the lead in casting a big net

(USS Roosevelt arrives at the port of Busan, South Korea)

However, the Roosevelt did not stay away from China's periphery, but went all the way north, wanting to "bury mines" on China in a different direction. It was only after it arrived at its new destination that it discovered that the PLA had already cast a wide net first. After arriving at the port of Busan, South Korea, the USS Roosevelt will conduct its first "Freedom Blade" multi-domain joint military exercise with South Korea and Japan in a few days, covering multiple combat areas such as sea area, underwater, airspace, and cyberspace. It can be seen that for the first time, the US military and its allies have held "multi-domain military exercises" in China's periphery, which are aimed at the "multi-domain precision operations" plan proposed by the PLA in recent years. The United States wants to pull South Korea and Japan together to sow new "big thunder" in China's peripheral security situation.

After the US aircraft carrier withdrew from the South China Sea, it changed its direction and wanted to lay mines against China, and the PLA took the lead in casting a big net

(The Roosevelt hangar has been flown with the flags of the United States and South Korea)

However, the United States has learned a lesson this time, and the exercise area was not placed in the Yellow Sea between China and South Korea, but in the Sea of Japan, east of the Korean Peninsula. In mid-September last year, under the pretext of "commemorating the 73 rd anniversary of the Inchon landing and the 70 th anniversary of the establishment of the US-ROK alliance," the United States sent the USS US amphibious assault ship and several destroyers to the port of Incheon in South Korea to prepare for a large-scale amphibious landing exercise in the Yellow Sea at China's doorstep.

As a result, the People's Liberation Army dispatched a large number of main warships to deploy in the waters of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, directly "copied" the retreat route of the US warships, causing the US side to cancel the military exercises, and after "posing" a few photos with the ROK warship in Incheon Port, it returned to its naval base in Japan by sticking to the South Korean coast.

After the US aircraft carrier withdrew from the South China Sea, it changed its direction and wanted to lay mines against China, and the PLA took the lead in casting a big net

(The Port of Busan is located in the Tsushima Strait between Japan and South Korea, and the exercise area is in the Sea of Japan)

After the US aircraft carrier withdrew from the South China Sea, it changed its direction and wanted to lay mines against China, and the PLA took the lead in casting a big net

(During this year's Singapore Incense Festival, the defense ministers of the United States, Japan and South Korea decided to hold the "Freedom Blade" joint military exercise)

The "Blade of Freedom" joint military exercise between the United States, Japan, and the ROK was decided by the defense ministers of the United States, Japan, and the ROK during the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore in early June this year. The exercise takes its name from the U.S.-South Korea joint military exercise "Freedom Shield" and the U.S.-Japan joint military exercise "Blade," the latter two of which are regular exercises held by the United States, Japan and South Korea, and the "Freedom Blade" will be jointly held by the United States, Japan and South Korea.

This is the first trilateral joint exercise to be held after the United States, Japan, and the ROK held the Camp David summit last year, essentially confirming the launch of the "Asian mini-NATO." It is not difficult to see that the United States wants to take advantage of the opportunity of the "pro-US and pro-Japan" Yoon Suk-yeol to resolve the historical contradictions between Japan and South Korea, broker military cooperation between Japan and South Korea, act as a thug and cannon fodder for the United States in Northeast Asia, and build a trilateral military alliance against China and Russia under the guise of confronting North Korea.

After the US aircraft carrier withdrew from the South China Sea, it changed its direction and wanted to lay mines against China, and the PLA took the lead in casting a big net

(The PLA Navy's Type 815A electronic reconnaissance ship has entered the Sea of Japan through the Matsu Strait)

Obviously, China has an accurate grasp of the new movements of the US military. The reason why the USS Roosevelt left the South China Sea so coincidentally ahead of schedule was precisely because the PLA had set up a position in advance and dispatched its main warships, such as the Type 075 amphibious assault ship, the Type 071 dock landing ship, the Type 055 10,000-ton destroyer, and the Type 052D destroyer, to build a tight and sharp front in the South China Sea to prevent the US military from interfering in the mainland coast guard's rights protection activities in the South China Sea.

When the US aircraft carrier arrived in the Sea of Japan east of the Korean Peninsula, the Type 815A electronic reconnaissance ship dispatched by the PLA was also in place one step ahead of the other, and an electromagnetic information detection network was laid in advance to monitor the movements of the US-ROK-Japan coalition forces at all times. In fact, this scene has already appeared in the joint exercises of the United States, Japan, Australia and the Philippines in the South China Sea a few days ago, which fully shows that the movements of the US military and its allies have been accurately grasped by the PLA in real time, and now the United States basically has nothing to play around China.

For this military exercise of the United States, Japan, and South Korea, in addition to China's preparations, Russia will also send warships and aircraft to conduct vigilance and surveillance, after all, the exercise area directly threatens the largest base of the Russian Pacific Fleet in the Far East: Vladivostok. China and Russia may also join forces to counteract the United States, Japan, and South Korea. As the US military intensifies its "arch fire" in Northeast Asia, the situation in Northeast Asia will become more complicated and severe in the future.

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