
The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

author:Honey snow lily honey

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My name is Li Fang, I am five years old Chinese New Year's Eve today, and I am the eldest daughter-in-law in my family. This Spring Festival was particularly unpeaceful, because I made a suggestion that surprised the whole family: let my in-laws move to my brother-in-law's house to care for the elderly after the New Year.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

"What do you mean by that?" said the mother-in-law's voice with displeasure, and she sat on the sofa with a frown.

I took a deep breath and tried to make my voice sound calm: "Mom, I think that the conditions of the little uncle's family are better, and he is in the field all the year round, so you can take care of it when you go." ”

The mother-in-law snorted coldly, and the father-in-law next to her didn't say a word, just lowered his head and smoked.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

"Fangfang, what you said was too unexpected for us. The father-in-law finally spoke, his voice low.

"Yes, we have lived here for so many years, and we are not Xi to suddenly moving to the little uncle's side. The mother-in-law continued.

I know it's not going to be easy, but I have to persevere. Because since I got married, I have been doing my best in this family, but I often feel neglected and not understood. Especially my mother-in-law, she is always critical of me, the eldest daughter-in-law, but she is very fond of my brother-in-law.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

"Mom, I know you don't Xi used to it, but I also have my own problems. I tried to calm my voice as much as possible, "I've been busy with work and taking care of my family for the past few years, and I'm really a little overwhelmed. ”

"Then you're saying we're causing you trouble?" the mother-in-law's voice suddenly raised.

At this time, my husband Xiao Li walked in, he sat down between us, and tried to reconcile between us: "Mom, Fangfang also has her reason for saying this, we can discuss it well." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

"Discuss? I think it's been decided a long time ago. The mother-in-law said dissatisfied.

"That's not the case, Mom," I hastened to explain, "I just think that my brother-in-law should also share some of the family responsibilities." ”

"How can I, a big man, take care of the elderly?" At this time, the little uncle Xiaogang suddenly appeared from the kitchen, and there was a trace of impatience in his words.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

"You don't have to take care of you, you just let your parents live with you, aren't you often away from home?" I couldn't help but retort.

"I'm not at home just to make money to support my family, but now you want to push my parents to me?" Xiao Gang's voice became louder and louder.

"Alright, alright, everybody calm down. Xiao Li stood up and tried to calm the argument, "Let's sit down and have a good talk." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

At this time, my daughter Xiaoxue ran out of the room, her eyes were full of doubts: "Mom, are grandparents moving?"

I looked at Xiaoxue and felt a sour feeling in my heart. Yes, in this family, in addition to me and Xiao Li, there are also children, who are also part of this family.

"Xiaoxue, grandparents may have to go to live with my little uncle for a while. "I try to make my voice sound as easy as possible.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

"Why? I don't want them to go. Xiaoxue's eyes were red.

At this time, the mother-in-law stood up, walked up to Xiaoxue, and whispered, "Xiaoxue, grandma doesn't want to leave you, but there are some things that we adults need to solve well." ”

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became heavy. I know that this decision may change a lot of things in our family, but I have to stick with it. Because I believe that everyone should take responsibility for this family

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

At night, the atmosphere at home is still tense. At the dinner table, everyone ate very little, and an awkward silence filled the entire restaurant.

I took a piece of meat and put it in my mother-in-law's bowl, and said in a calm voice as much as possible, "Mom, you eat more." ”

My mother-in-law glanced at me and barely took a bite of the food: "I have no appetite." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

After dinner, I took Xiaoxue to my room to do homework, while Xiao Li stayed in the living room to talk to her parents. I could hear their muffled conversations, but I couldn't tell exactly what they were saying.

Xiaoxue held the pen and looked up at me from time to time, her eyes were full of worry: "Mom, did you quarrel with grandma?"

I touched her head: "It's not a quarrel, it's something we need to work out." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

"I don't want my grandparents to go. Xiaoxue lowered her head, her voice small.

"I know, baby, but sometimes, things are complicated between adults. "I try to make my voice sound firm.

Outside the room, the mother-in-law's voice rose again: "I said, I won't go!"

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

I took a deep breath and felt a pang of weakness in my heart. Such an argument did not solve anything, but only made the atmosphere in the house more and more tense.

The next day, I decided to talk to my brother-in-law. He started a small company in the local area and rarely returned home.

When I came to his office, he was obviously a little surprised: "Sister, why are you here?"

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

I said bluntly, "Xiaogang, I want to talk to you about my parents." ”

Xiao Gang frowned: "Didn't I already say it yesterday, I can't take care of them." ”

"It's not for you to take care of, just for them to live with you. I tried to stay calm, "You should also take some responsibility for this home." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

"I know I'm responsible, but I'm too busy with my own business. Xiao Gang looked a little anxious, "There are a lot of things in my company, how can I have time to take care of the elderly." ”

"But I'm the same. I couldn't help but raise my voice, "I also have a job, and I have to take care of my children and family. Why should all this be on me?"

Xiao Gang was silent for a while, and then sighed: "Okay, I'll think about it." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

I know it wasn't an easy decision, but at least I expressed my position.

