
Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

author:Sweet Orange's Entertainment Cottage


Everyone's growth process is more or less full of accidents and ups and downs, especially those public figures who stand on the cusp. Their life trajectories are often magnificent, not only with ups and downs in their careers, but also with colorful emotional lives. Today, let's walk into the story of Jiang Zuping, a low-key actress from the prime of life to the vicissitudes of life, and get a glimpse of her unknown inner world between honor and fall.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

Born in an ordinary family, she dressed as a boy in men's clothes

In 1978, Jiang Zuping was born in an ordinary family in Taiwan. Her parents were farmers for a living, and the family was not wealthy. Due to the deep-rooted concept of patriarchy in the family, Jiang Zuping has been raised as a boy since he was a child, usually wearing all the old clothes worn by his brothers, and his hair is cut as short as a boy. In her childhood, there were no skirts and hair accessories that girls should have, instead of "boyish" play such as climbing trees and playing ball.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

The neighbor's aunt still remembers that when he was a child, Jiang Zu was skinny and skinny, and he was very thin. But she has a stubborn personality and never complains about it, but is Xi to dressing as a boy and treats herself as another son in the family. "I remember when she was in elementary school, she always wore patches and shabby clothes, and I never heard her complain. Auntie said.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

When I was in high school, I worked here and there to get rid of my family's financial dependence

After entering puberty, Jiang Zuping gradually realized that he was different from other girls. Her classmates like to dress up, but she still wears boys' clothes; The students talked about their future ideals, but she was not interested in the discussions.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

In order to get rid of his family's financial dependence, Jiang Zuping began to do odd jobs everywhere to make money in high school. I washed dishes in a restaurant during my dropout time, worked as a cashier in a supermarket after school, and went to the construction site to move bricks during winter and summer vacations. Although she didn't make much money, she gained the joy of being self-reliant.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

At the age of 19, she became a model and began to get involved in the entertainment industry

In 1997, 19-year-old Jiang Zuping became a graphic model with his slender and slender figure and set foot in the showbiz for the first time. In the same year, she participated in the first TV series "Home is a Litter of Pigs" and officially started her career as an actress.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

With his charming appearance, Jiang Zuping soon became famous in the entertainment industry. A staff member recalled that when he first entered the industry, Jiang Zuping was tall, with deep facial features, and a sweet and gentle smile, giving people a bookish and quiet feeling. "She's in very good shape and works hard, so it's going well. ”

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

In 2002, the rise of the drama was named "the first beauty in ancient costumes"

In 2002, Jiang Zuping won praise for his acting skills with the role of the martial arts drama "Fengyun", and his popularity soared, and he became a popular flower in one fell swoop. Her exquisite costume style and outstanding grasp of appearance dazzled the audience. When "Fengyun" was popular in the mainland, Jiang Zuping was even known as "the first beauty in ancient costumes".

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

"I remember that "Fengyun" caused a warm response all over the country, and Jiang Zuping became an instant hit, and various endorsements and resources followed. Voice actor Bai Ran said, "Fans have said that no one can perfectly interpret the role of Youruo like Jiang Zuping, her sharp eyes, charming lips and noble temperament in classical costumes are really beautiful." ”

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

The audience even said that Jiang Zuping's costume style and temperament even surpassed that of the first-line Hua Dan. "There is no lack of softness in her intellectuality, and she is polite and heroic, which perfectly shapes the entanglement and pain in her heart. Film critic Du Haifeng wrote.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

In the following years, Jiang Zuping played the heroine in many TV series one after another, successively playing different roles such as urban white-collar workers, petite female doctors, temperament teachers, etc., showing excellent cross-dressing ability, reaching the peak of her career and becoming a first-line actress. Some comments believe that her facial features are three-dimensional, her skin is white and beautiful, her eyes and delicate expression control are very good, which is completely comparable to the popular Huadan.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

In 2015, he changed his life with a slap and fell into a trough

In 2015, Jiang Zuping cooperated with Guo Ziqian to shoot "Love You Unconditionally". There is a scene in the play where the male protagonist slaps the female protagonist. In order to pursue the realism of the drama, Jiang Zuping insisted on not using a stand-in and completed the scene himself.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

However, Guo Ziqian entered the play too deeply, and slapped too hard, directly causing Jiang Zuping a concussion. This slap not only changed the trajectory of Jiang Zuping's life, but also ruined Guo Ziqian's acting career.

