
Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

author:World of Tanks
Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!
Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

Hello commanders!

Today I would like to introduce you to a tank known as the "True ▪ Apocalypse" The S series of nine-level heavy tanks IS-3-II, this S series of heavy tank research and development line in version 1.7.1 when added to the game, with its comparable to the expansion of the circle and the unique double-barreled artillery mechanism has attracted the attention of the commanders, especially the early launch of the eighth-level gold coin tank 703 Project II super combat performance also makes players full of interest in this research and development line, so how does our protagonist perform in actual combat today, let's take a look with the editor!

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!


Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

Firepower Count

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!
Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

Main gun parameters

IS-3-II's tabula rasa period is relatively long,The tabula rasa period is a 100 cannon inherited from the eighth-level IS-2-II,Although the depth of this 100 cannon is low, but the damage of a single shot is acceptable,With the unique shooting logic of the upper double tube and the excellent circle expansion attribute can also play a lot of damage on the side,This car also has a very low sense of presence 122 cannon,Although the caliber is large enough, the depth and rate of fire of this gun are slightly inferior to the 100 guns of the tabula rasa,The only meaning of existence may be that it can enhance deterrence when it is still a tabula rasa,But in fact, it is basically useless。

The complete body of the IS-3-II is two "double-barreled special version" of the BL9 gun, although the name of this gun is similar to the BL9 of the IS-3, but in fact it is already two completely different entities, the 243/292 main gun penetration is enough to ensure that the IS-3-II can penetrate most of the opponents it can meet, and because of the unique alternating fire mechanism of the double barrel, it can be played as a single car, with .15/.15/. The 08's three-expansion gun control and -8 degree depression angle also make it easy to shoot at fast-moving targets.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

The unique salvo ability allows the IS-3-II to hit the instant kill effect even if it is a second shot

It is worth mentioning that the double-barreled artillery has a very small hit distance between the two shells when firing a salvo, and the damage of the single-shot module of this 122 caliber BL9 main gun has reached 165, and in the case that the opponent does not have a module blood volume kit, it can basically do one shot to hit a fuel tank module, if two shots hit at the same time, it is very likely to directly attach some additional damage to the enemy with fire attributes, or even fly the turret directly in place.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

Inflict a burn effect on Tiger Hunter

Of course, there are still shortcomings, and the only two shortcomings are that the salvo preparation time is relatively difficult to grasp and the DPM is low. 2.5 seconds is not a long time, but it may be that in the short moment when the salvo is ready, the opponent has already retreated to cover, usually it is recommended to use a salvo at close range like the picture below, and when only one main gun is fired, the reloading state of the other main gun will be directly canceled, many times you will encounter the situation that the other gun is about to be loaded but the enemy is close to the front and have to fight, at this time, the firing has to wait for a long reload time, which directly reduces the output capacity of the IS-3-II.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

However, it should be noted that the calculation of the impact point of these two guns is independent of each other, and sometimes you may encounter a salvo that hits the cover after it is clearly aimed but the salvo is fired, and there will be a 4-second lock time after the salvo is completed, during which the main gun will increase the time for reloading, so I recommend that you use this skill moderately, and use a salvo as much as possible when there is an opportunity to attack from the flank.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

There is no salvo blocking hint, but there is just one shot hitting the mountain

Protection: ★★★★ ☆

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

The three heavy tank technology trees of the S series have evolved into completely different styles in the process of development, and the armor protection of our protagonist IS-3-II is between ST-I and T10, compared to T10, the stronger upper armor can withstand direct fire from low-level vehicles, and the extremely small commander tower also makes this car more suitable than its brother ST-I in the same class.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

The design of the armor on the head of the hull is similar to that of the IS-3, and the same arrow cluster type on the head can provide very good protection against the enemy, and the equivalent of about 240 can basically resist the direct fire of the silver coin bullet of the level 8 vehicle.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

Of course, the arrow cluster design is not indestructible, and the armor equivalent will be further reduced with the deflection of the upper head angle, and it will be easier to penetrate than when it is directly aligned.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

As an S-series heavy tank, the superior side gap armor protection has always been one of the selling points, and the IS-3-II is no exception, with four layers of gap armor on the upper side of the hull basically blocking most direct fire.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

Of course, the protection of this side is not as indestructible as that of the ST-I, and the track part is very easy to penetrate if the angle is too large due to the lack of armor interlayer and only 90 mm side panels

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

The protection on the front of the turret is also relatively good, and with an 8-degree depression angle, you can also go to the front line to sell your head and hit the output, but it should be noted that the middle position of the front of the turret is not high due to the limitation of the angle, and the armor is not high, so move as much as possible in actual combat to reduce the time for the enemy to aim at the weak point.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

A slight shake after firing will reduce the chance of being penetrated

Maneuver: ★★★★ ☆

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

In terms of mobility, the mobility of the IS-3-II can be said to be very good, in line with the battlefield positioning of the entire combat vehicle, as a breakthrough heavy tank, although the engine power of 840 horsepower can only provide it with a unit power of 15, but this is not bad track adaptability to a certain extent to make up for the shortcomings of the lack of power, coupled with the 37 degrees of rotation speed and the best main gun in the heavy tank, this combination can make the IS-3-II combat power like a tiger.

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

At the beginning of the game, you can basically keep up with the pace of the big army

Concealment & Vision: ★★ ☆☆☆

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

As a breakthrough heavy tank, the IS-3-II is certainly not its strong point, and its vision is decent, limited by the basic vision of 380 meters, even if it is full of reconnaissance skills, it can barely pile up to close to 440, but as an assault heavy tank, the vision is only the icing on the cake, and the front line is where it shines.

Accessories & Skills

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

Accessories recommended: ventilation, rotating components, turbines

The turbo parts can enhance the mobility of the IS-3-II, and the rotating components increase the steering characteristics of the vehicle during close combat, which can help the commanders adjust the vehicle to the most protective angle in time.

In terms of skills, there are a total of five members of the car crew, and in terms of gold coin cars, they can replace the members of the level 8 gold coin car 703 Project II without loss.

The recommended skills are as follows:

Commander: Band of Brothers, Repair, Reciter, All-rounder

Gunner: Brothers in Arms, repair, critical hit, precision strike

Driver: Band of Brothers, repairs, quick turns, walking on flat ground

Reloader: Brothers, Repair, Burst Reload, Ammo Regularization

Reloader: Band of Brothers, Repair, Burst Reload, Shipwreck


As the third heavy tank R&D line of the S series, the "Double-Barreled Apocalypse Tank" With the unique alternating shooting logic and the characteristics of high damage that can be volleyed to a certain extent, it does inject some fresh experience into the game, but because the performance of the top car ST-II is a little stretched even if it has been strengthened in the current version, most players will choose the whole 703 Project II and will not choose to open this line, but it can't be generalized, our protagonist today's IS-3-II as an assault heavy tank performance is definitely at the upper middle level, and the unique double-barreled BL9 main gun with decent armor can also be fought in the current version, so what do you think about this vehicle, you might as well discuss it in the comment area!

Two barrels, double the firepower! This S-series "Apocalypse Chariot" is well worth a try!

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