
From "black" to "green", Longcun butterflies have the power of women

author:Today's Women's Newspaper
From "black" to "green", Longcun butterflies have the power of women

Editor's note: With the continuous advancement of rural revitalization, a large number of new farmers have emerged in Huxiang, who have pursued their dreams of the countryside, brought a new look to rural development, and grown into "Xingnong" who help rural revitalization. Today's Women's Daily/Fengwang specially planned to launch a series of reports on "New Farmers, Xing Farmers", focusing on those outstanding women among the new farmers, and seeing how they use their wisdom and wisdom to write a wonderful life on the vast fertile soil.

From "black" to "green", Longcun butterfly has become a woman's power

Today's Women's Daily/Fengwang reporter Tang Tianxi

Rich because of coal, but also trapped because of coal.

This was the helplessness of Yao Village, Longcun, Meitian Town, Yizhang County, Chenzhou City.


This is the only way for Longcun Yao Village to find its beautiful nostalgia.

In the past few years, Longcun Yao Village has not only taken off the hat of a poor village, but also put on the "garland" of national honors such as the advanced collective of the All-China Women's Federation system and the national rural governance demonstration village, and many villages have come to learn from it. Behind this achievement is also the hard work, sweat and wisdom of "her power" in the village.

From "black" to "green", Longcun butterflies have the power of women

Kwong Suzhen likes to cut "harvest fruits".

Empowering "her power", "black" abdicates and "green" ascends

"Now the village's produce is not sold. On December 26, Kuang Suzhen, secretary of the general party branch of Longcun Yao Village, happily told today's women's newspaper/Fengwang reporter.

Today's Yao Village in Longcun is full of verdant mountains, and a large area of planted navel oranges, camellia, prunes, cedar trees, and bamboos decorate the beauty of the countryside and the happiness of the villagers.

A few years ago, the mountains were bare, full of holes, and cinders, and many villagers were very confused.

Because of the abundant coal resources in Longcun Yao Village, in the early 90s of the last century, many outsiders and villagers mined coal in the mountains. "If you want to get rich, dig deep holes" used to be the "consensus" of many villagers in Yao Village, Longcun.

As the state began to gradually and vigorously rectify and close illegal small coal kilns, the coal in the village was not allowed to be dug up, but there were many sequelae left by coal mining: indiscriminate digging and mining, indiscriminate cutting and felling, resulting in vegetation destruction, soil erosion, and serious damage to farmland and water conservancy facilities. In 2014, Longcun Yao Village was recognized as a provincial-level poverty-stricken village.

"After all, there are only a few people who get rich by digging coal. Most of the villagers earn their income by working in the coal mines, and once the coal mines are shut down, these villagers have no skills, and they cannot turn around ideologically. Kwong Suzhen introduced.

After being elected as the secretary of the village party branch in 2017, Kuang Suzhen took the initiative to seek a way out, actively adjusted the structure of the agricultural industry, promoted the reclamation of abandoned mines, revitalized the land, and introduced large households to engage in planting.

Villager Zhou Yujin has been engaged in coal transportation for more than 10 years, and after the coal mine was shut down, he wasted a few years. Zhou Yujin's wife, Wu Zhangxi, saw the changes in the village and decided to plant navel oranges with her husband. However, when Wu Zhangxi negotiated with the villagers to contract the mountains, some villagers did not change their thinking and concepts, and they did not reach a conclusion for several months. After Kuang Suzhen learned about the situation, she went door-to-door to do work, and finally turned over the 230 acres of mountains.

At the same time, the Village Women's Federation organizes and carries out various types of entrepreneurship and employment skills training, publicizes and interprets the policies benefiting farmers, and strives for microcredit start-up funds for women with entrepreneurial intentions, so that more women have the ability to find employment and start a business.