After the fight, Miss Jiang's face was pale and she broke out in a cold sweat, and we were all frightened. The crew said that after Jiang Zuping was rushed to the hospital, doctors judged that she was at risk of permanent hearing loss. For an actor who makes a living from acting, hearing problems are undoubtedly devastating.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

For a period of time after that, Jiang Zuping was often dizzy and vomiting, unable to work. Her career fell into a trough and she didn't appear in front of the audience for a long time. And this accident also became the end of Guo Ziqian's acting career.

Miss Jiang has a direct personality and posted on the Internet criticizing Mr. Guo for his lack of repentance and poor acting skills. An insider revealed, "Mr. Guo's reputation was damaged, and he later faded out of the circle." ”

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

has many scandals and a rich love life

In addition to the ups and downs of his career, Jiang Zuping's love life is also very colorful. She has had scandals with many male stars, the most famous of which is her relationship with Li Liren. The two met and fell in love in the crew, and they were very close for a while, but later broke up.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

In addition, Jiang Zuping also had news of dating and love with male stars such as Ma Zhixiang and Zhou Xiaoan, but they all ended up breaking up. After a long period of singleness, her latest scandal was with little-known amateur singer Yang Yizhan. The two once kissed in public to show their love, which attracted attention.

In addition to scandals with men, Jiang Zuping was also rumored to have a big quarrel with the actress's agent, which led to rumors that his sexual orientation was controversial. But she herself denied the claim.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

An actor who has worked with him said with a smile that Jiang Zu is straightforward and generous, and he is open to feelings, so he has frequent dating partners. "She has a personality like a boy, and she has the courage to pursue when she meets someone she likes, but unfortunately she has bad emotional luck and fails to meet her true destiny. ”

Today's low-key life is still carefully maintained

Today, Jiang Zuping has faded out of sight for several years. The 45-year-old lives a low-key life and occasionally posts photos of herself on her social accounts. Judging from the recent photos, Jiang Zuping is still carefully maintained, with firm skin and beautiful facial lines, not at all like a middle-aged woman.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

In 2021, Jiang Zuping participated in the TV series "Life Catcher" as a supporting role, although there were not many scenes, he still impressed the audience with his delicate acting skills and won praise. The public has left messages, hoping that she will make a comeback and appear frequently.

Although Jiang Zuping's acting career is not as smooth sailing as she imagined, she has experienced vicissitudes in her relationship and career, but now Jiang Zuping seems to be in a peaceful mood. Perhaps for her, such a life is both free and valuable.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry

was praised as "the first beauty in ancient costumes" when she was popular, Jiang Zuping's life will surely become a legend in the entertainment industry. Her ups and downs in her acting career also inspires every ordinary person to know how to accept life's dissatisfaction and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Jiang Zuping: From the prime to the vicissitudes of low-key, her story makes people cry


Jiang Zuping's life can be described as legendary, she rose from an ordinary peasant girl in the entertainment industry to the "No. 1 beauty in ancient costumes", but she also encountered a great change in fate at the peak of her career and once fell into a trough. However, she did not give up and still maintained her zest for life. Today's Jiang Zuping no longer has the ambition and momentum of the past, she seems to have found inner peace and enjoyed the hard-won quiet time.

Everyone will experience similar circumstances to Jiang Zuping at certain stages of life, and what we can do is to face them bravely and positively like her, and accept all the ups and downs of life with a peaceful mind.

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