
Farewell! Superstar Falls!

author:Today's Women's Newspaper
According to the WeChat official account of the Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on December 29, 2023: Academician Yin Wenying, a member of the Communist Party of China, a member of the Jiusan Society, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a famous entomologist, a soil zoologist, and a researcher at the Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, died at 15:36 on December 28, 2023 at Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine at the age of 101.
Farewell! Superstar Falls!
Farewell! Superstar Falls!
Farewell! Superstar Falls!

Courtesy of the Bureau of Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Internationally recognized as an authoritative expert in the study of protocercaria

He is the founder of soil zoology in China

Academician Yin Wenying was born in Pingxiang, Hebei Province on October 18, 1922, graduated from the Department of Biology of the former National Central University in July 1947, and joined the Institute of Zoology of the former Academia Sinica as an assistant in August. In 1950, he was transferred to the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as an assistant researcher. In 1963, he was transferred to the Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and successively served as associate researcher, researcher, deputy director and director of the academic committee of the institute. In May 1999, the Shanghai Institute of Entomology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Plant Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences were integrated into the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and served as a researcher.

Academician Yin Wenying joined the Jiusan Society in the 50s of the 20th century, and successively served as a member of the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Central Committee of the Jiusan Society, and a standing member of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Jiusan Society. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1980 and served as a deputy to the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress. He was elected a member of the New York Academy of Sciences in 1980, a member of the Royal Entomological Society in 1989, and a member of the Japanese Society of Tropical Ecology in 1991. In 1991, he was elected as a member (academician) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1998, he won the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Science and Technology Progress Award. She has won many awards and honors, such as the National "38" Red Flag Bearer, Shanghai Advanced Worker, Shanghai Model Worker, Shanghai "38" Red Flag Bearer and the first prize of Shanghai Women's Award.

Academician Yin Wenying is an internationally recognized authoritative expert in the study of protocercariasis, the founder of soil zoology in China, and the pioneer of fish parasites and fish diseases in mainland China. In her early years, she was engaged in the research on the prevention and control of fish parasites and fish diseases, laying the foundation for the research of fish diseases in mainland China; since the 60s of the last century, she has been engaged in the study of the systematic classification and evolution of protocercaria, established a new concept and new classification system of the phylogenesis of Protocercaria, and pioneered the study of the origin and evolution of hexapods; and since the 80s, she has presided over and promoted the systematic research of soil zoology. Throughout her life, she was indifferent to fame and fortune, devoted herself to study, and devoted herself to the cause of science and education on the mainland, setting a glorious example for future generations.

"Be a learned man"

"The sky dome is a house, the earth is a bed, and you can carry a bag on your shoulders and go all over the world!"

Yin Wenying was born in a remote rural area in Hebei, when she was a little girl, she had such a pride and ambition, which seemed to be destined for her extraordinary life.

She later recalled that it was the influence of her family that determined her life path.

Yin Wenying's father, Yin Zanxun, was a well-known geologist and paleontologist in mainland China, and was also one of the first batch of elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in New China.

When he was young, whenever Yoon Chan-hoon went out to collect specimens on holidays, he would always bring his daughter Yoon Wen-young. Although she couldn't understand the mysteries in those small rocks at that time, she developed an interest and hobby in nature since she was a child, and flowers, grasses, and small insects have become her favorite pets.

Yoon Chan-hoon stayed in France for 8 years, and Yoon Wenying, who lived in the countryside, was unable to go to school normally. When my father learned about this situation, he was very worried, and advocated to the elders of the family several times that girls should also study and open up their own futures like boys.

Although she couldn't fully understand it, since then, Yoon has remembered one thing - what a boy can do, a girl can do.

After Yin Zanxun returned to China, Yin Wenying followed his mother to Beiping and entered a regular primary school. For her, the days with her father by her side are stable and warm.

"I remember my father used to say, 'Learning more than one foreign language is equivalent to having more eyes'. At that time, my father would invite a few scholars studying in Germany to meet every week, and my father would teach them French, and they would teach him German and talk to each other in a foreign language. At this time, I always sat next to the adults and listened intently. Although I didn't understand anything, I liked the atmosphere and the party. ”

In Yin Wenying's heart, his father is "a person with a university question". "The subtle influence of contamination has gradually formed an indelible influence in the depths of my heart, which has made me have a longing for science, a strong desire to explore the mysteries of nature, and a determination to be a learned person!"

Although in the end, Yin Wenying did not inherit her father's mantle and become a geologist according to her original ideal, but studied biology Xi, but she boldly explored and climbed in her own research field, and this spiritual temperament has never changed.

"The only way to make a strong country is to rely on science"

Born in turmoil, grown up in war. Witnessing the invasion of the country and being influenced by his father's generation of intellectuals who "saved the country through science", Yin Wenying wrote the article "Only Science Can Save China" at the age of 19, which won the first place in the school essay competition.

When she was young, she deeply planted the seeds of the idea that "the only way to strengthen the country is through science", which became the driving force for her to persevere and work hard all her life. Therefore, in Yin Wenying's scientific life, she always puts the needs of the country first.

At that time, Yin Wenying, who graduated from biology, began to engage in the classification and identification of fish parasites. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to the development needs of freshwater fisheries, she resolutely devoted herself to the experimental research work of fish disease prevention and control.

She set up a fish disease workstation in Linghu, Zhejiang, the most important freshwater fish farming area in the mainland, and squatted for three or four years. Together with her colleagues, she has found effective prevention and control methods for more than 10 kinds of fish diseases, which have been promoted by the fisheries department to the whole country, basically controlling the serious diseases in the freshwater fish farming industry on the mainland.

In the mid-80s of the 20th century, the state put forward the grand goal of science serving production. Yin Wenying keenly discovered that the economic prosperity of most countries in the world at that time depended to a large extent on the maintenance of cultivated soil and its productivity, and soil biological resources were the "fertilizer factory" of cultivated soil and the "cleaner" of environmental pollution. As a result, she began to think about conducting soil zoological research in China.

Yin Wenying, together with experts at home and abroad, pioneered large-scale and systematic soil zoological research in mainland China for the first time. In the following ten years, they traveled to seven different geographical regions of the temperate, subtropical and tropical regions of the continent to conduct background surveys of soil fauna, and compiled and published five monographs, including the "Atlas of Chinese Soil Fauna Search", which contains more than 1,400 genera and involved 8 animal phyla, and made great contributions to the establishment and in-depth development of soil zoology in the mainland.

Fu Wenjun, a retired researcher at the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology of the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, once mentioned in a reminiscence article that most of the nearly 200 academic papers published by Yin Wenying were published in important journals such as "Science in China", "Acta Entomologica Sinica" and "Acta Zoologica Sinica", setting an example for scientists.

In Yin Wenying, the patriotic spiritual background has always shone brightly.

The Si people have passed away, but the style lives on!

Academician Yin Wenying goes all the way!

Source: Comprehensively compiled from China Youth Daily, China News Service, WeChat public account of the Center for Excellence in Molecular Plants of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Science News, WeChat public account of the Shanghai Committee of Jiusan Society, and Chongqing Communist Youth League

Edit: Yiyi

Review: Ouyang Lingxi