Wu Zhangxi, who was later elected as an executive committee member of the village women's federation, has now planted 300 acres of navel oranges and arranged for nearly 20 village women to work. Wu Zhangxi said: "I want to do a good job in this business, because if I have a career, I can retain adults, and the children in the village will not become left-behind children." ”

"The village has successively established 16 professional cooperatives led by women, 5 family workshops, carried out 8 sessions of skills training, issued 62 microcredits, cultivated 8 female leaders to get rich, created 1 provincial demonstration base and 2 municipal leading enterprises, created more than 600 jobs for the village, and the village's collective economic income exceeded 1 million yuan in 2022. The annual per capita income of the villagers is 30,000 yuan, which greatly enhances the people's sense of happiness, security and gain. Kuang Suzhen told the reporter of Today's Women's Daily/Fengwang that in the industrial transformation, women have become the backbone of the transformation of the village-level economy from "black" to "green".

At the same time, Kuang Suzhen actively played the role of a village-level e-commerce service station, carefully built a small e-commerce store in Yaopuyuan, and organized villagers to collect all kinds of agricultural products picked from the mountains and grown by themselves, and unified free packaging and online sales.

At present, the village e-commerce service station has launched more than 40 kinds of agricultural products, helping villagers achieve online and offline sales revenue of more than 420 yuan. Kuang Suzhen introduced that China Central Radio and Television Station also went to the village to do live broadcasts, so that the agricultural products of Longcun Yao Village entered the field of vision of more people.

Activating "She Power", the Women's Council promotes the construction of a beautiful homeland

Coming to the small square of Group 12 of Yao Village in Longcun, the scene was full of laughter and laughter, and the scene of "yellow hair hanging down and enjoying oneself" in "The Story of the Peach Blossom Spring" is also very common here. But more than a year ago, this natural village, which was still a market place for the whole town in the forties and fifties of the last century, has been in ruins due to the changes of the times, and the garbage is piled up from time to time, looking dirty and messy.

"It's hard for me to see this. On December 26, Huang Danxia, a member of the executive committee of the Village Women's Federation, told a reporter from Today's Women's Daily/Fengwang that in order to govern this place well, she convened many discussions with villagers to solicit opinions and suggestions, and put them forward at the women's meeting in the village. After many discussions, the village women's council decided to demolish the old houses that were uninhabited and could not be strengthened and built into small squares; the old houses that could be strengthened were to be built into table tennis rooms and other leisure places after reinforcement, and the open space overgrown with weeds outside the old houses was built into small amusement gardens, small orchards, and small vegetable gardens. Huang Danxia said that the women did what they said, and hired masons, carpenters, bricklayers, etc. in the village to help with things during the day and coordinate with them at night. A dirty and messy natural village has been transformed into a model village for the "Wake Up Old Houses" campaign.

This successful practice was soon popularized in Longcun Yao Village, and Wang Zhijuan, member of the Executive Committee of the Village Women's Federation, took action one after another to build the idle land in the village into a small amusement park and a small garden.

The Women's Council has become a regular platform for women's deliberations in the construction of beautiful villages. "At present, our village has set up 1 women's council and 23 women's discussion groups, focusing on the key work of grassroots social governance, setting up topics such as family civilization construction, human settlements environment improvement, assistance and assistance, and regularly organizing the executive committee of the women's federation to further stimulate the sense of identity, responsibility and mission of the executive committee of the women's federation. Kuang Suzhen told Today's Women's Daily/Fengwang reporter that in the past two years, the village-level women's council has collected 46 problems reported by the masses such as damaged street lights, road maintenance, and environmental sanitation, and the discussion group has carried out 64 volunteer service activities, benefiting more than 3,000 people.

At the same time, the Women's Council used the platform of "Hunan Sisters' Energy Home" to greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of villagers to participate in rural revitalization and other work and build a better home.

From "black" to "green", Longcun butterflies have the power of women

At the women's meeting, everyone discussed and voted on the issue of digging a well for the water-scarce Aotouling area.

Kuang Renju, a member of the executive committee of the Village Women's Federation, told a reporter from Today's Women's Daily/Fengwang that Group 21 has a mountain pond, which has lost its basic function of water storage due to long-term siltation. After she reported the matter to the Women's Council, more than a dozen women volunteers responded to the dredging that day, and the dredging was completed the next day.

