
Deficiency heat, dampness heat, blood stasis and heat, not all heat, teach you three tricks, clear heat, and relieve fire, and relax your whole body

author:Director of Chinese medicine Hei Weike

Don't feel dry mouth and bitter mouth, sores on the mouth and tongue are angry, and then start to clear the heat and relieve the fire. However, according to my clinical experience of thirty or forty years, not all fires need to be extinguished, because hypothermia, dampness and blood stasis will also generate heat, and if you don't figure out the root cause of heat, it will only make you hotter and hotter.

Deficiency heat, dampness heat, blood stasis and heat, not all heat, teach you three tricks, clear heat, and relieve fire, and relax your whole body

Why does deficiency generate heat?

That is to say, yin deficiency generates internal heat, you must know that the yin fluid and yang energy in this body pay attention to the balance of yin and yang, for example, yin deficiency, the body will also decrease, and the yang energy that balances with it will naturally increase, and then there will be a void fire, and at this time, the body fluid is insufficient.

Our most obvious feeling is "heat", such as a sore throat, hot and dry body, upset and upset, and I can't sleep at night, and I always sweat. At this time, when I stretched out my tongue, I saw that my tongue was red and my tongue coating was very small. In response to this problem of yin deficiency and internal heat, my conditioning method is to nourish yin and relieve fire, make up for the missing yin fluid, and extinguish the burning internal fire.

Deficiency heat, dampness heat, blood stasis and heat, not all heat, teach you three tricks, clear heat, and relieve fire, and relax your whole body

The second is damp heat.

You know, when we have dampness in our body, it will hinder the movement of qi, blood and fluid, and after a long time, we will generate heat, which is like crowding a bus on a rainy day. In addition, this kind of friends also often have chest tightness and shortness of breath, as well as loss of appetite, nausea and retching, looking at the situation of the tongue coating, it is also relatively thick, then this situation can not clear dampness and heat, but to dispel dampness, that Bazheng San is a very good choice.

Deficiency heat, dampness heat, blood stasis and heat, not all heat, teach you three tricks, clear heat, and relieve fire, and relax your whole body

So why do you say blood stasis and fever?

You know, blood stasis and dampness will hinder the flow of qi and blood, but this symptom is indeed completely different, the most obvious situation of friends with blood congestion is that they always feel a pain in a certain part of the body from time to time, and there is thirst and dry mouth but do not want to drink water, look at the tongue, it is also a state of petechiae on the tongue, so what should we do in this situation?

Deficiency heat, dampness heat, blood stasis and heat, not all heat, teach you three tricks, clear heat, and relieve fire, and relax your whole body

Of course, these contents are for reference only, if you have any problems, you should also seek medical attention offline.