
After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

Recently, a "mathematical genius girl" named Jiang Ping has attracted widespread attention.

She originally studied fashion design, but after two years of self-taught mathematics, she participated in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition and finished 12th in the world.

As soon as the news came out, praise poured in, and she became a model of "someone else's child".

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

Then the plot reversed, and many people questioned the fact that his results were watery, because it was unconvincing to achieve such an achievement across majors in such a short period of time.

In the face of doubts, Alibaba Damo Academy and Jiang Ping himself chose to remain silent, causing many speculations.

Zhao Bin, a professor at Peking University, publicly questioned Jiang Ping for fraud and made a bet of 5 million, but in the end, he failed to do so, and claimed to be a "victim", making the incident more and more confusing.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

Netizens also had heated discussions, some people thought that the open-book exam could not be plagiarized, and some people speculated that the results of the preliminaries might be caused by the team.

Now the doubts continue, and the parties remain silent.

We look forward to an open and transparent outcome, and we call on everyone to look at it rationally and allow time for the truth.

Recently, Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old secondary school student from Lianshui, Jiangsu Province, sprung up in the Ali Global Mathematics Competition, amazed the mathematics community with the 12th place in the preliminary round, becoming the first secondary school student to enter the finals and the only female player to break into the top 30 in the world.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

The "genius girl" who came out of this ordinary town has shown extraordinary perseverance and talent on the road of pursuing her dream of mathematics, but she has also become the focus of public opinion.

Jiang Ping, an ordinary Jiangsu Lianshui secondary school student, usually lives in a small town located in Lianshui County, Huai'an City.

Her home is not wealthy, the house is not large, the kitchen and utility room are still mud houses, and the bedroom layout is quite simple.

It was in such an inconspicuous environment that Jiang Ping developed a strong interest in mathematics.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

She attended Yixing Middle School in Lianshui County, located in Hongyao Township, where teaching conditions were limited, but Jiang Ping's passion for mathematics never waned.

After entering high school, Jiang Ping's math teacher, Wang Yanqiu, became her math guide.

Under the guidance of Ms. Wang, Jiang Ping began to study books such as "Advanced Mathematics" of Tongji University on her own, and gradually showed her talent in mathematics.

Teacher Wang Yanqiu has a very high opinion of Jiang Ping, who believes that Jiang Ping has extraordinary talent and keen insight in mathematics.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

Jiang Ping's counterattack was not all smooth sailing.

She scored 621 points in the high school entrance examination, but chose to go to secondary school.

This choice sparked widespread discussion among netizens, with some people believing that it was a helpless move because the family had no money.

But in fact, Jiang Ping's family conditions can reach the level of an ordinary family in the village, his father has an income from a part-time job, the family has land, and the village still has a support policy.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

For township candidates whose overall performance is not outstanding and whose teaching conditions are limited, they have a greater chance of participating in the counterpart single recruitment through technical secondary school to go to undergraduate colleges.

This is also one of the important reasons why Jiang Ping chose secondary school.

In the Ali Global Mathematics Competition, Jiang Ping won the 12th place in the preliminary round as a secondary school student with her own efforts and talents.

This achievement not only put her in the limelight, but also made her a rising star in the world of mathematics.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

With Jiang Ping's popularity, doubts also followed.

Some people think that her speed of self-learning mathematics across majors is too fast, and her grades are watery; Some people even speculate that she achieved such a high score through cheating and other means.

In the face of these doubts, Alibaba DAMO Academy and Jiang Ping himself chose to remain silent.

In the eyes of netizens, this silence is more like an attitude of "there is no silver three hundred taels here", which makes the doubts even more turbulent.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

At this time, Zhao Bin, a professor at Peking University, publicly questioned Jiang Ping's fake results and expressed his willingness to make a bet with Jiang Ping with 5 million.

This move made the incident even more confusing, and also sparked more attention and discussion.

However, over time, Zhao's doubts have not been supported by substantial evidence.

His bet eventually fell through, and he even claimed to be a "victim".

This series of anti-transfer netizens discussed more enthusiastically, some supported Jiang Ping to think that she was a genius girl, and some insisted that her grades were watery.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

In this public opinion turmoil, Jiang Ping has always remained calm and firm.

She said that her interest in mathematics has never changed, and she has never thought of cheating or other means to achieve results.

She hopes to make more contributions to the mathematical community through her efforts and talents.

At the same time, she also thanked those who have always supported her and hoped that they would continue to support her dream.

We may not be able to draw a definitive conclusion about this incident.

But in any case, Jiang Ping's courage and talent are worthy of our admiration.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

She has proved with her own practical actions that secondary school students can also achieve outstanding results in the field of mathematics.

At the same time, this incident also shows us the power and complexity of public opinion.

In the context of the information age, we need to look at various events and people more rationally and objectively.

While Jiang Ping's counterattack story continues to ferment, we can't help but think: how did this young girl learn mathematics by herself and successfully break into the finals of the global mathematics competition in the environment of secondary school learning? What are the realities and challenges behind this?

Jiang Ping's path to self-study was not all smooth sailing.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

In a learning environment such as a secondary school, mathematics courses are usually relatively basic, which is difficult to satisfy her desire for in-depth learning of mathematics.

She needs to spend a lot of time and energy to teach herself higher level mathematics such as advanced mathematics.

The difficulties and challenges can be imagined, but Jiang Ping relied on her love and perseverance for mathematics to overcome the difficulties step by step, and finally achieved remarkable results.

It was such achievements that made Jiang Ping fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

On the one hand, her success has inspired many young people to pursue their dreams, defy difficulties and move forward bravely. On the other hand, there are also people who question her achievements, believing that she may have achieved them through improper means.

These doubts not only brought huge psychological pressure to Jiang Ping, but also made her have to face more challenges.

In addition to her own efforts, Jiang Ping has also received support and help from many people.

Her math teacher, Wang Yanqiu, has always encouraged her to pursue her dreams and has provided her with many valuable advice and guidance.

Her family has always supported her choice, giving her endless love and care.

After the finals, both Damo Academy and Jiang Ping chose to be silent: this silent response caused controversy among netizens!

These supports and encouragement made Jiang Ping more determined to strengthen her belief and determination.

Jiang Ping has to face top mathematicians from all over the world, many of whom have deep math skills and rich competition experience.

In such a competition, Jiang Ping needs to stay calm and confident and play her best.

She also needs to keep learning and improving her math skills and problem-solving skills.

We look forward to Jiang Ping continuing to move forward on the road of mathematics in the future and achieving more brilliant achievements.

At the same time, we also hope that the society can give more support and encouragement to young people, so that they can bravely pursue their dreams and contribute more to China's future.

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