"We gave corresponding points according to the work of the participating villagers. Kuang Suzhen told today's women's newspaper/Fengwang reporter that the village adopts the two-way points method of online energy + offline activities through the "Hunan Sister's Energy Home" platform, forming a mechanism of "participating in activities - earning points - exchanging goods and learning Xi training opportunities", encouraging villagers to actively participate in rural revitalization, environmental remediation, innovative employment and other work, and transforming "cadres around the masses" into "the masses rushing to take the initiative". At present, the "Xiangmeizi Energy Home" in Yao Village, Longcun has registered 1,670 households and 5,657 people, accounting for 94% of the permanent population, and has carried out a total of 89 activities since August 2021, with more than 5,000 people participating, exchanging 36,000 points and exchanging materials worth 180,000 yuan.

Gather "her strength" and "special mobile team" to help grassroots governance

The Spring Festival of 2024 is approaching, and Zhao Chunrong, the executive committee member of the Village Women's Federation and a "good person in Hunan", plans to hold a family education symposium with women who will return to the village for the New Year.

"I also held such a small symposium before the Spring Festival last year. On December 26, Zhao Chunrong told a reporter from Today's Women's Daily/Fengwang that as a member of the village's family education volunteer tour team, she had shared her family education experience in schools, village committees, and natural villages.

In addition to focusing on family education, Zhao Chunrong will also help solve specific family education problems.

One day, a villager called Zhao Chunrong and asked her to help find her daughter Xiao Xia (not her real name). It turned out that Xiao Xia was a left-behind girl who lived with her grandmother. One day, Xiao Xia complained in her diary that her grandmother was not good to her, especially her grandmother slandered her for stealing money and scolded her. After Xiao Xia's mother found out, she didn't ask the truth and scolded Xiao Xia. Natsu ran away from home and claimed to be committing suicide. Zhao Chunrong found her through Xiao Xia's classmates. But Xiao Xia refused to go home and refused to see her mother, so Zhao Chunrong took her to the county seat to find a good friend to chat and relax, and invited her to dinner and live with her in the county seat. After some communication, Xiao Xia's mother apologized to Xiao Xia and promised to stay at home with her for a while. "Later, I often chatted with Xiaoxia's mother and communicated with her how to deal with the parent-child relationship. Now, they have a good relationship with mother and daughter. Zhao Chunrong said.

From "black" to "green", Longcun butterflies have the power of women

In addition to group preaching, Zhao Chunrong often communicates with village women individually about family education methods.

"The Women's Federation will provide whatever services the women need, and our services will flow wherever women and families need services. Kuang Suzhen told today's women's newspaper/Fengwang reporter that Longcun Yao Village has set up a family education volunteer tour team, a women's love care team, and a women's law popularization and mediation team, and took the initiative to go into the villagers' groups and villagers' families to deliver services to their homes. Among them, since 2022, 44 family education lectures have been carried out, with more than 5,000 people participating, in 2023, the village has paired up to help 2 special children, visited 30 children in need, and donated more than 80,000 yuan in materials; in the past two years, 26 lectures on women's and children's rights protection have been held, 12 legal popularization activities have been carried out, more than 300 legal consultations have been answered, and 52 conflict mediation sessions have been carried out, with a mediation success rate of 100%.

In recent years, Longcun Yao Village has not only won national honors such as the Advanced Collective of the All-China Women's Federation System and the National Rural Governance Demonstration Village, but also appeared as a national model of women's meritorious service, a provincial model worker, a provincial 38 Red Flag Bearer, and a good person in Hunan.

Kuang Suzhen said that the reason why "she power" can play a role in the development of Yao Village in Longcun is due to the fact that it adheres to the guidance of "party building leads women's construction, women's construction promotes party building, and co-construction helps revitalization", and through the innovation of the "three threes" work method (that is, building "three platforms" such as women's participation in self-governance platform, women's normal discussion platform, and "Hunan sister energy home", we will do a good job in the integration of skill training and industrial upgrading, the integration of happy families and beautiful village construction, and the integration of good family style and civilized village style. The "three teams" such as the Women's Love Care Team and the Women's Law Popularization and Mediation Team integrate "women's construction" into grassroots governance, promote the integration and mutual promotion of the work of the Women's Federation and grassroots governance, and boost rural revitalization.

Edit: Yiyi

Second trial: poetry rhyme

Third trial: Ouyang Lingxi