
What is the most hurtful thing your parents have ever said to you? The comments in the comment area have silenced thousands of netizens!

author:A small rain bubble

What is the most hurtful thing your parents have ever said to you? The comments in the comment area have silenced thousands of netizens!

What is the most hurtful thing your parents have ever said to you? The comments in the comment area have silenced thousands of netizens!

In this world, the people who love us the most are our parents. They give us life, they raise us, and their love is selfless and deep. However, just like every family has its own contradictions and conflicts, parents and children often say things that hurt our hearts because of some seemingly ordinary little things.

First of all, let's talk about the experience of a netizen Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang's parents always wanted him to become a doctor or a lawyer, but he loved art and wanted to become a painter. He expressed his thoughts to his parents, only to be met with strong opposition from them. They said, "Why are you so disobedient, we are all for your good, but you are so willful!" Such words made Xiao Zhang feel very sad and helpless.

Another netizen, Xiao Li's experience, is also heart-wrenching. His parents always hoped that he would get into a good university and a stable job in the future. But Xiao Li likes freelancing, and he wants to be able to live his life on his own terms. He had a frank exchange of ideas with his parents, only to be met with their reproach and disappointment. They said, "Why are you so uncompetitive, we have worked hard for you to study, and you will repay us like this?" Such words made Xiao Li feel very guilty and self-blame.

What is the most hurtful thing your parents have ever said to you? The comments in the comment area have silenced thousands of netizens!

There are many similar examples, and the comments in the comment area have silenced thousands of netizens! One of the netizens said: "Every word of our parents is like a sharp sword, piercing deeply into our hearts." Another netizen said: "Sometimes, we really want to communicate well with our parents, but they always speak in that high-minded tone, which makes us feel very uncomfortable." ”

In fact, we all know that many times parents say these hurtful things not out of malice, but because they can't accept our choices and decisions. They want us to live our lives the way they want them because they think that's the best way to do it. However, we also need to understand that everyone has their own dreams and pursuits, and we should respect each other's choices and decisions.

In this process, we need to learn to communicate with our parents. We want to tell them what we think and feel and let them know our inner world. At the same time, we must also respect the opinions and ideas of our parents, after all, they are the closest people to us. We can try to find a balance where we can both accept and understand each other's ideas and decisions.

In addition, we must learn to be tolerant and understanding. After all, everyone makes mistakes, and parents are no exception. Sometimes, they may say something hurtful, but we can't let that stop them from giving up. We need to use love and understanding to resolve the contradictions and misunderstandings between each other. We can try to understand their thoughts and circumstances, so that they can feel cared for and supported.

What is the most hurtful thing your parents have ever said to you? The comments in the comment area have silenced thousands of netizens!

In closing, I would like to say that no matter what hurtful things our parents say, they always love us. Their words and actions may make us feel sad and helpless at times, but their love is always the same. We must learn to be grateful and cherish this love, and at the same time, we need to use love and understanding to resolve the contradictions and misunderstandings between each other. Only in this way can we establish a harmonious and happy family relationship.

I hope that every family can be harmonious, happy and happy!

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