On the way home, I thought about it a lot. In this home, everyone has their own lives and pressures, but the responsibilities of the family should not be borne by just one person. I hope we can find a solution that is acceptable to everyone.

When I got home, my mother-in-law was busy in the kitchen. I walked over and tried to help her, "Mom, I'll do it." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

My mother-in-law looked at me and didn't say anything, but didn't refuse. The two of us were busy in the kitchen and didn't speak, but the silence was much better than the previous argument.

At dinner, the atmosphere at home seemed to ease up a bit. Xiao Li and Xiao Gang also returned, and everyone sat together, although they still didn't say much, but at least it was no longer that oppressive silence.

After dinner, Xiao Li took me to the balcony, he looked at me, his eyes were full of worry: "Fang, don't force yourself too much." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

I smiled, "I'm fine, I just want to make this home a little better." ”

He held my hand tightly: "No matter what, I support you. ”

I leaned on his shoulder, feeling a little comfort. At least, I'm not alone in this home.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

The next day, I decided to invite Xiaogang's wife, Xiaomei, to have tea and chat. Xiaomei is a working woman, usually busy with work, and doesn't care too much about things at home.

In the café, I expressed my thoughts frankly to Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, I know that Xiaogang is very busy at work, but I think he should also share some of the things at home. ”

Xiaomei nodded thoughtfully: "I understand what you mean, in fact, I also think that Xiaogang should care more about the family." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

I felt a little relieved that at least Xiaomei could understand my position.

"I'll talk to him," Mei said, "but you know his temper and I can't guarantee how he'll react." ”

"I understand, as long as you can help me speak, I'm grateful. I said gratefully.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

On the way home, I was thinking about how I could restore harmony to this home. I understand that everyone has their own pressures and difficulties, but if we can understand and support each other, things will be much easier.

A few days later, Xiao Gang suddenly came to our house, and his attitude changed a lot.

"Sister, I've thought about it a lot," he said, "and I can try to get my parents to come and stay with me for a while." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

Xiao Li and I were both surprised, we didn't expect Xiao Gang to change his attitude so quickly.

"Really? That's great. I couldn't help but say with gratitude.

"But I have one condition," Xiao Gang said, "I wish I had a nanny over there to take care of them, I really don't have the time myself." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

"Of course you can," I quickly agreed, "and we can find the right person together." ”

Things seem to be moving in a good direction, and while there are still many details to be negotiated, at least we have taken the first step.

In the days that followed, we were busy finding a babysitter and arranging for our parents to move. Although my mother-in-law was still a little reluctant, she gradually accepted this decision under our persuasion.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

Finally, the day of moving came. My mother-in-law and father-in-law packed their luggage, and our whole family went to Xiaogang's house to help settle in.

Xiaogang's home is very large, and the conditions are much better than ours. The parents' room was warmly furnished and an experienced nanny was hired to take care of them.

Watching my parents adjust to their new home made me feel relieved. Although they left our home, at least I knew they would be well taken care of.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

On the first weekend after we moved, our whole family went to visit our parents at Xiaogang's house. Xiaoxue and Xiaogang's children had a lot of fun, and the whole house was full of laughter.

My mother-in-law was busy cooking in the kitchen, and I volunteered to help. We chopped and stir-fried vegetables together, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed than before.

"Mom, I've worked hard for you this time. I whispered.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

My mother-in-law didn't respond directly, but I saw a smile on the corner of her mouth.

At the dinner table, everyone sat around and ate the delicious food made by the mother-in-law. I watched this warm scene with a sense of satisfaction.

Although our family went through some ups and downs, we eventually found a solution to the problem. Everyone has taken their share of responsibility and learned to better understand and support each other.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

That night, when I got home, Xiao Li pulled me to sit on the sofa.

"Fang, thank you so much this time. He said, "You've restored harmony to this family." ”

I smiled and leaned on his shoulder: "We did it together, dear." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

Home is not only a place to live, but also a harbor for mutual support and common growth. Our home, although not perfect, is warmer and better because of each other's efforts and understanding.

A few months passed, and the parents' life at Xiaogang's house gradually got on track. I visit them every week and every time I see their smiles, I feel so comforted.

One day, Xiaomei called me, and her tone was full of nervousness: "Li Fang, can you come to our house? There are some things I want to talk to you face-to-face." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

I felt a little uneasy and hurried to Xiaogang's house. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Xiaomei sitting anxiously on the sofa.

"What's the matter, Mei, what's the matter?" I asked.

Xiaomei took a deep breath and said, "It's about Mom." Recently, she is not in good health and often feels dizzy. ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

My heart sank: "Yes, do I need to go to the hospital for a check-up?"

"I'm not sure either, but I think I should check it out as soon as possible. Xiaomei said.

I immediately decided to take my mother-in-law to the hospital. After the test results came out, the doctor said that the mother-in-law was due to high blood pressure and senile dizziness. Although it is not very serious, it needs to be recuperated and checked regularly.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

Back at Xiaogang's house, Xiaomei and I discussed in detail about my mother-in-law's care plan. I propose to add some nutritious foods for the elderly and schedule more breaks.

"I will pay more attention to my mother's diet and rest. Xiaomei said seriously.

I looked at her gratefully, "Thank you, Xiaomei. I'm reassured that you're doing that. ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

On the way home, I wondered if there was any other way to help my mother-in-law. Suddenly, I thought of my own parents. After they retire, they often participate in senior activities in the community and live a very fulfilling life.

The next day, I took my mother-in-law to the community center. There are a variety of activities such as tai chi, calligraphy classes, and singing groups. My mother-in-law was initially resistant, but with my encouragement, she decided to try her hand at a calligraphy class.

After a few weeks, my mother-in-law gradually developed a love for Xi, and she practiced it regularly even at home. Her physical condition has also improved significantly, and she seems to be more energetic.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

Xiao Gang was also relieved to see these changes. "Sister, thank you so much. I see that my mother is so happy now, and I am much more relieved. ”

I smiled and said, "It's our joint effort." ”

Time passed like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, it was the Spring Festival again. During this year's Spring Festival, we decided to gather as a family at Xiaogang's house.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the house is very lively. Everyone makes dumplings together and prepares the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner. Xiaoxue and Xiaogang's children were having fun on the side.

The mother-in-law looked at everyone with a happy smile on her face. "I haven't been so lively in so many years. She sighed.

At the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, we sat around and enjoyed the delicious food and warm atmosphere. Xiao Gang proposed: "Come, let's raise a glass of blessings, and hope that everyone will be healthy and happy in the new year." ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

We toasted with smiles on our faces. I look at this happy family and my heart is filled with gratitude and satisfaction.

In the evening, when everyone went to rest, I sat alone on the balcony and watched the fireworks in the night sky. I think about the past year. Although we have experienced many difficulties and challenges, we have also learned to better understand and support each other.

At home, sometimes there are indeed contradictions and conflicts, but as long as we are willing to understand and tolerate each other, we will definitely be able to find a solution to the problem. I believe that as long as we continue to work hard, our home will become more harmonious and happy.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

After the Spring Festival, life returned to peace. Xiao Li and I are still busy with our respective work, and Xiao Xue's performance in school is getting better and better. Every time we get together as a family, we can feel an indescribable happiness.

Over the next few months, I started to focus more on my mother-in-law's health. I often took her to the hospital for physical examinations, and I also consulted several dietitians to formulate a reasonable diet plan for her. Slowly, her mother-in-law's health improved significantly, and she even began to teach Xiaoxue to learn Xi, and the relationship between the two became more and more intimate.

Xiaogang and Xiaomei also gradually adapted to the life of taking care of the elderly. They began to value family more, often inviting us to dinner on weekends. Xiao Gang sometimes complains about the hard work of taking care of the elderly, but whenever he sees the healthy smiling faces of his parents, his complaints turn into pride and satisfaction.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

Over time, the relationship between our family has also become more harmonious. The misunderstandings and contradictions of the past are gradually being replaced by understanding and communication. We began to learn how to communicate more effectively and how to solve problems based on mutual respect.

On a sunny weekend, our family decided to go on a picnic in the countryside. It's something we haven't done together in a long time. We found a scenic spot, spread out picnic mats and put on a variety of delicacies. Children chase and play on the grass, while adults sit around and enjoy this rare family time.

The mother-in-law sat on the grass and watched the children play, with a satisfied smile on her face. Xiao Li walked over and gently held her hand: "Mom, thank you." Because of you, our family is more complete. ”

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

The mother-in-law looked at Xiao Li, her eyes were a little moist: "It's our family's joint effort." ”

I watched this scene and my heart was full of emotion. This is home, no matter how many difficulties and challenges we encounter, as long as we support each other and work together, there is nothing that cannot be overcome.

In the afternoon, we walked together on the suburban paths and enjoyed the beauty of nature. Xiaoxue and Xiaogang's children ran around from time to time, full of energy and laughter.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

Xiaomei, who was walking behind, quietly took my hand: "Li Fang, thank you." You are the one who makes our family more harmonious. ”

I smiled and shook my head: "It's all a joint effort." ”

At that moment, I deeply felt that home is a place of shared responsibility and common growth. Here, we learn to love, learn to tolerate, and learn how to become a better version of ourselves.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

The days flowed peacefully and happily. Our home, though not luxuriously decorated, without a prominent position, has priceless warmth and love. This love makes us stronger in the face of difficulties and challenges, and also makes our lives richer and better.

Whenever night comes, I sit in front of the window and watch the stars in the night sky, and there is always a warm current in my heart. These stars are like each member of our family, although they shine individually, but together they make up this warm family.

I believe that as long as we continue to maintain this love and understanding, no matter what the future holds, our home will always be that warm, harmonious and loving harbor.

The daughter-in-law asked her in-laws to move to her brother-in-law's house for the elderly after the New Year, but the mother-in-law took out the account book: I will leave after I settle it

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!

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